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News: WOTM 18 First Spoiler


Prodigal Staffer
GOTM Staff
Dec 16, 2005

WOTM18 First Spoiler

Reading Requirements

Stop! If you are participating in WOTM18, then you MUST NOT read this thread unless EITHER
  • You must have reached at least 500 AD in your game, OR
  • You have submitted your entry

Posting Restrictions

  • Please do not discuss anything post 500 AD.
  • Please do not name any civs or discuss any events in any locations that are not reachable by galley.

Are you still alive? Is this harder or easier than expected?
I'm still alive. It's as hard as expected. I settled 1W and put down second city between the two gems to the SE. I then used warriors to defeat the barbarian hordes, although my pigs and ivory got pillaged. Did not matter much though. Beeline to Alpha (1270 BC) enable me to trade for myst from writing, and from alpha I got BW, poly, wheel, phood, sailing, masonry, agri, IW and math. Getting both IW and math from alpha put me in a good mood, so I teched to Literature to build the great library. Academy 1150 BC.

Then it all went down hill. I manage to build a third city to the NW, but I lost GLib to Asoka. Then he started to tech like hell, and got grenadiers somewhere around 200 AD :eek: and liberalism a bit later.

I've captured a city from Ramesses (up north) and Luis have taken a city or two as well from him. I have built HE, and now I'm building armies only. I've bribed Isabella (with education) to attack Asoka, but the war does not go well for her (surprise). My plan is to attack Asoka just to see if that works out. He has 5 times my power, but who knows? With a couple of trebs and maces I can easily kill his grenadiers, yes? :lol:

Anyway, thanks for the map! I'm fully humiliated and look forward to read about the grand failures of my competitors :D Will anyone manage to win? Perhaps diplomatic, but how do other players handle Asoka?
I'm up to (in fact rather far past) 500 AD, and obviously am still alive. That's about the only thing I have going.

After reading the pre-game I decided to settle 1S on the Forest. Scouting revealed lots of Jungle; however, as tempting as IW was, I'd already decided to follow the fastest path to Alphabet, Hunting-AH-Writing-Alpha. It felt really weird, but with the Ivory and Pigs, seemed logical.

Until the damn jungle decided to take over the pigs! Before I even learned AH or had a Worker to do anything about it. I decided not to go for Agri, and stayed on my path, but being down Food and Health meant no 2nd city and only 1 Scientist once I had a Library. Got to Alpha around 950 BC; Writing was still a good trade with Louis, and Alpha only for Isabella, Ramses, Cyrus and Asoka. After a few rounds of trading I was mostly caught up (except Asoka).

Drama next, timed with a GS to get Philosophy the turn after, and I had actually founded a religion! With both Techs unique I again mostly caught up (except for Asoka, again!).

Barbs threatened, but I had enough Warriors to keep them at bay. A barb city popped up in the Jungle to the SW (a fairly nice spot with Cattle and Bananas within the fat cross), so I planned to take it from them ... until Louis did the job himself. I was still a One city empire.

I proceeded to connect Iron and start building Pretorians, hoping to capture a city or two before everybody had Feudalism (Asoka, of course, already had it).

I had excellent relations with Ramses, fair with Asoka and Cyrus, a 0 with Isabella (once I was Taoist), and fair with Louis. Louis did me the favor of declaring on Ramses - when Ramses asked me to join in I was almost ready to attack that Jungle city and double my # of towns, so I said yes. I bit of good maneuvering and I eliminated a small stack Louis sent my way; a stack of Pretorians and Axes did the trick shortly after and I finally had a second city.

Eventually we signed peace. The rest of the story up to 500 AD is 1.) trying to learn a unique Tech to trade for all the scads of other Techs the other civs had. Hint - Great People is a significant part of my game, such as it is. and 2.) trying to keep that 2nd jungle city against the massive culture coming from India. More on both these in a late spoiler.

So, I'm alive, and actually have 2 cities at 500 AD. But the struggles are just beginning. If I survive to see the end, it'll probably be to cheer the Indians as they launch. I guess we'll see.
..., but how do other players handle Asoka?

We don't... :p

Settled one west.
I thought a early landgrab would be needed (appears not to be from what I've read), so I settled two cities extra cities to the south and east. Slowed my tech rate obviously...
Had few to zero problems with barbs as land was insta-filled by Asoka and Isabella... Three barb cities pop to west end south, two of them captured by Asoka's chariots: The game could be called "Bru..." Euh... "Asoka Allmighty"!
At 1000BC (a few turns from alpha and GS) a pleased (...pleased: my **s!) Asoka declares war on me, captures southern city next turn and chariots comming to capitol... Game Over! :D

I hope it's not spoilerish for those who have not explored Asoka's territory yet (my warrior did...), but his lands are just soooo juicy... :rolleyes:
I have to say: respect to Erkon and civ_steve for their surviving skills and nice going games! :)
...I hope it's not spoilerish for those who have not explored Asoka's territory yet (my warrior did...), but his lands are just soooo juicy... :rolleyes:
I have to say: respect to Erkon and civ_steve for their surviving skills and nice going games! :)

Revealing the juicy lands of Asoka to those who did not know it as of 500 AD is hardly spoilerish. It's pretty obvious! :lol: And my game is not nice going :eek:

The map layout was not entirely favourable :mischief:, with all the jungle the NW, W, SW, S. Sure, it prevented Isa and Asoka to choke us, but it prevented early AI city grab. And the jungle on the gems prevented us the early commerce boost that is vital.

All in all, I find this map non-nerfed. Kudos to map maker, curses to LowtherCastle for asking for this map, although I concured :faint: :lol:
I forgot to include this - after the Alphabet round of trading Cyrus came up to me and GAVE me Meditation! :pat: A few turns later, Ramses came up to me and GAVE me Calendar! :pat: Nice Guys.
All in all, I find this map non-nerfed.

Pur-lease...that iron resource was never random. Neither was the choke point to the east. Nor the gems under the jungle.

A brief history of my game...Settled one west. Moved archer to nick workers off Rammy, then back to defend capital. Never researched Archery and so barb attacks were only warriors. Founded second city on hills at choke point to the east. Third city was south on the coast to grab cows and clam and another gems. Fourth city was up north for the horses. Fifth city was at the south to grab silk and wheat. Creative trait meant Izzy and Asoka were held back (converted to Buddhism as soon as for the relations). Louis and Rammy were also thrust away by my choke city.

State of play at 500 AD. No wars involving in me, and the negative relations with Louis and Rammy (Judaism) are not that bad and I'm trying to keep up a decent army of Prets and defenders. My ranking is pathetic (i.e. I'm last), and I'm so weak technologically that Asoka gifted me Meditation and Cyrus gifted me Literature and Calendar. Strange how Izzy gave me sod all, well, she hasn't hated me but being the same religion I wouldn't expect her to. Even stranger that Cyrus is a different religion but pleased, and about to have a city flip to me.

The really depressing points:
Liberalism went to Asoka in 155AD.
Everyone has Civil Service and is currently building Macemen and some Cats.
Circum bonus went (can't remember who got it)
I have no Great Wonders.
No wonder resources nearby (nerfed map)
Izzy got Confuscisasm and might switch.

At the moment I'm thinking Asoka will win if I'm not wiped out by Izzy or more likely Louis. I had expected to be slaughtered long ago but I guess luck plays a huge part on this level of difficulty. Can't say it's been fun because I've never felt like I was in the game, it's too damn hard.
Pur-lease...that iron resource was never random. Neither was the choke point to the east. Nor the gems under the jungle.

Perhaps I was not clear enough: the good things in the map (iron, choke, gems) was compensated by the horrible surroundings. Jungle to east => no suitable rush victim. Jungle to west => no suitable rush victim. Without early rush victim, it's very hard to win on Deity, regardless of starting resources. And the surrounding jungle made expansion by human difficult.
Pur-lease...that iron resource was never random. Neither was the choke point to the east. Nor the gems under the jungle.

actually, the choke point was natural, only the iron and gems weren't
13 minutes! I stole a worker from Ramses, and he stole it back before I could get away.

I wandered my 3 fogbusting warriors too far from home. I left 1 guarding, and he lost a favorable odds, game over!
Man, that's a sauna (banya), I'm still steaming. Judging by the posts of the other participants, it will be the story of a lonely warmonger.

It's 650AD, and I'm not very far behind the main group, except Asoka, who runs like hell. I've chopped 2 cities from him, including the one with 3 golds - I understand that the map should be mostly unchanged, but come on, man, COME ON! Three golds and floodplains to work them! While we get 2 jungled gems! The opponents aren't also a prise - backstabbing freak, hysterical beyatch and distant malicious brainiac.

Settled 1W. The expansion went for fast Alpha (Hunting-AH-Wri-Alpha), traded for all early techs and IW - but not Maths. My 2nd city went south, grabbing clam, corn, gems and dyes. Wanted to settle the third a bit southerner (hills, wheat, cows, silks), but it was rammed by Asoka the speedy monster plopping Calcutta to grab the copper, and Cyrus capuring the barb city. By that time I had the info on iron and settled in disgust on the land-joint, as the territory to the north was also occupied by barbs-founded Asoka city and Spaniards.
As a result I had low-hammer, low-commerce 3-city closet, of which 2 could whip on food. So my only hope was in the sword. Therefore after IW I whipped barracks and 6 praets and assaulted Asoka's Calcutta, capturing it with above average, but bearable losses. Further south - and 3-gold city is mine. By that time my assault line is reinforced by an elephant and several cats. However, despite reinforcement pouring westwards accompanied by non-stop whip-cracking, when I see the retaliation squad, I almost widdled my pajamas - a squad of over 15 units, including elephants, swords, cats and horsearchers. Luckily, the 2 cities captured weighed in my favour, so Cease Fire was signed and I had my first set of hard thoughts.
The situation was hard indeed, still, I got myself a good city and not a bad one too. However, all opponents had Feudalism by then, and Asoka was clearly unassailable (he got maces couple of turns later...). Therefore I switched from Hinduist International to Judaist (led by Asoka, which eventually turned him pleased) and turned my eyes to the cool northern plains, where they knew not any sources of metals. In my next sweep from 2nd century BC to 2nd AD I regrouped and captured 3 cities, including holy city of Hinduism and Buddhism with Kashi giving 22gpt. However, my assault on Madrid, with 50% numbers advantage + catapults failed due to unfavourable random, and the risk of wounded party's destruction loomed. Therefore I had to strike ceasefire, regroup and heal, bring more forces and get ready for the next strike. But that goes beyond this spoiler's limits.

As for techs, I was researching the techs I could get good value for, like Philo, PPress, Drama.
My plan is to attack Asoka just to see if that works out. He has 5 times my power, but who knows? With a couple of trebs and maces I can easily kill his grenadiers, yes?
Why would you build maces vs grens? Build praets.
I bet the word "swarm" has revealed its true meaning to you :)
Judging by the posts of the other participants, it will be the story of a lonely warmonger.
Not so fast, Lexad. At 500AD my empire is still alive and well. I may yet win this one :mwaha: Then again, maybe not :) We'll see.

I also settled one west. After AH I went for The Wheel before continuing on to Alphabet- having (eventually) 3 connected cities and a raised happy-cap seemed a fair trade for the time spent on The Wheel. I was able to do a healthy round of trading anyway (writing was still available to some). 2nd city founded north a ways by the horses, hooked 'em up along with the ivory and etc., and built some Chariots with which to attack Ramses who was encroaching into the choke point. Captured 3 towns from Egypt and brewed a lot of AI antipathy in the process, drawing the entire eastern half of the world into wars with each other.

I delayed the appearance of the first GS even beyond the delay in getting to Writing, in favor of building/military. Once he did come along I was still able to found Taoism and gain a monopoly tech, totally invaluable in staying in the game at this level :)

Captured a key barb town in the central west thanks to AI assistance. I might have gained as many as 3 barb towns, but the AI are so quick these towns are destroyed before they even hit size 2! All the same, Asoka settled the clams spot South, we had to settle for a lesser, inland dyes-gems spot instead.

I switched to a new OS recently and can't access my notes right now :blush: so I can't get into all the details at this time. But, as of 500AD I control 8 towns- Alexandria E of the chokepoint was lost to France when they dowed us, then captured by our 'ally' Asoka before he vassalized Louis. We're 12 turns from Education- and have another GS waiting to finish it off- which will be one of those all-but-Asoka monopolies if things work out. Also at war with Spain, have captured one nice central town, look good to capture Cordoba and then maybe we'll move to Madrid and beyond if things work out. Spain seems to be falling off the tech pace and has such nice land and big cities, surely it'd make a nice addition to Rome... but it is all up in the air. Asoka was at war with Spain at one time too, made peace, and now seems positioned to take it all over if I draw them in again... I haven't got much past 500 yet and this thing could really go either way. Fun game Ainwood! :goodjob:
500 AD & still kicking -he he he.
Started in place. Went for BW, wheel, archery, agri, myst & then IW by 1720 BC. My second city was on the peninsula to the east & then a third to the south. Once I had about 6 praets I attacked Louis, took a city then sued for peace.

Now, I'm way behind the teck race & think it's only a matter of time before someone bigger & stronger attacks.

Deity is way over my head but one thing a learned about this game is the value of chopping and whipping.
My game is somewhat similar to Jove and Lexad's... three cities then attack!

Well, my game has been a mixed bag. The warmonger route has gone pretty well and I've eliminated Isabella. However, Asoka is a monster with four times my score, my lands are hammer poor and my economy is stretched. I've got Cyrus, Louis and Rameses Pleased with me and Asoka hovers between Cautious and Pleased.

I settled west and went Hunting->Animal Husbandry->Agriculture->Wheel->Pottery->Writing->Alphabet

The few extra worker techs reduced what I could trade for Alphabet so I had to wait some time before picking up Math and Iron Working.

I settled a city to the south for one gems, two ivory, dye and shared corn.

Settled a third city up north to get the horses and pigs in it's fat cross.

After Alphabet I went for Construction.

I whipped heavily for cats, elephants and praetorians and started attacking Izzy since she was the most backward and had no metals. She also had very few cities on hills and my offensive went very well.

After Construction I went for CoL->Civil Service->Philosophy->Nationalism

The cash from capturing cities let me keep researching at or near 100%. By 500AD I had just finished off Izzy, but I kept 1 or 2 marginal cities that should have been razed.

I actually got the circumnavigation bonus through some lucky map trades - I didn't have Paper and hadn't built a single boat!

I must say that I've got a distinct lack of hammers, and I've tended to build cottages on most of my grassland, which makes it not that great for whipping either. My economy is poor, but stable at around 40%.

At 500AD I am about 15 turns from Military Tradition and have traded for Gunpowder so I'm going to go into another big war once I have Cavalry.

No other wars have broken out so the AI all have high score and power. I'm thinking of going after Rameses next, but I've got no idea when would be the best time to attack Asoka (if at all!) since he is such a juggernaut. I shuddered when Asoka went into Heriditary Rule in 1400BC and hadn't built the Pyramids!

I'm tempted to try for conquest (after getting beaten by Jove last WOTM), since that seems to be the hardest victory i.e. the most fun!! (But I might have some sudden thunderbolts of reality hit and go for something a little more achievable).

Edit: of course, if Asoka declares on me out of the blue it's game over.
Great start! I believe, both your and Jove's start are better than mine - maybe kicking Asoka was not the best decision, but I couldn't even imagine his massive retaliation force that fast. It would be interesting to compare the results (I'm currently somewhere in the XIV century)
Close to Lextad start but i took IW then Alfa nad i was able to trade Alfa with everyone except Asoka. I've took 2 Asoka cities (the one with 3 golds too) then i was forces to make peace. the i've attacked Izzi and i conquered her in two wars and leave her to two cities one of the on island. That was till 1AD. The the "mistakes" came. Istead of attacking Asoka i've attacked Ramzes. The stupid "Warlords" feature kick in Rami became Asoka's vassal and declair on me. When my forces were very far. That was around 500 AD .
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