NC XXXIII: Washington


Prince, Marathon, 1801 AD

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Pretty much a quiet game. Hanni and his hussies decided to DoW sury and spent a few turns taking lots of his cities. It didnt really impact me other than I lost my source of wine.

I mostly kept to myself going through techs and prettying up my land as I get ready to get some baby seals built and go and attack somebody. I am figuring Salad as most likely target.

I guess he was reading my mind cuz he DoW's on me out of NOWHERE :/

NOT the smartest move on his part. Not only does he attack me when I have a tech lead but he sends his STRAIGHT into my staging area for the planned attack on him. Meaning his frigates and galleons get eaten by my battleships and desroyers.

I had to kill of a cpl of his stack smostly cuz I wanted to have enuff seals to fill up all my transports but once I did:

Its MY turn to send a stack into HIS territory :)

And thats where I stopped at this point.

Here is my territory now:

The tech sitch:

And the demos:

I seem to have a resonably safe lead at this point. SO main plan is to try and take out salad the hanni and is hussie for a dom win. I SHOULD have the military to do it. But I am a bit on the clock now:

I have 91 turns to try and get a dom win before my third city goes legendary and I get a culture win instead. I tend to be a bit of slowpoke when it comes to warring so Im gonna have to pick up the pace a lil bit if I want that dom win. Wish me luck :)


Not really sure what can be tweaked at New York at this point. All the tiles are worked and max scientists being run. About the only thing I could try is build a palce there and run bureu but that seems silly at this point. Even cottaging over some of the farms and stuff wouldnt make much diff at this point since they wont have any time to mature. And my empire as a whole is getting over 3k bpt while still running a healthy profit so I am satisfied with my empire as a whole. It just getting done with every city contributing a lil bit instead of one city supercity doing most of the work.

I am curious bought what you said about the slider. I was always under impression that more cottages =more commerce so with lots of commerce the higher you slider the more beakers since the bigger % of commerce gets turned into beakers. Or is my thinking all worng? Wouldnt surprise me if it was since it usually is with these types of things hehe.

I was always under impression that more cottages =more commerce so with lots of commerce the higher you slider the more beakers since the bigger % of commerce gets turned into beakers.
Well, that was the point: you use cottages for the science, it'd be wise to use merchants/bank/courthouses in the sushi-powered cities (and i'd spread where-ever possible) to run merchants and pay for themselves (all whipped btw, i simply cant resist the whipping w/ sushi+kremlin). Put some cities to produce gold, etc. You'd be able to run close to (or 100%) slider that way. The idea is getting the max from the multipliers oxford/academy, etc.

By the way, why did you build the Hermitage into your science city?
Just move the slider to 100% to see how much the city can truly get.

The game was won and your empire - damn huge; I didn't have the slightest doubt you'd win.
Well, that was the point: you use cottages for the science, it'd be wise to use merchants/bank/courthouses in the sushi-powered cities (and i'd spread where-ever possible) to run merchants and pay for themselves (all whipped btw, i simply cant resist the whipping w/ sushi+kremlin). Put some cities to produce gold, etc. You'd be able to run close to (or 100%) slider that way. The idea is getting the max from the multipliers oxford/academy, etc.

By the way, why did you build the Hermitage into your science city?
Just move the slider to 100% to see how much the city can truly get.

The game was won and your empire - damn huge; I didn't have the slightest doubt you'd win.


Ah okies. I admit I never set things up like that. At the end when there is literally NOTHING left to build and I am far ahead cities go on building wealth but but I like building stuff and running max engineers always seems less micromanagy hehe. It works spiffy when Im ahead late game. But my prob is doing stuff like that early game with no kremilin no corps and oxford and other stuff like that are still turns and turns away.

As for hermitage well just for the heck of it. Nat epic was already in my cap and it didnt NEED any other nat wonder and it WAS the laggard of my top 3 culture cities so I figured it would give it a boost just in case I decided I wanted cutlure.

And the game ISNT won YET. I admit I dont SEE how I could lose at this point BUT it wouldnt be the first time I lost cuz of something I never saw coming so dont jinx me hehe :p

Those hammers still are better in Settlers/Workers at that stage. Perhaps if Coach settled more aggressively, he may have 5-6 cities by 400BC along with 25%-50% of a SoZ.

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Follow up question.
What to do about Monty to the West? He's a pest. Seems like I am continuously at war with him. It eventually slows down my teching because I am building units in my cities instead of libraries, markets, etc.

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Don't be shy about warring. :D First of all you are already ahead in tech, you will give up some of that lead to go crush Monty, but when he's out of the way, you should be able to tech faster than if you kept up your centuries-old clan wars.

Prince, Marathon, 1831 AD, Dom win :)

Report part 1

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Well I kill off Salad without too much trouble. But duriing the war I did get this interesting quest:

I even built managttan proj so I could get all 3 choices. Seems I can pick either free combat one promo to a whole ton of unit types like bats and destoryers and fighters and carriers all getting combat 1. I can ban nuclear weapons. Or I can get all harbors giving FIVE commerce thats pretty much a free xtra trade route :).

Well anyways after Salad is kicked out of game I decide:

To go put Ram out of his misery. And I do mean misery>

In one turn when his last warrior-- thats right I said WARRIOR?? Sheesh try and upgrade every once and awhile Ram--falls his lil two city challenge experiment comes to an end.

AFter Ram dies I have to pIck either hanni or sury. to go fater next. I WAS leaning towards Sury just cuz Im STILL annoyed at him for putting a city on MY continent. But then Hanni a) is still in wheooh mode. I am like sheesh what is wrong with you? I have 4 times your power AND I have manahatton project. Even Monty would say you being a lil whacko.


He spawns ANOTHER colonie. Sheesh poor dumb hanni. ALL he had to do was just stay quiet and play with his hussies and I might have left him alone this game DESPITE all his DoW's and just generally being a dillhole thisgame. But NOOO he still has to add another lil colony which is gonna lower power rating average even MORE making it even HARDER to cap Sury. So:

Fine have it your way. Just remeber YOU started it NOT me :p

I kill off Mao take and take some of Izzy's cities as well. I even take some of Hanni's cities too. He doesnt put up much of a counter attack mostly cuz:

LOTS of his units all of a sudden just go poof. Oh yeah almost forgot about that quest--I DIDNT pick the ban nukes option :p

After losing a few cities and seeing others turned into glow in the dark parking lots:

Hanni willing to see reason. But JUST for the agrivation:

I make him fork over EVERYTHING he has. I dont care if I have 10 or em already or if his cities will go into starvation with out it he needs to give me prezzies to show he's sorry for being a dillhole :p

And after Hanni folds:

His Hussies follow suit.

After that I check vic conditions:

Sury gets lucky I dont need any of his cities so I hit shift return and:

I get dom win :D

I will do a post mordem in Part 2


Prince, Marathon, 1831 AD, domw win report part 2.

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Here is my main empire at the end:

Lots of nice pretty cities :)

The final graphs:

And final Demos:

A lil lopsided at the end I admit but I did have a very nice start and Goergie ha ssome spiffy traits and really both the UU and UB are very handy too so that all helped lots :)

And that all adds up to:

A not so bad score I think :)

My best cities:

My hammer city:

There was lots of wonderspamming this game but after hardly building ANY shinie sin the monarchlizzy game I HAD to build some shinies this game hehe :p

My money city:

Two shrines, and Two HQ's and it was doing pretty nice gold wise.

My science city:

Admittedly not an impressive amount of beakers BUT all the warring at end of game like shot my number of cities up from 30 to over 60 in like 40 turns or so and ALL those new cities were overseas and most without courthouses so so slider ended up getting dropped down to 20%.

Corpsspam into the new cities didnt help moneywise either. I think my corp payments alone were over 2k. But:

Getting Corps benefits like that makes it worth the money :)

I also had two nic emilitary cities going:

Boston with Maui statues HE and two settled GE's and

LA with mil academy, west point and redcross. Both could make 3 promo units out of the box and LA could really make some nice medic units with free medic 1 and then woody3. But just free medic alone on baby selas who get freebie march just makes em supper tuff even without any kind of uber medic.

And a last look at the diplo sitch turn beofre the game ended:

I pretty much HAD to go for a dom win cuz it didnt look like I was gonna get many votes for the UN hehe :p. I admit probably NOT my best game diplowise. But oustide of that I think I did ok. It was a fun game and after the very hard monarch game it is FUN having a game where I didnt have to struggle and come from behind :)

Really if there was ANYthing I was sorry bout this game was this--I never erally had a chance to use maces. And excpet for Shakkas scary looking skull faced maces USA has THE coolest maces in BAT mod:

They're soo cute with their spiffy shields and capes and start chest emblems they look like lil superheroes :) So I was a bit sad I didnt really get a chance to use em much. On the other hand I got to use the baby seals LOTS which was very coolies :)

So all in all it was really a fun game so thanks again Cheese and everybody else :)

Initial thoughts are to found right where I am since I can see good growth opportunities with the FP's and the corn. Also lots of (early at least) production with the forests. Considering the start I will try prince this time and hope that Washington's charisma will keep unhappiness at bay.

I am also going to try to force myself to spell out each cities specialization as I go during the updates this game.
Spoiler :

OK so I think I got off to a pretty good start. Nice to see that I am surrounded by war mongerers and no copper! I decided to rush to IW then to see if I can claim some Fe and it is good to see that I can!


I will race to put the next settler from washington into that city. I also rushed to get Judaism despite monty having discovered hinduism. was this a mistake? I guess it basically guarantees war with him. Hopefully I can convert the mongols and get some help if that ends up happening.

I promised I would plan ahead in terms of what each of my cities will do so here goes:

Washington, 925 B.C.0000.JPG

Ahh Washington. What a beautiful cities. Many heathenous Mongols flock to it to have their fortunes read by the fabled Oracle. I think Washington will make a great cottage spam city with a couple decent hills for production - will probably specialize it for science considering...

New York, 925 B.C.0000.JPG

Hopefully, more of those Mongols will stop at New York on their way home and become acquainted with Judaism (Mozeltoff!) since I would love for New York to become a financial powerhouse much as it is in the real world. This will again require cottages and mines on the hills to boost production. You will notice I have farmed some tiles initially to foster an increase growth in the early years. These will eventually be paved over for cottages.

Boston, 925 B.C.0000.JPG

On to Boston, the city which I would never normally settle prior to CS but decided to this time because it pushes towards monty's border and those tasty 3 resources will make it pretty handy in the early game! for now I will use it as my production centre and unit pump against monty.

Any help would of course be appreciated. I am notoriously bad at placing cities properly and really don't know what to do with the land N of Washington. thanks for reading!

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OK so EmperorFool was nice enough to point out to me how the dot mapping tool works in the BUG mod so here goes my first attempt at my potential city sites:

First the north

925BC North DotMap0000.JPG

I am tempted to go for the gem city to the NE but I realize it is probably too far and risks me losing the Iron city closer to the NE (purple). After that city however I am not sure where to go. I think white city SE may be good just to block off the mongols.

I am very unsure what to do with the NW red city. Would I be better off trying to squeeze two cities here and having one of them go coastal on the west bank of the river and the other 1 south of the red dot?

Any help would be appreciated. thanks!

925BC South DM0000.JPG

Immortal!, normal, 675bc.

Have been trying to make the transition to immortal lately, though I have yet to win a game. So this will most likely be a defeat. Anyways, hopefully I will learn from this game and any comments/tips/criticism is very much appreciated :)

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1st attempt: Settled in place for an awesome capital, met my nabours (crap!) found out I didn't have copper and by the time I hooked up the iron, Da Khan was knocking on my door with 6 swords - game over.

2nd attempt. Stole Khans worker, hooked up the iron and build lots of swords. had 9 swords before his capital (defended by 2archers and 2axes and 20%) and lost all without killing one defender :mad:

3rd attempt: I had some spiler info from my previous tries, but I guess it's ok when I'm still trying at immortal - evening the odds a little. I stole khans worker, which really crippled him. Research: went for pottery, mysticism and archery and alpha. Then IW since the two others didn't have it yet. Then Currency and now researching CoL - think I will be the one to found Conf. Me and Monty are budhists, so I will try to spread conf to Khan if I found it, so me and Monty can gang up on him.
Still got some land to settle before coming for Khan - I really need to take him out ASAP. I'm his worst enemy and monty can still backstab me.

Got 5 cities, monty got 7 and Khan 3, so it's ok...

Pretty solid demos:

And the diplo is looking allright aswell as the tech

PLan is to get cats and kill Khan. Should I try to bribe monty into the war? Could use the diplo and then he wont attack me.. On the other hand it would be really bad if he ended up with cities at both sides of me...
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So I thought everything was going great as I was settling my dotmap at a quick click. Then this happened:


definately not the direction I though the DoW was coming from. Also I have a serious deficiency of troops at this point. New York is basically lost and without that iron hooked up in Philly I don't think I stand much of a chance in Washington.

I attached the save if anyone has tips on what I need to improve on for Prince.

View attachment NC XXXIII Washington BC-0225.CivBeyondSwordSave

Personally, I think I will restart this one and try for an early worker grab from one of these monsters!

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225BC is already quite late for a rush from khan.
only problem I can see is to build more troops before expanding more...

also, I read your previous report... Kublai must have read your extremely... discriminatory words against his people. :lol:
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225BC is already quite late for a rush from khan.
only problem I can see is to build more troops before expanding more...

also, I read your previous report... Kublai must have read your extremely... discriminatory words against his people. :lol:

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dang Kublai... don't worry he'll get his. I'm gonna try a replay and try to nab his worker early and try to found my iron city a bit earlier as well. Thanks for the tip on trooping earlier.
Been really busy with uni starting again so haven't got to write updates.
Immortal/normal, 1929 Space Race victory (my first win on immortal :D) - score 50624

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Key to this map for me was to survive the start with the 2 aggressive nabours. Khan eventually went WHEEOHRN on me, but I was prepared once he DoW. Just a border war and took peace once I could. Got Lib 840ad (personal record). Even had to research most of the tech tree myself...

Once I got rifles and cannons I killed off Khan without much trouble.

Had a decent tech lead on everyone besides Sury.. He was becoming really big.

Draw back my army to my northern and main cities as Hanni was going WHEEOHRN and I was the likely target. Same turn as he declared Monty declared aswell, must have been bribed... This was actually good - hannibal deployed 8units on my continent which I quickly wiped out and then I could destroy Monty without the diplo penalty :D
Got a peace with Hanni, but when I had almost finished Monty Sury vassalled him and war decced me. That could be dangerous, so I bribed my new friend Hanni into the war for Artillery - and guess what? He actually kicked Surys butt! Was I surprised.

A new civ saw the light:

And I explored space without any competition.

Was a fun map - thx for hosting CHEESE! :D
Hi there!

Since this game features a leader I like, a worldbuilder save and is recent... enough, I decided to give it a try as well. :D Only finished Asoka and Victoria so far (and abandoned Pericles and Julius :()

I forgot to save until 425BCE, so that's my first report. :|

Noble, normal speed (I really like marathon, and even that seems too fast for how I think the game should more-realistically go, but I understand that normal helps one get better, so...)

Till 425BCE
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A new civilization is about to embark on a quest in this treacherous world, and it is lead by George Washington, considered the father of the most liberal country for a long while, and still one of the most liberal countries in the world. Thus, the Liberal Empire began. (But it had to wait for one turn, because I settled 1E, on the hills)

Teched mining, bronze working, after which I decided that the most "liberal" thing to do was to adopt slavery. :) Well, ok, hold your horses, I'm going to be liberal, but we need to survive long enough, first, especially since we're between Montezuma and Kublai Khan. (and in all fairness, GW did hold slaves)

Then teched masonry (or was it before BW? hm... forgot that), to get the marble, then mysticism, meditation and priesthood. Trained a few wariors, might have trained a settler, dunno, after which I decided to build the Oracle. (6 turns without any chops or whatnot). I had settled a great commerce city at some point before this, New York, down the river from cap.

Also teched wheel, pottery, started on code of laws and took metal casting as my free tech. (haven't used it yet, though, so I might have done better there)

I managed to found confucianism, afterwards, then teched iron working, which proved a good thing, since I found iron, whereas before I had to manage with just horses in the military department. Then took maths and construction, the idea being that if I get attacked, a catapult or two would be great against Monty's stacks. (And if I don't, I plan to attack him at some point anyway, since the island is definitely too small for both of us)

Kublai converted to confucianism, Monty to buddhism. I'm still no-religion and I'll probably stay that way until I'm ready to go to war against Monty, when confucianism would keep Kublai off my back, or maybe even offer some help against the green nuisance.

Here's to 6 cities and training 3 settlers:

Till 25 CE
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Settled the other three cities, one of which got the gems near Kublai's lands :D:D:D - this one was the one I was nervous about. Used libraries everywhere as my border-poping building, which was kind of slow, but then again, it wouldn't have made much of a difference in the jungle, early on.

Got Alphabet and Monarchy from Khmer. Not much else I remember to say about this. 9 cities by 1 CE (I think it was a bit earlier, but again, forgot to save at the right time), with 1 city to be settled in the next turns, and 3 more which I want to settle later.

Started training swords and workers, much of the land is still not improved, but that's part of the price of settling a lot, I guess.

Till 520 CE
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Settled my tenth city to the north, near the sea, with dye near.
Teched Calendar, for the calendar resources (I think I have 5 of them - spices, silk, dye, banana, incense, though I'm not certain about silk)
Teching Civil Service now, the idea being that my cap is good enough for unit building and macemen+catapults would help me against Montezuma.

I still haven't decided what exactly to do next, I hate that I've had to train a lot of units when I needed to improve the land a lot more, but, worse land in my hands is better than great land to be taken by the enemy, I guess.

I still plan to settle one south of Washington, when a warrior unit is now, one north of Washington, as a filler, and one north of Los Angeles, to completely claim the jungle patch as my own, but I am currently recovering from the financial set-back from settling, I still need some workers and I really need more military. What would you advise me? :D

I can't wait to see what's next, I certainly want to see if I manage to win liberalism (if this weren't noble, I might lose it... kind of silly if you think about it... :))
I also can't wait to see how exactly did Kaytie manage to get 3k bpt, I've never gone past 1.5k :(

And on a non-game related issue: I am very curious about one aspect. I am a liberal, politically, socially and economically, and it also seems that the United States of America is, by constitution, one of the most liberal countries in the whole world, and the country which managed to do what the French revolution failed. So I am really really baffled by the fact that liberalism is so despised in the USA. Can anyone shed some light on this, please? Anyone who'd aspire to get all of the articles in the USA Constitution adopted in my country would be a liberal, politically and socially. (the liberal party here doesn't even aim at adopting all of the values of the USA Constitution)
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