Start the GA when you are ready to go into caste+pacifism to run specialists. So you need philo and several cities with high population.
Spoiler :Kumbi Saleh is on a hill, right? That city will be his main target, so if you hoard some axes and skirmishers there, behind a wall, you may be able to hold out until he gets siege. Hopefully he loses enough units to want to peace out. City Raider 8-strength units is no joke though.
edit: Err, maybe check the last page next timeSounds like things went well.
See, I never knew I was gonna switch into caste and pacifism in the first place! Sounds like a good idea though! That means, even if I went through an Engineering war (I think that would be good since my neighbor to the west has plenty of nice wonders, land and few cities), I would save this guy for after the war to catch up with those civics (and hopefully the Mids if the war goes as planned)?
Interesting with pacifism, but if you use 2Well, for me, golden ages are always used to generate, because that +100% bonus for
-generation is huge. Caste and pacifism fit in with that (and obv representation, if you got the Mids). I guess you can also do it without having philosophy for pacifism, but you lose out on a +100% bonus.
Interesting with pacifism, but if you use 2to create 3
(say, to have a golden age) the gain seems rather slim compared to run OR when in building mode competing for wonders, theocracy in unit buildup or free religion for more science output. Have anyone done the math here, counting in reduced growth rate running many specialists? Or is this caste/pacifism setup only when going for a certain bulbing path?
Well, if it is turning 1 Great Artist into 2 Great Scientists, that helps a lot in the race towards Liberalism.
Ooof, that hurts. Means he has Walls+Castle+Chichen Itza. A total pain to wage war when that happens -- until you get gunpowder units who ignore walls. Bombing down the defense takes for ever too. You want loads of125% defense somehow...
Usually you can produce way more than 3Interesting with pacifism, but if you use 2to create 3
(say, to have a golden age) the gain seems rather slim
Interesting that you only took out Caesar, he was the toughest nut to crack for most of us (unless one rushed).