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New Colonies III (v3.2) PBEM

C'mon, nice try pretending it wasn't you. :p

Seriously though, it could be aaaaannnnyyyyone... muhahahaha... :mischief:
*Nothing happened during the French turn.
*British are asked to remove their ships from the sea-lane of the st. Lawrence river. French ships must move through to the ocean. You can use the city you conquered to move to where you want, but keep the sea lane open.
Originally posted by Darius
C'mon, nice try pretending it wasn't you. :p

Seriously though, it could be aaaaannnnyyyyone... muhahahaha... :mischief:

No it cant. Dont worry its not that tough to figure out.
Weird, since neither France nor Spain have Flintlock, to my knowledge. Only Holland and England have last time I checked.

Of course, I might have given it to them myself, but I'm sure I would have remembered....;-)

Not too much of a problem really. The Carabinieres are more expensive to build. They are better against stockades, but I rely on Musketeers for defence more now.

Once the Red Man is dependent on the White Man's technology, defeat can't be far away.....
No it cant. Dont worry its not that tough to figure out.
Spain did it. ok?
I sent him the Flintlock tech :D

* No news...
Iroquois seem very unbusy this turn.

Thats good because the major offensive to wipe them out is about to begin!:D
Further victory at Stone Beach!

The battered Scotsmen defending the fort have been wiped out, and a merchantman has been burned in port. Furthermore, musketeers southeast of the city were slaughtered by our experienced marksmen.

Behold, the Confederacy's first naval victory!
Surprised you didn't notice it's actually a frigate though. :o It took a while to find the picture of the Philadelphia which looked the least like a warship. ;)
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