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New Cumulative General History Quiz

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Yeah, that's the one I have in mind. Pepi or Nepi, something like that.
Akhhorus said:
Pepi III. But he wasnt in Europe...

Oops, that'll teach me to read the answers only after reading the question properly. :blush:
Adler17 said:
If we are now how long monarchs did reign another question to this subject:
Louis XIV. is not the person who reigned a country for the longest time. Who is the ruler with the most (known) time as monarch?


@akhorus, where does he state that it has to be an European 'leader'?

;) mfG mitsho
Akhhorus said:
Pepi III. But he wasnt in Europe...
To the best of my knowledge there were never more than two Pepis, I and II, and nr II became pharao when he was 6 and lived to the ripe old age of 102. And then the Old Kingdom (dyn. 3-6) came crashing down.;)
Verbose said:
To the best of my knowledge there were never more than two Pepis, I and II, and nr II became pharao when he was 6 and lived to the ripe old age of 102. And then the Old Kingdom (dyn. 3-6) came crashing down.;)

it was Pepi II. He reigned for 90 years.
Verbose, it is your turn. Although Akhhorus was first giving the name he lacked in age and prper name. That´s why it is your turn.
Oh Pepi should have reigned 94 (!) years. Imazing. Nevertheless after his death Egypt had a phase of internal struggle and chaos.

Yikes! I was just passing by! I never meant to... (*mumble, mumble...*) ;)

But OK, here goes, and still sticking to Egypt.

Who was the genius credited with the construction of the first Egyptian pyramid?
It's someone who has been called "the first individual in history" as he wasn't royalty but still left a mark.
Well, right you are.

Imhotep (or Ijemhotep),
the guy who got the Egyptians hooked on pyramids and stone architecture (mudbrick only prior to him).
The man behind the first pyramid, 3d dynasty pharao Zozer's step pyramid at Saqqara.
Eventually, in Graeco-Roman times, he was worshipped as a god himself, a god of healing.
Incidentally, his tomb has never been found, which leaves room for at bit of speculation.
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!

Long time no science (Euler and von Humboldt were the only). My question is: who discovered the neutron (and in which year)?
Maybe... Bohr?
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