
Yes, the site was originally designed for something like 3,000 nations. And I think as of today there are 30,000+
This site is the worst-maintained server I've ever seen. Didn't this guy sell enough of his books to afford a decent ISP?
The Sovietskii Soyuz has encountered all of your nations. Know this: In the event of any attack on any member of the Apolytonian alliance, the Sovietskii Soyuz shall crush you all.
Originally posted by jpowers
This site is the worst-maintained server I've ever seen. Didn't this guy sell enough of his books to afford a decent ISP?

He hasn't sold any books, as his book hasn't hit the shelves yet. The site was a way to promote his book. It got out of hand, and the server is now handling about 10 times the traffic he expected it to. He doesn't have a staff of any sort to maintain the server, it's just him and whoever he can get to help him out. It's a miracle the server is still up. I expect it to hit the canvas any day now.
Terrible. Anyway, I tried to publish an AP article about President Nixon's address last night, but couldn't get it through. Sorry guys.:(
thats okay, I had a huge war article written out, but after a few hours of errors. I condensed it and it finally posted.
I might actually become UN Delegate! Thanks Dell and whoever Guntheria is! :) I appreciate it! :)
I was wondering that, you only seem to need three endorsements to become the delegate so if you remove your votes you can easily change the delegate :)
Wow if you look at the history of the UN only 3 proposals have ever been passed :)
Thanks Dell19 for endorsing me, and congratulations on becoming delegate! :thumbsup: I assume you're Dellland...
I'm trying to view the forum for the game but its very slow even when its not at peak times.
It's really slow, today it's become even worse.

But hey, I could still outrule Capitalism and set the income tax to 100%. :lol:
I hit the site at about 7 am CST (GMT -6) this morning, and the site was pretty snappy. I guess that's a time when traffic is very low.
I've pretty much given up on nationstates because its so dam slow...Too bad because it seems like a really fun game...
I've also mindlessly stubbornly continued, and I now have a nation of pot-smoking, environmentalist nudists who give their tax mony to whomsoever they please.
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