New Unit - Croaker - 9-26-2018


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
Want Monster Toads with Fast, Deadly Toxic and Corrosive tongues? Infectious Zombie Virus coupled with Sticky, Acidic Goo on the tongues of Croakers can Kill or Destroy what ever they touch.

... well, even if you have a Bug problem, these Croakers can help you out :lol:

Yes, the Zombies have yet another Infected Unit to attack you with.

... just to think they were only little tadpoles a short time ago :)


Preview Animations:
Note that the Flc Speeds are better in Game and vary from this Preview that has to use the same flc speeds for the combined animations. Much better in Game but this shows the basic animations.

Giant Croaker preview on the right.


I enlarged the Croaker = Giant Croaker.
Sounds were changed to a louder and lower pitch for the Giant Croaker and the pcx files have frames to differentiate from the original Croaker. I placed a GC on the Units_32 image.

Included Files:

Civilopedia CroakerLarge.pcx, CroakerSmall.pcx, Croaker_units_32.pcx

Alternate and Extra Images:

ALT_CroakerLarge.pcx has a White Background
ALT_CroakerSmall.pcx has a Colored Background
Preview Images

Adjusted .ini file

Animations (flcs):
CroakerDefault.flc, CroakerRun.flc, CroakerFortify.flc, CroakerFidget.flc, CroakerAttack.flc, CroakerDeath.flc, CroakerVictory.flc

Sounds: CroakerRun.wav, CroakerFortify.wav, CroakerFidget.wav, CroakerAttack.wav, CroakerDeath.wav, CroakerVictory.wav

Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.

The Run and Attack sounds are the best I could adjust and basically work well but they will play differently on parts of the game map because of the way the sounds were programed to play for the Civ Game.

You can Download the Croaker Zip File Here

You can Download the Giant Croaker Zip File Here
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Fortis1... Thank You for your Kindness ... I realize Not all players with the games they play can use this Unit.
... How ever, I appreciate your comment and am Happy anyone can also use this unit in some way :)

Kirejara... Yes, I know... How does anyone add something like this to a game?... No Problems..
I simply Uploaded this unit if anyone else could possibly use it in some way.
So Big Deal.... I am just adding Units as I "think" i need and uploading them here for anyone who can use them :)

You Guys Know me... or think you do :)
l am simply me and trying to join in with you all and share what ever you all can use.
Absolutely NOT a WW1 or 2 Unit anyone would need or want. I fell into this Zombie Game and have tried to make the best of it.
I am very capable of making any Unit but being alone all these years I simply work and adjust what I have gotten into.

Anyway, IF you can use this unit... Great. It was a chore to make ... the Run and Attack sounds were very difficult due to the way sounds were programed to play back in the game.
Despite this, all works well in Game and it was all game tested to the extreme. So,Best I could do at this time and I think it is a Good Unit if you can use it...Simple.
Hey Pounder... Thank You for your kind post and I am happy you can use this unit. You must have quite a different Game if you can use most of the Units I post :)
I realize that not everyone can find a place for such units but I upload what I make to offer my work for anyone that can use it.
Straight into my creation - looks lovely and a good fit for the Lizardmen. A bigger version would be fantastic too (hint).
Good to see some decent fantasy units still being made. Cheers
modmy civ... Thank You for your reply... I made this Unit Very Large compared to normal Units. It would be easy to enlarge it if you want.
I am trying to imagine what game you have to be able to use this Unit and want to make it larger.
modmyciv and Forest1... the problem about enlarging this Unit even larger is the Tongue attack. I make all directions separately to have the attacks hit the enemy unit correctly. If enlarged it, it would not work unless I remake the Tongue distance in all directions .
Not a Big deal but I am busy with other things. IF it is seriously wanted, I can remake the Attacks and make the Unit even larger but perhaps you guys can simple enlarge the Unit yourselves to use as you want.
If you want to make this Unit larger... I recommend Faststone Resizer:
You see, The tongue would go past the Unit in the attacks and Not appear correct unless all Attack directions are remade.

I thank you for your kind comments and I hope you can use the Unit as it is anyway..
Well, it is not that important to bother you, really. The little one is good enough. Personaly for me, as a consumer your content, it is more benifical to see you spending time you need for a resize on anothre unit.:) I will resize it myself, if I find it urgent. Thank you for recomendations of how to do it, by the way.

Supa's Ebirah sounds like what you're looking for:

Unfortunately, I am searching for a Land version. Giant Land Crab, that's it!
modmyciv and Forest1... the problem about enlarging this Unit even larger is the Tongue attack. I make all directions separately to have the attacks hit the enemy unit correctly. If enlarged it, it would not work unless I remake the Tongue distance in all directions .
Not a Big deal but I am busy with other things. IF it is seriously wanted, I can remake the Attacks and make the Unit even larger but perhaps you guys can simple enlarge the Unit yourselves to use as you want.
If you want to make this Unit larger... I recommend Faststone Resizer:
You see, The tongue would go past the Unit in the attacks and Not appear correct unless all Attack directions are remade.

I thank you for your kind comments and I hope you can use the Unit as it is anyway..

Cheers - it was a wish or whim, don't stop doing more important stuff! Didn't know it would be tricky. Thanks for the link though, will experimant with some others I would also like larger. Playing with Croaker as is already - top quality. Mod has a lot of really big demons/dragons etc.
modmyciv... The main problem is how the Game Units move toward each other during battles. If too close, the Tongue Attack would not be seen in some directions.
The Unit could be enlarged but as I posted, the Attack Tongue would have to be adjusted in all directions so I am not sure exactly how much larger the Unit could be made.

Do you have a comparison image of your Very Large Unit vs a normal size Unit? just not sure the size you are looking for.
I might look into it.
I am sort of obligated to make a Pack Mule for several Games but no serious time table.
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