New Star Wars Unit: Battle Droid

I was just wondering if any had any pedia icons for the star wars units especially the droids because i am currently working on a scenario for the clone wars and are having trouble with the pedia icons any help would be appreciated thanks to anyone who can help if you can help please e mail me
I made my own.


  • Battle Droid
    6.2 KB · Views: 91
horsematrix said:
I was just wondering if any had any pedia icons for the star wars units especially the droids because i am currently working on a scenario for the clone wars and are having trouble with the pedia icons any help would be appreciated thanks to anyone who can help if you can help please e mail me

You can find this unit's civilopedia pictures, along with many more, here.
I must have missed this one earlier. Nice :) I like to try the Star wars mod now :)
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