New Unit: Balkan Freedom Fighter(12/4/2006)

Sword_of_Geddon said:
Insulted you? I took the time to make what I thought what was what you wanted, although room for improvement, and you say I'm insulting you? Now I'm insulted.
I think Partizanac has gone a little too far. :)
No Kidding!

Sword: here's a few quick suggestions that should do wonders for your unit: Since you're having problems with the arms poking through the sleeve when you attempt to move his arm during the attack animation, just move his hip back a bit, something like 0.25-0.75, whatever looks the best (make sure that inverse kinematics are ON for the feet before you edit those parameters, otherwise his feet will slide back as well), and tilt his TORSO back about 5-10 degrees.

In addition, instead of using Kinboat's gunflash prop, just use an elongated sphere (under the primitives section of the prop library) with the same texture (go into the materials room, select the gunflash prop, and add the material to the library by clicking on the + sign at the bottom, then delete the gunflash, creat a sphere that is the proper size and move it to the proper position, parent it to the gun, and animate it as you would the gun flash, then go back into the materials room and select your new material from the library and apply it to the new gun flash sphere).

THEN, when you are done, cut and paste some smoke... I'll upload my smoke files this evening when I get home, and PM you with the download for them and instructions on how to do the smoke like I've done with my recent black powder units (Elvaan Musketeer and Elvaan Sharpshooter).

This is not a bad unit, it just needs a little improvement, that's all.
I'm gonna speak my mind. Sure, it's not your best unit, but I do know it's 100 times better than anyone who insulted you (Paritinzac, The Thud, and Goldflash).

When you make units, feel free to criticize his skills, until then sit down and shut up.
Rob said something like: if you do what you always do, you`ll get what you always get.

So we have here the same kind of unit Swoggy always posts, the same kind of comments from the same people. For once it would be nice if someone bursted and told i.e. (hope he can take a joke ;)) aaglo to go &"%& himself with that $%&"# green monsta he made that only fantasy people can use! Again! Or something like that :mischief:

EDIT: don`t mind me, I`m tired..
Sword: I forgot to ask, do you have Paint Shop Pro 7 or Adobe Photoshop (i.e. a program that can handle semi-transparent layers)? If not, just send me the attack storyboard, and I'll take care of the smoke (a 15 minute job for me).
Ok, then open your attack storyboard in Paint shop Pro, and the files that are found in the zip at the end of this post. There are 8 smoke BMP files, but you can skip a frame or two in order to get the smoke animation to fit your attack animation smoothly.

Copy the first smoke BMP and past it into your Attack animation storyboard AS A NEW LAYER. Drag it to the top-left corner of the frame where your spherical flash is... That is your initial smoke frame.

Copy the nest smoke BMP in the sequence and PASTE AS NEW SELECTION, which will put it automatically into your new, higher layer. Repeat this step for the remaining smoke BMPs to be used.

Once all are aligned with the top-left corners of the frames they are to go in, use the magic wand to select the pink box around the smoke image and delete it for all the smoke frames. I could have just did that with the BMP files initially, but since they are centered in their box (they wouldn't be in a deleted BG file), these initial steps ensure that the smoke will be properly centered IN ALL FRAMES.

Now select all the smoke images and copy them to the clipboard, then drag them down until the first one is almost completely covering the spherical gunflash prop.

Now Go to the Layer menu and select the Layer Properties option. When the box pops up, choose the 7th option down on the Blend Mode list.. This should render it as a semi-transparent smoky looking overlay.

Now just paste the images that you copied into the remaining frames. For the N facing frames, after pasting the smoke images in all 8 directions, go to the first layer, copy the frames from there, go to the second layer, and paste the base unit frames as a third layer. Then just use the Magic wand tool to delete the pink BG from that, and then you'll have the unit appear to be BEHIND the smoke.

OR (a bit more labor intensive), use the eraser tool set on 1 pixel size and manually delete the smoke where it is covering the back of the figure to get essentially the same, but better-looking results.

Once all the smoke has been pasted and manipulated to satisfaction, just load your pallette and save it as a PCX and you're DONE!

Here's the files you need for the smoke.... I'm not the best unit maker on these forums by a LONG shot, but I can at least be the most helpful one. ;)


    11.6 KB · Views: 64
so I will wait for Orthank to make the real version of the Hajduk).

At least Mirc got what he wanted ;)

Sorry I got to this kinda late.

It looks like Sword_Of_Geddon is putting effort into changing the animations, having 2 unit makers trying to beat eachother with the EXACT same unit doesn't seem too productive, I mean there's been duplications before, but either they were different versions of the same thing (ie: ship with sails version, and ship without sails version) or the old version was so outdated no one cared. You've still got your spot on the list Partizanac, there's a few ways I can see this going, some of which are:
-You'll be happy with Sword_Of_Geddon's changes and I won't do a redo of this unit
-Sword_Of_Geddon will let/ask me to redo this unit
-Sword_Of_Geddon will totally redo this unit (I don't expect this one to happen, that's a load of work), again, a redo you'll be happy with, and I won't do a redo of this unit

I don't know, I'm kinda involved in this, but what's going to happen really is still between you two, unit requester and unit maker, I'm not about to step on anyone's foot here, cause we need both these kind of people to function, especially when the other regular unit makers like me (and aaglo appently, I haven't seen much of him lately) are VERY, VERY busy.

I agree that this unit needs some work on polishing the animations. They are very stiff and not up to your last couple of units. But, the comments recieved were rather harsh. Good luck with the re-work.
If you have problems animating a unit in the future, can you perhaps post a preview thread with a request for suggestions? I know there are a number of people here (HT, etc) that would be willing to help if asked.
I think I'm going to envoke the Assembly line unit idea Stormrage came up with for this one. The attack will be completely different, and I'm being nice here since I'm working on a leaderhead at the same time and this is Partizanac were talking about here(Two pistols animation). But HT if you could, I'd like it if you'd do the smoke part for me..
But the whole process for adding smoke isn't that...... Oh, all right, I'll do it. Only 15 minutes or so for me to do, so why not....
ok...I know that my opinion is worth little on this subject...but...

I think you guys should lay off SoG...Before you start to complain, do 2 things...

1) Learn how to make units...Its Hard...SoG put a good amount of work into these units, and while some of the older ones are not that great, he IS getting should concider the fact that this is an obscure unit that he may not know the details of...I mean he did a great job off of 1 lousy pic...and while there are a few changes that COULD be made...he doesnt have to at all...

2) there are ALOT of units out there that are FAR worse than even the worst of SoG's stuff...I mean Cmon, noone ever jumped on CivArmy for bad animations, but there are a few (Tabsaguara(sp), Matsagura(sp) for example) that are almost laughable...all complaining is going to do, is drive away an aspiring unit maker...and I am SURE that once SoG gets whatever prog he is using learned completely, the units will get better...

We cant all start out with the insane skills that Aaglo has developed (and we all arent unit making savants like NavyDawg)...

So, in closing...SoG, I think you are doing a terrific job, to keep making units under all this negativity...I hope you dont let em get to ya...just remember, that behind the insulting tone, is genuine criticism...just learn from your mistakes, and roll with the punches...

this has been Spacer One's Two Cents...

brought to you by the number 23, and the letter K
I don't like it (Nothing against you Sword) the attack animation is awful! they had shorter guns then those, and they had two of them and a sword so there should be two animations! in the first he draws two guns from hes pants and fires first then second! then he puts those guns back draws the sword and he kicks ass! can you feel the fearless energy there. Don't get me started on the other animations. I can see you are not interested in this unit, if you only saw the movies about them like I have you would understand me. I can see there is no potential in this unit so I'm giving up on you (remember we haven't insulted you, you insulted us. I was prepared to wait for this unit for months but to look like the best unit you ever made! so I will wait for Orthank to make the real version of the Hajduk).

Jeez, dude, that's pretty harsh. There is room for improvement in the attack, but you totally insulted someone making a unit for you. Normally what people do is suggest a new motion for an animation or something, but I've never heard anyone say "this unit is an insult to me". This unit is way better than you could ever do, so I would think twice before tearing someone else apart who does something nice for you. Making a unit is hard, and you have no idea what it's like; obviously taking the time to do these animations and stuff is more than just "interest", it's hard work and effort. Don't be so ungrateful.
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