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new member, same question


Jan 31, 2008
hey all, new member here. ive been playing civ since #3 so not really a newbie to the game, but ive been consumed by the game and felt like joining th forums here.

I've got interesting situation here. ill give some details, mabey you could give some advise. noble dif, normal map, marathon(or epic, the 2nd longest one) speed

Well as you can see, i spawned on a huge continent by myself( besides barbs)
Unfortunitly its not to feature rich. no clusters of food, a nice forest but untill i get lumbermill thats not huge, and plenty of desert.

now my capitol is surrounded by gold and flood plains, i plan to cottage spam every tile, saving only a few for workshops. the rest isnt great. i built a city in the forest for early production builds, and another to grab a horse/marble resource. I plan to concentrate on commerse for sience points and mabey win via space race. ill need to back fill the land, and cottage spam alot. any other ideas?

ok, here are two shots, zoomed in more. i cheated a little, after i relized no others civs spawned on the same cont. i wanted to change my stratagy. so there picture are a little different. i can tell you the only inportant resourses fogged out are 3/4 spices on the northern edge above the middle city.

does this help more?
Looks like you need ALOT more workers...
Wow, i hate that land but i want your capital! Your cities seem to be really far apart, looking at your 2nd city youve just missed out on sheep and cows, couldve fit 2(more useful) cities there. For workers i always pair them up so they build improvements twice as fast and have 3 pairs for every 5-6 cities.

The above guy is right too you need to improve your cities lands faster by the looks of it.
Id cottage everything you can in your capital for beuracracy(sp) also since it looks like your west cities are really heavy on plains id farm the grasslands and focus those cities on production. Also looks like you need another decent commerce city besides your capital since that land is horrid in terms of commerce all across the board. Cottage what you can in your cap and that eastern city closest to it(looks like next best bet for commerce). Thats means cottaging that farm too. :p

Hope that helps in anyway.

Goodluck, have fun!
First of all, with your capital there is really no way to lose on noble here. You will out-tech the AIs so bad it will be hilarious. (Can you say cavalry against archers?) It really is quite ridiculous. 3 gold, corn, and mad floodplains? Was that random or worldbuilder?

As for advice, your city locations need some work. You are too spread out and often built one away from rivers, coasts, and resources. Posting a save might help as we can't see city names.
-The one labeled "cottages" should have been located 1 NE.
-There should be a city between your capital and "needs to grow obelisk" that incorporates the cows and hills (production)
-"needs to grow obelisk" should be located East, on the river to get the sheep and the copper (production/science hybrid?)
-"mines" should be located 1 S to be coastal (commerce)

...and you need way more workers. You are rexing way past your infrastructure and your economy will eventually feel the strain, even on noble.
First of all, that capital is sick.

A few suggestions.

You should move the Copper city 1 NE (as JBOSSH said), then you will have room for Cow city 1W of the cows. You can borrow the floodplain farm from the capital and also get the floodplain south of it and cows. It won't be the best city pre-biology, but it will be decent working oasis, cows, floodplains and four assorted hills at size eight. You can always windmill the desert hills later.

Also, I think I spot marble 3 S 1 E. Settle 1 south of the pigs, farm the grassland after Civil Sevice and it'll be an ok production city.

You need to explore all the blackness on your map. There might be excellent city sites NE of your capital.
He has a seafood up there too, heh.

With a capitol like that, I could likely make a dent on Immortal. Especially since the surrounding land is nearly as good.
thanks for the advise, but let me clarify a few things:
the two zoomed in pictures are from the small land as the one in my first post. its hard to see but there not much going on north/south. almost everything you cant see in the zoomed in pictures is tundra/desert

which brings me to your city selection. putting my "cottages" city 1 NE would leave half the workable squares in desert, and puting city 1 S of pig would put half in tundra/ice.

and this is a random map, i didnt cheat to get that capitol. but growing it isnt as easy it seems, i'm already -2 on health, and i had to beeline to monarchy for heradatary rule and use warrior spam to keep happy faces up

here are some updated pics.

spamed cottages

Is there really a mature town sitting on the corn in the capital?
4 cities in 575AD is a little .. build ~2 more cities ASAP (your economy can handle it) and never build a city one tile of the coast as you have done with Antium, Neapolis, and plan to do with your next city!! Being isolated as the Romans with iron kinda spoils the fun .. would have been nice to unleash the praetorians. Ohh well..

Make sure you build courthouses everywhere to allow further expansion.
why not? he has loads of food anyway. plus cottages rock!

I dunno, because his first worker could have built a farm instead of a town on that spot. Thus allowing him to hit the happy cap much faster. Besides that, how about the added benefit of health from the corn? He is already at the health cap.
I dunno, because his first worker could have built a farm instead of a town on that spot. Thus allowing him to hit the happy cap much faster. Besides that, how about the added benefit of health from the corn? He is already at the health cap.

didn't realise that that was the only corn. so yeah, i would grab the extra health on reflection. however, cottaging corn isn't always a bad move was really my point. if you have reached happy cap, then cottaging excess food is sometimes a good idea. however, in this case you are right. a farm would be better.
i did have a farm on that corn in the beginning, but decided ~5gold was better then 2 extra food. i can always put a farm back there, or trade for the corn benefit. Its not a town yet, and its always my last resort, so i dont waste time working it only to have to return a town to a farm.
I'm with tripp.
You need way better reasons to settle 1 away from rivers and coasts. YOu did it to eliminate deserts and tundra and instead got....Ocean tiles that will never be more than 1 Food!! completely nonviable. It is far better to take the hit with unproductive deserts and instead make the most of the extra trade routes/access to ocean/ability to build boats, etc.
...and yeah, you definitely should have a farm on the corn, its a no-brainer. Focus more on raising your happy cap/increasing population. That farm could have supported two specialists which is way better than your medieval town.
Not enough cities.

Every food resource should have a city working it.

Coast + 2 forests is enough to build a lighthouse and make a profitable coastal city.
thanks for all the great advise guys. i think i agree with restarting. see how much better i can do. ill start with my 2 west citys and slow move east. how many citys should i have in a space like this before AD? and im still hesitent about to many coastal citys becasue 5-6 water tiles seems unproductive. is there any reason to settle RIGHT NEXT to a river? i thought having farmable tiles was good enough. thanks again. also, clue me in on the techs i should research, clearly spawning by myself i need to grab a huge tech lead, best ways to do this? any techs i should beeline to?
thanks for all the great advise guys. i think i agree with restarting. see how much better i can do. ill start with my 2 west citys and slow move east. how many citys should i have in a space like this before AD? and im still hesitent about to many coastal citys becasue 5-6 water tiles seems unproductive. is there any reason to settle RIGHT NEXT to a river? i thought having farmable tiles was good enough. thanks again. also, clue me in on the techs i should research, clearly spawning by myself i need to grab a huge tech lead, best ways to do this? any techs i should beeline to?

With three gold in the capitals big fat cross you'd better make sure to work them all. There shouldn't be any problem getting a tech-lead here.

This is what I'd do:

After the worker techs I'd go straight for Civil Service to get the 50% bonus on commerce.

Then I'd set up a GP-farm as soon as I can, probably move Antium 1 SW, farm everything and run scientists with Caste System as soon as Code of Laws comes in to bulb myself towards liberalism while teching the other pre-reqs for Astronomy while I keep settling my island. Needless to say, pick AStronomy with Liberalism.

With a three-gold and cottaged Bureaucracy capital Optics will be in early and Caravels can be sent to meet the neighbours. I'd probably squeeze in Moncarchy somewhere as well to raise your happiness cap with Hereditary Rule, especially in the capital.
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