It is unfortunate you aren't understanding the issue regarding the level/category limitations. Although currently 'well tailored' from your historical point of view, they are a drawback when considered purely from a game point of view. The 'A/B/C/D' structure is completely rigid. Using bonuses/penalties and a dynamic choice of ensuing promotions rather than unchanging templates of levels/categories could accomplish the same thing without locking player in. It would be more flexible and ultimately, a much better game.
I share your concern about the current system not being realistic and is a bit restrictive. If we do as you proposed, it would be a hero can command the same number of units regardless of combat type. Besides it's a real PITA to rewrite the entire rule, AI, and interface of legion system, there will be other consequences. For example, the hero's other 'bonus' promotions will apply to his legion members even if he sucks at the type, such as vigorous promotion will apply to all naval members even if the hero is a northerner.
The idea is good, I believe it could be the right direction, but come on, give me a more compelling and complete design if you want to persuade me to spend yet another 100 hours on legion system to do as you wish.
Yeah, sorry, I realize I didn't explain it very well.
So, currently a hero has to individually promote his proficiency in each of the combat types (melee, mounted, archery, siege, naval), which I call combat type promotions. He starts with a certain value and he can only achieve a certain predetermined maximum.
I propose that you eliminate this. Instead, each hero is assigned a value for each combat type. So, let's say we have a hero right now who starts with no combat type promotions, but can potentially achieve A/D/A/D/D if you fully promote them. In this system, you would eliminate the ability to increase their proficiency in each combat type. In return, the Hero begins with A/D/A/D/D.
Then you add a separate promotion: lets call it Leadership. Leadership can have the same 5 levels (D, C, B, A, S). For each level of this promotion, the Hero gains two advantages: 1. an increase in the number of units they can lead, and 2. increase the bonus for each combat type promotion.
Let's look at this second advantage more closely. Right now every time you increase a combat type promotion (i.e. going from Melee D to Melee C), your legion troops get a larger bonus. What each level of Leadership would do is allow this bonus for every combat type. Thus, Leadership D would grant the D level bonus for melee/mounted/archery/siege/naval. However, this bonus would be limited by the Hero's predetermined proficiency in each combat type as described above. That is to say, the bonus legion members get can never exceed the proficiency level of the Hero for their combat type.
Let's try another example. Let's say we have this hero with the following starting values:
A: Melee
D: Mounted
B: Archery
D: Siege
/: Naval
So, what would happen at each level of Leadership?
Leadership D: It would be like he has Melee D, Mounted D, Archery D, and Siege D in the current system.
Leadership C: It would be like he has Melee C, Mounted D, Archery C, and Siege D in the current system.
Leadership B: It would be like he has Melee B, Mounted D, Archery B, and Siege D in the current system.
Leadership A: It would be like he has Melee A, Mounted D, Archery B, and Siege D in the current system.
Leadership S: It would be like he has Melee A, Mounted D, Archery B, and Siege D in the current system. (but he can command more units!)
Now, I thought this system may be too inflexible. I offered the possibility that you add a promotion that would increase the level of each combat type by 1. Thus, our Hero who started with A/D/A/D/D would instead become S/C/S/C/C. Powerful, yes, but you can limit the number of heroes who can get it, and also allow only one level of it.
If you wanted to allow combined arms, I feel like the current system, specifically the combat type promotion system, would not accommodate it well. It would take many promotions (and thus hero levels) to get proficient in different areas to allow effective combined arms. Right now, getting to Melee A and Mounted A is 6 promotions! This is not even counting the "bonus" hero promotions, which really give the flavor that I love about legions.
Indeed, I would like you to focus on these "bonus" promotions! Implementing my idea means that a hero need only focus on one promotion, Leadership, to increase the proficiency of his legion members. This allows him to focus on the "bonus" promotions that can really let him specialize...
I hope this was clear! If not, I will keep trying!
This time I understand much better, thank. It's good advice.
This will allow heroes to level up more quickly. However, this means ALL heroes will choose to level up leadership first ALL the time. No question about it. Because it's so valuable now.
Another slight concern is, this eliminate some player choice when promoting heroes. Because you can just choose 1 promotion and it let you do whatever you want. This might be actually good since player still have to choose when forming legion.
Another really minor concern would be some weaker heroes will have no promotion to choose from quite soon.