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Need help regarding anti-aircraft options


Nov 19, 2005
Dear all,

I'm playing the 1000AD scenario as the Aztecs, in the easiest settings. My game has ended but I continued playing with the "one more turn" option.

My civ is the top civ with 4000 points or something with the mongolians 2nd being 3000.

Now I'm at war with the Chinese (~2300), Japanese (~2300), Incas (~1300) and the Russians (~3000).

The Russians just entered the conflict against me and they are not doing anything, I'm steam rolling his colonies.

Now for my major concern/question.

I have taken over the Japanese isles and the area surrounding the Chinese (in the world geographical sense) and the Chinese keep using stealth bombers (3 times/units each turn) on my nearest japanese city (6 tiles location away from his city and next to the border).

My city have the bunkers (protection from bombing 75%), 20 units of advanced armor (yea, planning a pillage invasion), 5 jet aircraft on patrol and next to the city i have a carrier group of 1 battleship, 3 destroyers and a fully jet-aircraft loaded aircraft carrier. My nearest city was 3 tiles away, with 4 advanced armor, 3 stealth bombers, and 3 jet aircrafts on patrol. I also have SDI (if that helps?)

My question is, how do I make sure I can at stop the attack once in a while (the air-raids against me were always 100% successful). Get tons of Anti-aircraft troops?

BUT, this (continuous) event bugged me even more. I am currently attacking a Japanese island colony with my stealth bombers and ships.

The Japanese colony consists of 2 mech infantry and with 0% defense (due to my ships bombardment). It is 10 tiles away from my city where my stealth bombers are located; but, that city was 8 tiles away from a Chinese city (with only 1 patrol aircraft) and 4 tiles away from the Chinese border.

Now, everytime I did my bombing runs on the Japanese city, 1/2 of the times, my Stealth bombers get intercepted (by either the chinese aircraft or by the mech infantry) and 1/5 of the times my stealth bombers get destroyed by the mobile infantry.

Is there anything I can do to make my attacks more successful?

Thank you for your time and Thank you.
Get some TOW infantry for defence and build lots of fighters - IIRC you can use intercept missions or something to get at the fighters. Of course, you could attack the city they're based in and flatten them with armour.
Oh ok thanks.

Btw, all my aircrafts are always set in interception mode. The problem is, they don't intercept except getting intercepted themselves (above the city they are on, what?) and I don't use jet-fighters to attack.
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