Newbie Questions 2 - post them in THIS thread please!

If I edit the corruption slider in the difficulty level section, am I just changing corruption for myself or for the AI as well?
Originally posted by richard D
If you don't need iron to build factories, what does it mean in here: when it says that factories require iron?

One other question - on culture this time. I see that the chance of a city flipping is principally dependant on how far away it is from the respective capitals. How does the forbidden palace affect this - does it count as a second capital?

I didn't think factories needed iron, but I thought you had to have coal to build coal plants. I also thought if you lost the coal, your coal plants wouldn't be effective anymore. Does anyone know if that's correct?
Originally posted by richard D
If I sell off my forbidden palace, can I then build it in another city?

You can't sell your Forbidden Palace, or rebuild it anywhere else.

You can build your Palace in another city however.

If you are dying to move your Forbidden Palace, maybe you could let the AI capture the city, or you could abandon the city you built it in. Does anyone know if either of those would work?
Originally posted by billindenver

If you are dying to move your Forbidden Palace, maybe you could let the AI capture the city, or you could abandon the city you built it in. Does anyone know if either of those would work?

I think that if you lose your FB it's gone for good. I've abondoned cities with wonders in them and you can't rebuild those wonders ever.
Pollution question:
I only have 1 tile of pollution in my territory, but I'm rushing to clean up the massive pollution caused by nuking my enemy. Will that pollution increase the chance of global warming going up a level? What is the amount of pollution or is it just pollution triangles inside cities that increases global warming?

Looking for a wee bit of help here......looking around I see an awful lot of things to do with the Scots, i.e. leaderheads, new units, etc. Is there anything out there that actually brings them all together.....and can install them in to the game idiot proof for me ???? Like a complete mod pack or a scenario ???? Any maps of scotland or just UK ??? Lots of questions, just eager to play again !!!
Originally posted by RufRydyr
Pollution question:
I only have 1 tile of pollution in my territory, but I'm rushing to clean up the massive pollution caused by nuking my enemy. Will that pollution increase the chance of global warming going up a level? What is the amount of pollution or is it just pollution triangles inside cities that increases global warming?

I believe ALL pollution- your's, the AI's, the pollution within cities, the pollution outside of the city are etc. contribute to GW.
I've seen it turn yellow - when I went on a nuke building frenzy (turned all cities to ICBM-building) but never red. Red? God, it must be insanely polluted to turn that way.
Why does my science advisor keep telling me that my people are backward? What does that mean? Is it related to where I am in the tech tree? If so, is it important?
Originally posted by RufRydyr

I think that if you lose your FB it's gone for good. I've abondoned cities with wonders in them and you can't rebuild those wonders ever.

Note for everybody: refrain from answering if you aren't sure.

The FP is a small wonder and CAN be rebuilt if the city it is in is destroyed or abandoned.

Originally posted by dorkus_malorkus
Why does my science advisor keep telling me that my people are backward? What does that mean? Is it related to where I am in the tech tree? If so, is it important?

It means you are behind in tech compared to the other civs in the world. How big a disadvantage this is depends on many factors. Being behind in tech usually means you will have worse units and miss out on some Great Wonder-building chances.
Thanks Hurricane. I thought that was it but wasn't for sure. What's the best way to catch up? I'm in a game now where I am close to 3 other civs and I have tremendous culture compared to everyone I know of and it seems its either try to attack my neighbor or stick with 5 cities for the rest of the game. If I do that, I have to ramp up my unit production. It's like 1400 ad and it seems like I have spent most of the game trying to satisfy my citizens so I can keep production going. Any suggestions?
Only 5 cities in 1400? :eek: Is it a tiny map?

Anyway, its hard to say without a save. Maybe you should ask the same question again in the strategy forum and attach the save. :)

Good luck!
Originally posted by Hurricane

Note for everybody: refrain from answering if you aren't sure.

The FP is a small wonder and CAN be rebuilt if the city it is in is destroyed or abandoned.

You're right. Sorry about that.:cry:
Hi, i am new to the game and i am in about 2100 in year and i am having some trouble, i have researched steam power etc, but i am low on resources, i chose a wet map but the only resource i have is rubber, there are 4 other civs and between them only one has iron. I need oil and other resources in order to build tanks and fighter planes. there is about 20% of the map uncovered, but i think it is unlikely that it will contain much other decent resources, what should i do??? if there is no solution other than to restart, is there a cheat?
Research towards Replaceable Parts. All you need for Infantry is Rubber and artillery needs no resources at all. Build a stack of 50 artillery and use them to attack every defender in a city down to 1 hit point, then attack with infantry and you should win 80% of the battles.

You really need iron though, and coal, so that you can build railroads. Do anything you can to trade for those, and by all means, definitely explore the remaining 20% of the map, cause you never know what's there.
Also check to see if resources are hiding under cities. Use shift-ctrl-M to see a 'clean' map. Investigate each AI's cheapest, connected city and look in the upper left to see how many of each resource they have. Keep trading maps, too.
If there is a city on the border with you that has a resource you need consider going to war for it or trying to get that city to culture flip to you.
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