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Newbie Questions 2 - post them in THIS thread please!

Is there a list somewhere of how your reputation is affected by various actions. i always seem to end up with everyone being furious with me!
Originally posted by swiftsure
Is there a list somewhere of how your reputation is affected by various actions. i always seem to end up with everyone being furious with me!

you ahve to distinguish between attitude and reputation. If they are furious they don't like you, if they call you a back-stabber they don't trust you.

breaking deals kills you rep - so basically everything you do does. Make a deal, barbarians cut the raod in the other civs lands - your fault!

make a deal, sone other Ai kills your trading partner - your fault

ask the AI to leave your country while you have troops in their land and they declare war - your fault

as for attitude: not giving them gifts all the time makes them furious
not giving in to extortion makes them furious
asking them to leave your land makes them furious

and last but most important: being human makes them :mad: :mad: :mad:
Breaking a ROP - not even officially signing one, just declaring war while you're in their territory - is a big one

Being sneaky while dealing - lowering a gold amount they offer or trying to demand stuff that the advisor says they won't accept

Grabbing a huge gpt deal and the other civ declaring war on you - a huge thing that someone mentioned before
the ability to trade food
Hi all , I am new to the game and new to pc's in general ; this is the first game I play ..yeah , there are still a few of us out there .
I have played a few at Chieftain (as Shaka , obviously) and it went OK .
My question is ; while playing my first Warlord I had to send three workers through a city to clear pollution . The first two got killed by my infantry , no explanation given . I then removed all my forces from the city , sent the third worker through only to be told my ICBM was captured .
At that stage I had already killed some spies , these were own workers , not foreign . I thought spies were only in cities ? Were those workers spies ? I THINK the ICBM was still there , not sure though , had quite an arsenal by then . I dropped around 30 to 40 on my largest opponent and rolled over them with modern armour in the last couple of turns ; no time for war weariness :D
Thanks to everyone contributing here , I spend around an hour a day just trying to absorb all the info . :king:
Originally posted by SonOfShaka
Hi all , I am new to the game and new to pc's in general ; this is the first game I play ..yeah , there are still a few of us out there .
I have played a few at Chieftain (as Shaka , obviously) and it went OK .
My question is ; while playing my first Warlord I had to send three workers through a city to clear pollution . The first two got killed by my infantry , no explanation given . I then removed all my forces from the city , sent the third worker through only to be told my ICBM was captured .
At that stage I had already killed some spies , these were own workers , not foreign . I thought spies were only in cities ? Were those workers spies ? I THINK the ICBM was still there , not sure though , had quite an arsenal by then . I dropped around 30 to 40 on my largest opponent and rolled over them with modern armour in the last couple of turns ; no time for war weariness :D
Thanks to everyone contributing here , I spend around an hour a day just trying to absorb all the info . :king:

First I'd like to say hello and welcome to CivFanatics and PCs in general. :D

Second, your problem is not unheard of. It's a bug. I don't know if we know what causes it exactly, but I think it might have been resolved in a patch a while back. I assume you have the PC version and not the Mac version? If you haven't got the latest patch, I say download it.
Thanks Becka , got the patch now .
On the topic of patches ; mods ; odds and sods ; does anyone have recommendations for "must haves" ? There is an overwhelming (to me) amount of mods ect.
Should I first get to grips with the game as is ? Anything that you consider essential ?
No, just play the game. Mods change the game, imho you can learn the game better the way it is. You might want to consider graphical mods for clearer, more helpfull graphics, but that's not necessary.
This one is very handy for a good understanding of the combat system: the combat calculator.
Also, check the war academy for all sorts of articles on strategic issues.

I don't know if these questions have been asked a million times before but any help would be appreciated. While talking a Chinese city i popped a GL and also a box asking me what name i would like to call the knight... then he cruised around with an asterix above his rank. What the heck does that mean? Also, i'm about a dillion techs behind... what's the general consensis there, do i try to amass a vulgar amout of money, or up the scientific rate to stay only just behind the AI?
The naming of GL units and * are part of the latest patch, in practical terms it's a way to track elite units that can no longer pop GLs, some people also enjoy naming their most effective units.
There are better qualified people here to answer strategic questions but for starters the level you are playing on makes a big difference. Regent or below you can catch up on tech easily just by developing your cities, higher than that you need much more involved tactics.
Thanx xavitor... makes sense. I ended up summoning all my imagination and wit and called it 'knight'. I'm in the GOTM so i'm unquestionably out of my depth, but that's how you learn, it's all good. Here's a point which you experienced fella's would consider a waste of space, but blokes like me and sonofshaka will consider valuable... make sure you work out which colour is which AI! I just made a MPP with France against Babylon cause i thought they were on a diff island, not so. I'm now witnessing a fantasticly onesided stonking in which i am the loser! It would seem knights don't like fighting cav armies... who would've guessed. Keep going SonofShaka, we'll win something one day!
'knight' is as good as anything, this is one game I don't get attached to my units in, especially if they've got an upgrade to come. Knights against cavalry isn't as hopeless as you might think, but you'll need a numeric advantage and if you're already losing cities it's probably too late. I've never played a GOTM myself so you're already more experience than I! :)
Here's another sitter for you Xavitor... what's the best thing to do with arctic cities? Just forget about them, mabey surround them with forest, turn the place into worker-a-go-go?
Worker a go go!
Are you talking about a city with not a single square other than tundra, not even coast?
Off the top of my head you'll max out pop at 2, so forest two tundra, build a temple (I assume you've built it to stop the AI from settling there), build a barracks and crank out troops. If you're short on space and need the production you could build several cities near each other on this land as not one of them will ever use more than two squares.
Your a smart man, don't ever let anyone ever tell you differently! I think my downfall is i just never like giving land away. I could always build settlers and press 'O', but now i'm just being silly. While we're playing 20 questions... last game i squashed the Chinese and my new cities kept flipping even after the Chinese were dead. I think they had some random galley cruising around, and because i'm A) not smart, and B) of the thinking that navies are as useful as inflatable dart boards, i couldn't kill the galley. Can an AI survive purely on a boat? Also, i've never had coal in my land, is this something that happens to everyone, or does my computer still have the sads with me cause i spilt strawberry milk on it?
Tomorrow morning there'll be 50 posts contradicting everything I've told you but for now I'll take the compliment. :)
Strawberry milk is likely to have a negative effect on your system, but I doubt it controls the presence of coal. I've played maps that had no oil anywhere and I've played games where the most advanced resource I had in my territory was iron, no coal, oil, rubber, saltpepper, nothing, this can be a pain but also a fun challenge. Availability of resources is related to the number of civs you play (the fewer civs the less resources) and the type of terrain, maps without desert or tundra won't have oil, until global warming turns plains into desert of course.
I'm told AI can survive so long as they have one settler left and that settler can be on a galley, I've never seen this however. I wouldn't expect that a city can flip to a civ with no cities though, where would the culture come from? Unless they're flipping to another civ altogether?
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