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News: TSG87 Announcement

Finished my current test game in 76 turns. Still feels like a rush in the end and you really can't let live the AI.

hm, I need 15 turns to get my cities...nice :) 15 to build units...45 to run around the world could be to fast for me :crazyeye:
Did you get easy access to uranium and do the nuke xcom approach?

With nukes it's doable. But if the TSG doesn't have access to uranium like one of my test runs, it will be hard to find an alternative. (No CS had it, and only the most remote and difficult to conquer 2 AIs had it and they would not trade.)

You need a lot of uranium too, not just a mine's worth. Or else shuffling it around will slow you down too much.

It's too bad stealth bombers don't go in carriers either.

I had one uranium mine but nukes werent a strong factor. You don't really need nukes when you got stealth bombers, XCOM and missile cruisers. While in that 76T game I used 6 or 7 nukes, I made another game just after winning it in 73T and used only 1 nuke the whole game... AI strengths and map layout just play a much bigger role.

On the other hand I felt alluminium was a more important factor for the first land attacks with Rocket A.
tried two test games for 30 turns, and realized that this is a totally different game. it was as if I were playing ultra-quick speed.

for 1st game, I went 3 coastal cities with exploration + order.
for 2nd game, I could settle on coal so I went order all-in with fast factories and resettlement.

I think my policy choice was not bad, but apparently I could not balance tech and army. for the 1st one, I silently clicked main menu when I saw 20+ Japanese cavalry+arty+infantry were right next to my border. For 2nd game, I was hated by all others b/c of damn warmonger hate.

It seems that nobody went freedom - so it depends on what your neighbors getting. If you get order and others get autocracy, your diplomacy is screwed from the very beginning.
I decided I don't have the patience to try a bunch of test games and practice my warfaring technique. Time to just go for it! :goodjob:
i wonder how hard this would be at deity. i imagine other VCs are doable but dom would be extremely close calls every time.
I decided I don't have the patience to try a bunch of test games and practice my warfaring technique. Time to just go for it! :goodjob:

I'm still running test games. There are some great combos to be found in hybrid openings. :D

At this point, I'm having so much fun with the test games I don't even care how my actual GoTM run goes. :lol:
i wonder how hard this would be at deity. i imagine other VCs are doable but dom would be extremely close calls every time.
I am not sure how much of a bonus to research diety gets compared to immortal, but if the AI gets appolo 15 turns earlier it will be an extremely close call indeed. Any idea what is the % difference between immortal and deity for AI research?

I'm still running test games. There are some great combos to be found in hybrid openings.
I firmly believe 3 autocracy 2 patronage, then filling them up is the best combo. Doubling of ressources is just too good to be map / luck independant. I'd be interested to know if you think something else is better. :D

I thought also about full rationalism to get flight even faster and attack sooner, but frankly your cities need a minimum of development if you don't want to slow your late game conquest, so the 20 turns or so it takes to get flight are just the minimum to build barebones cities that won't suck past the first attack.

At this point, I'm having so much fun with the test games I don't even care how my actual GoTM run goes.
Same here. I think we are too much used to ancient start and we already have it too planned out and clear before us, so no surprises there. This new mode brought the old joys of figuring out the best builds and strategies, this is like a brand new civ game all over again. :D
I firmly believe 3 autocracy 2 patronage, then filling them up is the best combo. Doubling of ressources is just too good to be map / luck independant. I'd be interested to know if you think something else is better. :D

Why do you think it's important to have 20 influence with CS (after 20 turns)? This strat gives you no starting science bonus or prod bonus, right? I admit I haven't tested it, but it seems iffy.
Moderator Action: Once you have opened the save, please refrain from posting in the announcement thread as it would be a shame if you spoiled someone's game with information they should not have had.
I am not sure how much of a bonus to research diety gets compared to immortal, but if the AI gets appolo 15 turns earlier it will be an extremely close call indeed. Any idea what is the % difference between immortal and deity for AI research?

i have yet to try this but assuming the bonuses are the same as any typical deity game, they'd start with an extra settler. im guessing the extra city alone could shift faster times considerably, even with the extra city penalty and poor AI ability. you might have to start with liberty for the extra settle and reduced culture per city to catch up fast enough.

edit: what would be even more interesting is an MP game with these settings to see how 4-6 smart players would handle this advanced start.
At this point, I'm having so much fun with the test games I don't even care how my actual GoTM run goes. :lol:

Yes! But at the point where I have to deal with all the enemy units things get compliated and I realize that I even have to practice that...:bump:
In my test games I had the best start with extra units, because they also lead to extra workers, extra money, extra tiles, more exploration, no early agression of other Civs...
But have not yet found out what to do after the starting phase...early war was bad, late war was bad... :lol:

Many things depend on who you meet and what ideologies they have... I even tried to delay my start to know what ideoligies are in the game. But more important are your neighbours and how they they treat the CSs. Funny ,had one test game with Venedig and Austria...
Gave it my first real attempt, rerolled until I got a plains coastal start (attached).

Went with the uber-Order attempt, for two cities at pop 7 and faster factories.

Strategy given I had three coastal cities (who knows if that will happen in the game) was to build some workers, aqueducts, then universities, move as fast as possible to Plastics and then Rocket Artillery and then X-Coms/Missile Cruisers.

Hit X-Coms/Missile Cruisers 45 turns in (popped the Order GS for plastics, used two GEs, one for Kremlin, one for Christi, B-gate was already gone) and now I've got 40 units, most of them missile cruisers and X-Coms, ready to bring pain. Handful of Rocket Artillery and Mobile SAMS as well.

50 turns in, Korea was taken. RA are just good. Missile Cruisers are even better. Moving on to whoever is nearby, will buy Airports for fast transport as needed, but over half the cities on the map are within 3 spaces of the coast, so Missile Cruisers/X-Coms should be able to do all the heavy lifting.

BTW, I have the tech lead by about 6 techs. It's possible that next turn some jerk will build Apollo but so far so good. If they do, they'll be visited by about one X-Com a turn until my fleet of missile cruisers can get there.

The only thing I'm sure of from this is that IF at least two cities are coastal, maximizing science and going for missile cruisers and X-Coms is very strong. Can't say the Order strat is necessary best as I haven't tried anything else yet. But given that at turn 50 I am rubbing up against the unit cap (40 units of 44 or something) I don't think there's any need to be buying units ... and right now, at least, while +25% to warring would be nice, it's hardly necessary. X-Com > Infantry.

EDIT: I might have missed it, but it may just be a big fluke that nobody has built Apollo after turn 50. But given Missile Cruisers can get to just about any spot on the map with 7 turns, I am hoping that if I know I have a 20-turn clock running, I can do what needs to be done.

I tried this map, and realized that modern era start is a completely different game. I think I got xcom (first time building this unit) and other necessary stuff before t40 even without hubble. I didn't build enough units compared to techs.

Since I could see coal, I chose order factory policy and built factory fast, and got secularism fast. Tech was just way too fast.

The problem is, there were too many units and it took some time to kill them - now I understand why I need nukes.

Thank you for the map, and I will try the actual gotm soon.
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