New Unit March 20, 2018: Farm Tractor


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
Well, Every Farm needs a Farm Tractor
YUP...Old Zeb is Happy to have this Farm Tractor

This Farm Tractor can Irrigate, Road, Repair Roads and Clear Pollution... it also has an Attack.


Fortify and Run speeds are faster in game.

Default-Irrigate/Clear Pollution-Road-Default-Fidget-Default-Run-Default-Fortify-Attack-Victory-Default-Fortify-Attack-Death.


Game Tested - Looks and Works Very Well.

Included Files:
Civilopedia FarmTractorLarge.pcx, FarmTractorSmall.pcx, FarmTractor_units_32.pcx

Alternate Images:
ALT_FarmTractorLarge.pcx has a White Background
ALT_FarmTractorSmall.pcx has a Colored Background

Extra Images:
PreviewFarmTractor.png has a Colored Background
White_PreviewFarmTractor.png has a White Background

Adjusted .ini file

Animations (flcs):
FT_Default.flc, FT_Road.flc, FT_Run.flc, FT_Fortify.flc, FT_Fidget.flc, FT_Attack.flc, FT_Death.flc, FT_Work.flc, FT_Victory.flc

New Sounds I Made from a Real Farm Tractor: FT_Work.wav, FT_Run.wav, FT_Fortify.wav, FT_Fidget.wav, FT_Attack.wav, FT_Death.wav, FT_Victory.wav

Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.

Note: The Worker Actions are for the Human Player as the AI will not use just a few Worker Actions. The AI will use the Farm Tractor for Offense and Defense.

You can Download the Farm Tractor
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That's a lovely old tractor. I like the worn out details such as the dirt on the wheels and missing paint.
MeteorPunch... Thanks, I tried to have this Unit "fit" the Farmer Faction in EFZI2 Elite. I was aware of to begin with, the Palette was very difficult to make due to the Farm Tractor being Red but I finally managed to adjust it all so it Looks Good in game.

I really would like this Unit to work for the AI but as most know, most all Worker actions need to be flagged in the biq to be able to set the "AI Strategies for Terraform" to enable the AI to use the Worker Actions. Therefore, the Worker Actions are for the Human Player that can use those Worker Actions but the AI will only use Attack and Defense for this Unit.

Many difficulties and problems making this Unit but I am Happy how it all worked out in the End, despite the AI Hard Coded settings.

I think that Human Players can use the Worker Actions and the AI can simply use the Unit for Attack and Defense without much trouble in games.
I really would like this Unit to work for the AI but as most know, most all Worker actions need to be flagged in the biq to be able to set the "AI Strategies for Terraform" to enable the AI to use the Worker Actions. Therefore, the Worker Actions are for the Human Player that can use those Worker Actions but the AI will only use Attack and Defense for this Unit.
This is only correct with the Firaxis Editor. Using Quintillus Editor you can enable the AI Strategies for Terraform with only some or a single worker action enabled. I have several units (Legionary, Steamroller, Explorer) that can only build roads and railroads, but have their AI Strategy set to part time workers. And the KI is using them (more or less) correct.

Only slight problem is, that the KI sometimes seems to forget the limitations and still used them for other terraforming actions (like cleaning pollution or wetland).

I like the Tractor. Only the empty driver seat is somewhat irritating. ;)
Kirejara... You do not know what you are saying. The empty driver seat is because there are only 160 Colors for the entire Unit. IF I also added a Driver with 16 Million Colors... what do think would happen?
If all were a Cartoon it would be possible or at least easier.

I request you make a double Unit or add a Driver with this one and show me how Great you can do it with 160 colors.

Always a CRITIC no matter what you give them for free.
Kirejara... You do not know what you are saying. The empty driver seat is because there are only 160 Colors for the entire Unit. IF I also added a Driver with 16 Million Colors... what do think would happen?
If all were a Cartoon it would be possible or at least easier.

I request you make a double Unit or add a Driver with this one and show me how Great you can do it with 160 colors.

Always a CRITIC no matter what you give them for free.

It's OK Vuldacon, usually non-unit makers don't understand the pain unit creators go through having to work with 160 colors. I didn't even know until just recently.

The tractor is awesome and we're very grateful for your work! :cowboy:
It's OK Vuldacon, usually non-unit makers don't understand the pain unit creators go through having to work with 160 colors. I didn't even know until just recently.

The tractor is awesome and we're very grateful for your work!
You are correct Meteor Man and I should keep that in mind when posting, I do get frustrated sometimes... This unit was particularly difficult because it is Red and rendering over a Magenta background mixes the unit colors with the background. After removing the blended colors and making the palette, I had to adjust many more colors in the finished palette. Reddish colors in tires, Purple smoke stack, etc... I spent Five Days making and adjusting the palette with the Unit.
I wanted to add a driver but just not enough colors to have the driver look good. Needed to have skin tones and colors for hair or a hat and clothes, etc... If I added a driver with the needed colors, it would take away details from the tractor as well as the driver.

...with some units I have been able to combine units such as the Delivery Wagon with a driver and horse and the units I made with guys on horses. The Farm Tractor needed to be "Tractor Red" with details. If I had made the Tractor Grey, I would have had enough colors to add a driver with dark hair and clothes and the palette would have been much easier to make as well but I wanted the Farm Tractor Red.
I am sorry, if I have insulted you. I am not a native speaker of the english language.

I really like the tractor (as I have written before). And I do not remember that I had disliked one of your previous works.

And I am partly colorblind (without your last post I would not know that the tractor is red). So I do not know know about color problems in unit building.

Please take my apologize.
This is a unit I remember requesting, like, a decade ago. I'm so happy to see that it has finally been made! :) Thanks Vuldacon.
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