National wonders

Hull tyyp

May 1, 2020
Not really a new idea but I wish they added national wonders from past games into the game.

It's the perfect answer to the question:
How to buff tall without buffing/nerfing wide?

For those who haven't played earlier games: National wonders are like world wonders, only that everyone can build one copy of them. For example everyone can build one "National Library" that gives nice science related bonuses. (like +6 science and one free tech) There might be around 6 or so national wonders that boost each victory type. Now the quirk with national wonders is that they get more expensive to build the more cities you have. So tall player would build the thing with maybe half the cost of a world wonder in that era while the wide player would need to invest the production of maybe 1.5x the cost of a world wonder.

Implementing national wonders seems painfully obvious to me. Tie their cost with settler cost. The more settlers you make the more expensive they get and the more national wonders you make the more expensive settlers get.

You can even have settlers build the damn things. Could make them as sort of great tile improvements or something that can only be made with settlers. Perhaps only one allowed per city with that tile becoming non swappable. Maybe you would have to combine 2 settlers together first, or have a totally new unit that shares settler cost. Very gamey idea I know but would be fun I think. Imagine the yields!
Say there are a total of 6 different national wonders. Now a wide player wouldn't want to waste 6 or 12 settlers to boost only 6 cities. But could still squeeze in a few to help out with a victory condition. For a tall player it would be very nice investment to significantly boost 6 cities.

Now I know that everybody likes playing wide and it's fine, this game plays really well wide. Only problem with wide is that all the clicking each turn drives you crazy in the later eras. It would be nice to have a chill tall game where you can actually enjoy the end game and still feel powerful.
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