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News: TSG87 Announcement

Yup, you have to be very careful. You cant neglect units on a science bee-line to the good stuff.
May I suggest that the starting questions for this one be slightly different? For one, I don't think "first 100 turns" will adequately define "early action" :).

I would say, first 30 turns:

1) Ideology choice?
2) BPT at turn 30?
3) Any warfare before turn 30?
4) General plans for kicking butt
If it's a short game, I don't think it will be for the reasons you think... the AI may not start with that many units, but they have the same Immortal bonuses to production/etc., and if you start next to an aggressive AI they will come calling with artillery and cavalry on t25-40
it will be a short game because AI only gets immortal bonus and that's not enough to counter their mediocrity
Yup, you have to be very careful. You cant neglect units on a science bee-line to the good stuff.
it should be quite obvious that in a short domination game, all that matters is units... including nukes :D
Freedom could also be fun, you start with six more infantries, which also can mean two more workers and one more town and a fast kill of one opponent...

I would try to see more of what is close around, and then decide which strategy fits well, it is possible to meet Civs with better Infantries then yours.
it will be a short game because AI only gets immortal bonus and that's not enough to counter their mediocrity
it should be quite obvious that in a short domination game, all that matters is units... including nukes :D

I should rephrase. It will *always be a short game*. The AI will win by t60-t75 (+325) if you don't win first or pillage their aluminum source. So, by definition all games with this start are going to be "short", compared to an ancient start. But, pwning the AI isn't as easy on Modern starts as it normally is. Each of their cities can spit out units 1 per turn. So will the player eventually but I think you're underestimating how hard it can be to survive that long without a lucky start. In my failed attempt, by t30 one AI had 18 units at my door, comprised mostly of artillery, cavalry and *bombers*. The other brought a navy. This is definitely *not* easy mode.
I think if you get caught in an early GW infantry/artillery war, you lose. The best insurance in this case is to research Flight first. And in which case, if you can manage peace, then you will have a grace period to tech up to Panzers and Bombers. But, after playing a few starts, I think it would be better to peacefully tech to Panzer/Bomber and do an Oxford to get them both at once. Of course, I want Brandenburg gate to go along with it because I think that gives 3 promos on the panzer 'right out of the Gate'.
I think if you get caught in an early GW infantry/artillery war, you lose. The best insurance in this case is to research Flight first. And in which case, if you can manage peace, then you will have a grace period to tech up to Panzers and Bombers. But, after playing a few starts, I think it would be better to peacefully tech to Panzer/Bomber and do an Oxford to get them both at once. Of course, I want Brandenburg gate to go along with it because I think that gives 3 promos on the panzer 'right out of the Gate'.
You get 3 promos from autocracy (total war) without the gate. And with the gate it doesn't give a 4th. But most importantly you won't have time for any wonders. Even workers you should buy if possible, every turn counts.
I think if you get caught in an early GW infantry/artillery war, you lose. The best insurance in this case is to research Flight first. And in which case, if you can manage peace, then you will have a grace period to tech up to Panzers and Bombers. But, after playing a few starts, I think it would be better to peacefully tech to Panzer/Bomber and do an Oxford to get them both at once. Of course, I want Brandenburg gate to go along with it because I think that gives 3 promos on the panzer 'right out of the Gate'.

Are panzers really going to win the game for you, though, against strength 120 cities, when you have to hit so many caps so quickly? I guess if you can get enough individual armies going.

I may go against my usual practice and actually finish a couple practice games before I give this one a try.
You get 3 promos from autocracy (total war) without the gate. And with the gate it doesn't give a 4th. But most importantly you won't have time for any wonders. Even workers you should buy if possible, every turn counts.

I know its a huge gamble to go for the Gate. I should probably ignore it, but look at the starting hill, nice hammers.

Of course Panzers cant take a 120 city by itself, that's not their job anyway.
Quick question (I don't have the game here to test), does each space part consume the aluminum? in other words do you need 5 aluminum total or can you build one part at a time with 1 unit of aluminum?

EDIT: The reason i am asking is that a recycling center only makes 2 aluminum. So to get enough for 5 parts, maybe a 6th for spaceship factory, you need recycling centers in 3 cities. This could open the delaying tactic of killing one city of each AI when they get close to finish, between that and eliminating their other sources of aluminum it would stop them indefinitely giving you time to finish the game or focus on other AIs.
I should rephrase. It will *always be a short game*. The AI will win by t60-t75 (+325) if you don't win first or pillage their aluminum source. So, by definition all games with this start are going to be "short", compared to an ancient start. But, pwning the AI isn't as easy on Modern starts as it normally is. Each of their cities can spit out units 1 per turn. So will the player eventually but I think you're underestimating how hard it can be to survive that long without a lucky start. In my failed attempt, by t30 one AI had 18 units at my door, comprised mostly of artillery, cavalry and *bombers*. The other brought a navy. This is definitely *not* easy mode.
Yes, I understand there will be no time to snowball gold / production / science etc... but there remains the option to rush your opponents & take over their assets
The aluminum you use to build a SS part is released when you attach that part to the spaceship in your capital. So, if you are building parts in 3 cities, you should only need 3 aluminum.
Tried these settings for a few turns... immortal does not feel more difficult on modern start than ancient: same clueless AI.

Actually the nice thing about advanced start is that arties can be built on turn 1, and that the AI have 3 super equiped cities, great assets just waiting to be scooped up: conquer their capital, sue for peace and get a size 4+ puppet with golden door knobs :lol:

It does seem that 2 armies will be required to mop up the AIs by ~ turn 60: takes about 20 turns per AI (using peasants + arties).
If you arty spam right away, you will take a first AI down but you will be late later for key techs to take over the world. The tech ramps up quickly and you need those science buildings asap.

If you'r planning an arty zerg rush it will stop brutally as soon as AI gets flights, which happens quite fast. :)
In my test-games everything that delays war seems to be the wrong way...
And when my science is to strong, the civs following Autocracy steal my tecs and get stronger...
If you arty spam right away, you will take a first AI down but you will be late later for key techs to take over the world. The tech ramps up quickly and you need those science buildings asap.

If you'r planning an arty zerg rush it will stop brutally as soon as AI gets flights, which happens quite fast. :)
well actually in my test game I was #1 in tech without breaking a sweat... and my spies were useless. And you don't need to zerg: a couple arties are enough, don't underestimate how much immortal AI just plain sucks :lol: (of course the AI is the same on all levels, it just means that immortal cheats are not enough to offset AI mediocrity)
Since you want a lot of trade routes to CS's for the production boost from the Hanse, going Freedom for the CS influence from those trade routes is a win-win.
no religion????? :sad:

I'll pass... or I'll play it but I expect to get my ass kicked I suck at warring anyway
Finished my current test game in 76 turns. Still feels like a rush in the end and you really can't let live the AI.
Did you get easy access to uranium and do the nuke xcom approach?

With nukes it's doable. But if the TSG doesn't have access to uranium like one of my test runs, it will be hard to find an alternative. (No CS had it, and only the most remote and difficult to conquer 2 AIs had it and they would not trade.)

You need a lot of uranium too, not just a mine's worth. Or else shuffling it around will slow you down too much.

It's too bad stealth bombers don't go in carriers either.
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