1) Pick some of the grasses in the area, particularly what appears to be wheat. 1AP
2) Use the wheat to start seeds for planting. 1AP
3) Sleep near the rest of the tribe. 1AP
Sorry JK, I understand these orders may be too late to be used.
1, Attempt to make a stone spear
2, If successful, attempt spear fishing (if not, spend more time trying to make a spear).
3, Cook, eat rest. I want to share any fish equally with the tribe if possible, even if there's not enough for myself. If I didn't catch anything, I will rest anyways.
Fixtures: two beehives (3, 4 days until harvest), stone dwelling (7)
Comforts: linen hammock (4)
Tools: stone axe (4), two clay urns (4), stone hammer (1)
Apparel: beekeeper’s hood (3), beekeeper’s suit (3)
Weapons: nothing
Food: four days’ oranges (1), three meals’ worth of fish (1), three meals of goat milk (2), one meals’ worth of honey (4)
Agriculture: one tomato plant (4 days until ready), two mushrooms (2 days until ready), two rice patches (4 days until ready), three adult goats (4 days until ready)
Materials: snakeskin (3), boarskin (4), five piles of cut stone
SpoilerAvatars :
Papa Grand-Crinière-Vert
Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1 AP). Well Rested (+1 AP). Hot.
Action Points: 5 AP
Traits: Hunter, Crafty, Toolmaker, Warrior, Sneaky, Tanner
Inventory: auroch gloves (7), stone spear (2), deerhide bag (3)
Mémère Esprit
Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1). Well Rested (+1 AP). Soulless (-1 AP). Overheating (penalty to energetic actions).
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Forager, Crafty, Sneaky, Shaman
Inventory: stone spear (2), linen blanket (3), linen bag (3)
Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Overheating (penalty to energetic actions).
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Waterborne, Warrior, Toolmaker, Fisher, Sneaky, Crafty
Inventory: stone spear (3), linen satchel (6), string (5), one unused torch (1)
Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Overheating (penalty to energetic actions).
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Handler, Waterborne, Sneaky
Inventory: nothing
Mana: 1
Angst, you wake up and see the goats have wandered quite far from the lake and in the direction of predators, so you act fast. You head out quickly to the nearest ones and drive them back to the tribe, then sprint to the other – hyenas are circling it, and so you are forced to fight to save the goats. With someone else’s spear at the ready, you charge and scare the hyenas off without suffering damage, saving all of your herd – what great luck. You then move onto milking and caring for them, which you are adept at – they seem loyal to you specifically, and you get three meals of milk. You then move onto the stone house in the late afternoon, but it seems that much of the work has already been done – so instead of contributing to the structure, you help relocate the fire inside the dwelling. Unfortunately, all this time in the sun is making you very hot – you’ll need to do something about that.
Listyr, you wake up and go straight to the stone dwelling – it will be done today, you are certain. You work all morning and midday on it, leaving it in great shape for Papa to finish off while you go for a trek north. You want to know if there are valuable minerals nearby. The trek takes much of the afternoon and early evening, but you discover a cavernous system under the hills. The hills are adjacent to a vast desert, within which you can see a mountain range. Among the hills there is are copper minerals even just around the exterior, so you are certain together with your tin you have the makings of some interesting metal. You return home to for the night, without issues from predators. The sun has beat down on you and you are hot again.
Papa you start your day with a refreshing rest in the lake – it’s nice, lowering your temperature, and also speeding up the healing process of your wounds. You then turn to your bee hives – and realize that a whole additional hive has formed, you suspect some bees from the south came up here. You harvest what honey has been made, getting a single serving. You then work on the house. Listyr has already done most of the work by this point – the foundation, the walls, the arch for an entrance – all you have to do is finish up the roofing. It takes several hours but the job is finally done – Angst has joined and moved the fire inside, making for a wonderful communal home, protected from the elements.
Mémère… has an odd day. You wake up and its normal, like any other day – but then you suddenly experience a strange and terrifying sensation – it is like your mind cannot breathe, as if something that has guided you has left you. You are stuck in this psychic asphyxiation for the entire day – your fellow tribespeople seem worried, but make sure you eat, as they do too in a large meal under the rooftop of your tribe’s new stone dwelling. You spend some time just floating in the lake – aimlessly. Eventually everyone goes to bed, but for you it a dreamless sleep.
Vale Tribe
SpoilerStockpile :
Fixtures: Thenron effigy (2)
Comforts: deerhide blanket (4), woollen mattress (3)
Tools: grass net (1), wooden bucket (2), stone axe (3)
Apparel: nothing
Weapons: nothing
Food: one meals’ worth of raw wheat (4), one meals’ worth of deer meat (2), one meals’ worth of fish (2), one meals’ worth of milk (2)
Agriculture: travois (7), yak-hide saddle bags (7), sheepskin saddle bags (6), shepherd’s crook (3), two adult sheep (four days to milk, ready to shear), one baby sheep, three adult yaks (four days to milk), one adult yak (3 turns to milk), one wheat field (4 turns to harvest)
Materials: a couple copper rocks, two piles of timber, deer hide (3)
SpoilerAvatars :
Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Chilly.
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Crafty, Sneaky, Shaman, Hunter, Thenron’s Vessel
Inventory: cured tiger/deer clothes (5), stone axe (3)
Mana: 2
Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Chilly.
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Sneaky, Crafty, Butcher, Handler
Inventory: stone pickaxe (1), stone spear (4)
Mana: 1
Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Cold.
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Crafty, Warrior, Stealthy, Forager, Weaponmaker, Waterborne
Inventory: sheepskin fleece (3), stone spear (5), atlatl (7), stone hoe (2), linen satchel (4)
Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Frigid (penalty to stationary actions).
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Crafty, Handler
Inventory: linen blanket (4), stone spear (2)
Status: Debility (left-arm destroyed). Minor Injury (1, blood loss). Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Chilly.
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Warrior, Spearman, Crafty, Forager, Stealthy
Inventory: bearskin tunic (1), bearskin backpack (2), several tin rocks, walking stick (1)
Another dawn breaks on the Vale Tribe, the Tribe of Thenron.
Baioreznomat, you talk to Sleeps-in-Cave and discuss a plan to hunt for deer. You wait as Sleeps-in-Cave reinforces her spear, and then together you head out. Baioreznomat you are quite ineffective at hunting today, stringing together a series of embarrassing misses with your spear that in one case have you snag your clothes on some branches that then pull them to pieces. Luckily Sleeps-in-Cave is independently luckier, and kills a mature male deer that together you drag back to camp. Baioreznomat you want to repair your nearly destroyed clothes – but since they were entirely ruined while hunting, you’ll need to make new ones (in any case you would have had to obtain something to actually repair them with, e.g. new hides). So you butcher the deer, providing food and new hides that can work with later.
Hale-as-Stone, you are very sleepy, and so take a long part of your day casually milking and handling the yaks and sheep. You fill your wooden bucket with milk, which should be good for a couple meals – until a white fox springs on you playfully, causing you to spill about half of what you got. It doesn’t injure you and seems at most simply curious, and you shoe it away with ease, though doing so jostles your spear into disrepair.
Daftpanzer, you work on a spear in the morning, to arm yourself like your fellow tribespeople. You then head off to go fishing in the river, which is totally successful – you get several meals and are quite productive. The water is chilly here and so is the air, although there is a fire you are still colder by the hour, and by the evening start to experience incredible cold – you should rectify this with clothing, or staying by the fire for a full AP, to recover.
Spear-Walker, you go searching the area for more of those wheat plants. Doing so raises the attention of a sabre tooth tiger – you are lucky it does not seem to be ready to attack, given that you lack a weapon and one of your arms, but it does not leave your sight for the day and by night you suspect it may become more confident if one of your tribesmen works alone again tomorrow. In any case, you are successful in getting wheat seeds, collecting a handful for a small patch of wheat. Another tribe member has a hoe, and so using that, you are successful in making a small gardened area and seeding it with wheat – you will need to water it daily (an AP) to see the plant grow, but it will produce several servings of wheat in the end.
By the days’ end, the tribe has plenty of food, cooking the meats for more energy tomorrow and all sleeping easy.
Status: Minor Injury (2, wolf scratches). Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Chilly.
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Warrior
Inventory: stone spear (4), one hyena meat meal (2), a stone
Stashed Nearby: nothing
Out of your cave dwelling you see quite clearly two packs of vicious animals that are just waiting to attack you. Early in the morning one of them does – the hyenas move toward your cave, and you use it as a choke point for your defence. There are several of them, and they jump at you, but you dodge expertly, using the rocks and your warrior instincts to spear the neck of one of them, leaving it dead. The others flee after some more fighting, and you have a prize that will feed you, and no injuries from the combat. The wolves seem to have watched this dance, and decide to wait – you spend this time making a fire, after which the wolves take their turn. You are less successful in fighting them off, delivering only wounds to them – their paws scrape at you but you avoid getting any of your limbs stuck in their jaws. They eventually retreat form this stalemate and decide to move on from you. With a dead hyena at your disposal, you butcher it – without any tools however, you do a very sloppy job. You get a couple meals of meat out of the body, but its hide is ruined and unusable. With no predators in sight and a meal to cook, you eat and sleep for the night around your campfire.
This will be the last update of NESCraft III. It's been enjoyable to run, I'm happy to have seen two tribes emerge and hope everyone had fun! Thanks for playing!
That's a beautiful map JK, thank you for running this!
I know it takes a lot of work to update a graphic-heavy map like this. It is a thing of beauty nonetheless.
I'd offer to take up the reigns, but I'm already stalled on my latest project revamp
Edit: it's a shame we didn't explore so much of the map. I'm just now appreciating all the details that went into it. Congratulations, tho, on running the longest-lived iteration of this idea
Edit: it's a shame we didn't explore so much of the map. I'm just now appreciating all the details that went into it. Congratulations, tho, on running the longest-lived iteration of this idea
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