Need Help with Old Mod


Oct 22, 2007
I came across this old PTW mod recently and want to play it. However, I want to add some further mods to it (such as new civs). I want to revamp it so that I can convert the files into a single scenario file instead of the method described to install the game. Any suggestions as to the easiest way to do this? Here is the original thread:
It can be done, first of I'll open the original *.bix files with the editor and save them back as .biq files, then upload the new ones. Gimme a few minutes...
Man, thank you very much Takhisis!
Erm... I've opened the file and it looks like a normal civ game.
This is just a beginning of a project.

Although: the civs are Rome, Egypt, Greece, Babylon, "Vicking";), Turkey, China, Israel, Japan, Britania, India, Persia, Aztecs, Mali, Iroquois and Phoenicia.
All of the city names are new.
Some of the techs are new (i.e. hunting and fishing), but it still needs a lot of work.
Units, a few changes, e. g.Archers have been renamed to Hunters, Elephants are 6/6/1 for 120 shields and no HP bonus, majorly unchanged.
Worker jobs are untouched.
No Flavours.
Era names and researchers's denominations have been changed.
  • Paleolithic-->Xamans, sourcerers
  • Neolithic-->Sages, soothsayers
  • Ancient-->Priests, scholars
  • Classical-->Philosophers, inventors
Diplomats and spies, nothing new under the sun.
Difficulty levels, no changes from vanilla civ3.
  • Anarchy
  • Tribalism, just a renamed despotism
  • Oligarchy (vanilla monarchy)
  • Monarchy (old communism)
  • Republic stays the same
  • Ditto for democracy
  • New one: empire, no civilopedia entry.
Only new resource: elephants (old ivory) they require Elephant taming to be found.
Worker jobs stay the same.

New C3C scenario file uploaded. Check attachment. i just converted the bic file into a biq one.

Some useful links for finding graphics:
Tech Icon Library
City graphics library
GraphicsMod Library III: Interface/Misc
GraphicsMod Library II: Terrain/Resources
Building & Wonder Graphics Library
I recommend that you switch to other terrains. Perhaps Rhye's, which is one of the most widely used.


  • paleolithic.rar
    17.8 KB · Views: 39
I am forever in your debt for doing that! Ta=hank you.

So I won't need the Art folder from the original game then, just the biq file? Also, this is essentially the same scenario condensed into a .biq?

One thing though, the tech tree pathways are all messed up. I can fic the abovce mentioned problems. I was goin to add new graphics (for cities and units) and change the civs around.
As far as I've seen, no terrain has been changed. Still, you should check them in case something has been changed. I didn't upload them just to save time.
Cool! This should be alot of fun to work on. One more quick question. For adding new city graphics, do you just add the new graphics files to the ART/CITIES folder? (and removing the old ones?) And can you have different city graphics for each civ?
Head over to the Tutorials, Reference, & Guides section for further detail. Ask varwnos for specific city graphics, he'll point you the right way.
Start reading as much as you can, step into any thread you feel might be interesting (don't bump them pointlessly), let the civ-knowledge soak into you until you become one with it, until you can mod with your eyes closed and your ears plugged, that's the way of the civfanatic. And also remember that, as has been said, there's nos mod or scenario which cannot be improved by adding Elvis.
I have been reading through the tutorial thread for some time trying to find a tutorial on city graphics but there does not seem to be one for that. Thank you for all your help! I will keep looking through the thread.
Hm. I've been thinking. There's a few ages betwen the Neolithic stage and the Classical period, (Bronze Age, Iron Age...) What're you gonna do about it?
What I decided was to start the game in the Neolithic period, so the four ages would be:

1. neolithic
2. copper/bronze/iron
3. ancient
4. classical

To reflect the combination of copper/bronse/iron in one age, I will have to revamp all the techs. I am also creating new civs based on neolithic cutlures, such as the Vincas or Danubians I.
Hmmm... let's see.
I suggest the name "Dawn of Civilization" for the game. You can get very close to The Ancient Mediterranean Mod if you're not careful, be original.
Ages... The Stone Age-->Age of Metals-->???-->Classical.
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