[BTS] News: BOTM 171 Holy Roman Prince Charles starts 2March

I don't load old saves because I'm worried about doing something that will turn out to be wrong and bannable, but one thing I got thinking about, related to 1AD updates. Lets say I've played past 1AD, and loaded up the 1AD save to check. Tech rate is at 60% or whatever, then I tick the + to put it at 100% to see the full tech rate. Is this an "irreversible action"?

No, that's not irreversible. I've done that sometimes myself in order to get data to write the 1AD spoiler with. An irreversible action is an actual game move. Something like, moving a unit, or arranging a trade deal: Once you've moved a unit, that alters the game state, and there's no way to get back to the state of the game before you moved it. So that's not allowed on an old save. On the other hand, changing the tech rate to 100% is completely reversible: You pop it back to whatever it was before and the game is now back in exactly the state it was in when you loaded the save. That's completely fine. Ditto looking at any information on any of the game screens is fine.
I don't load old saves because I'm worried about doing something that will turn out to be wrong and bannable, but one thing I got thinking about, related to 1AD updates. Lets say I've played past 1AD, and loaded up the 1AD save to check. Tech rate is at 60% or whatever, then I tick the + to put it at 100% to see the full tech rate. Is this an "irreversible action"?
Changing Tech Rate is reversible and would not be a problem.
Thanks for the replies. Will probably still be too afraid to load one of these older saves, though, until after I've submitted :blush:
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