Nobles' Club CLXIV: Washington of America

1600 AD
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Picked up Engineering first and managed to build Notre Dame in Berlin. My earlier conquest of Germany apparently left some American culture south of there on the coast, even though I razed the city originally there and Asoka built Agra on the spot before I could settle the area myself. I ran several spread culture missions there and Berlin and Chicago are now exerting considerable pressure. I think there's a good chance I'll flip it eventually. But that's a nice to have.

Somewhere along the line Washington popped a GM which I used for a trade mission. That funded an upgrade of, essentially, my entire army from Swords/Axes to Maces. Fought another sitzkrieg with Qin but nobody has been an actual threat.

Meanwhile, I went for Constitution and am now heading for Rifling, while avoiding Astronomy to keep my GLH/Colossus economy going. I think I can pick up Democracy and Steel before I'll need Astro as a prerequisite. I switched to Representation and, after picking up Banking in a trade, Mercantilism. I dithered over the latter choice for a while because I was milking those foreign trade routes for a lot of commerce. But with Rep the extra specialists have actually boosted my research.
View attachment Duckstab AD-1600.CivBeyondSwordSave
Wow, elohssa, great come-from-behind win! I love to see that this sort of thing is possible in Civ4. Those nukes really turned things around. That, and picking off the weaker civs 1 by 1 earlier. Great strategy!

Thanks. Yea nukes are a good way to go. The AI is even worse with nukes then it is with conventional military and for some reason they don't like Fission.
Well, was awhile ago I tried one of these

Imm until 600 AD
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So, you got stone, not much else I must say. Settled on the stone to get more fgold. Gold and enemies were too far away imo, so workersteal was put off or going for a gold city. Nice that Germany gets 2 mines in his capitol.....
So with no commerce around+coastal start+a decent island to the south I went for the GLH. India spread like wildfire and the moron settled on the gold mine :mad:.I was not interested in war so i settled by the marble+sheep with a view to steal back the sheep.Got some fgold which took me to aesth. which allowed me to catch up.
Settled my 2nd city by the 2 water resources and my 3rd on the island. Did finish the mids before grabbing 2 more rather crappy cities as I was totally boxed in.
Qin dowed Asoka and it ended up badly both for Qin and me as Asoka just crushed Qin and vassalised him. He is now sitting on 10 cities+ a vassal and everyone loves him. Which is terrible as he will bribe in everyone when I dow him.
Anyhow I went for music before cs to be sure to get it 1st.
Built TGL in my capitol and parth in my marble city pushing my borders against India. Got the moai and the colossus on the island city. Did just miss out on MOM which is a bummer :(.
I am among the tech leaders and will get the Taj 1st as i am close to nationalism. I have a ton of gold. The biggest problem will be my lack of cites/production+the fact that I will nbot just fight Asoka once I declare.
Not sure If I should go quirs or cavs....
Besides Monty declaring his usual hopless wars not much has happened besides the India-China war.
1 turn short of victory in
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1140 AD. However, I'm thinking about milking the game for a 500K score with Corps/max population lol. Not gonna give any great details ......just say that from my previous posts/screen shots I was in an extremely strong position which transitioned to a much stronger than normal Cuirs push. Nothing fancy, just better research, good bulbs, and more land to get the whip machine rolling (I.e. in the BCs I had 8 cities, 250:science: and almost 1000 points in total score).
Imm until 1430 AD

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Well, there were both good and bad things that happened going forward.
I got nat 1st and built the Taj with the GE I got. Used my artist to get consecutive GA's to propel me to cavs(for some reason I just love going eco and then I am so close to Rep parts anyway :) )
I had a ton of gold so I did prebuild knight and cuirs to be rdy to be upgraded. Problem was Asoka. Not only was he the biggest civ before capping Qin, but then germany with 6 cities just peacevassaled. And not long after Monty capped to Asoka(becase of AP war). So I was facing 4 civs with something like 25 cities in total. And after my GA's ended I crawled to rifling. I upgraded almost all my units(some 30 cavs) and dowed Asoka. Thankfully he didn't have rep parts yet. I got a couple of cities pretty quick but the then germany's stack showed up. No real problem as he had only around 10 -15 units.
But after Bombay fell Asoka showed up with his stack and boy was I glad he didn't have quirs yet. At least 30 units strong and my stack couldn't kill all of them right away. After a few losses his stack was gone and I needed to push on. germany broke free and I made peace with him so I could go for Dehli. Qin's stack showed up but like Germany's it wasn't that bad. After Dehli and a couple of more cities fell Qin broke free and capped right away. Even after Monty broke free Asoka was not interested until he had like 3 cities left. And this is where I am now.
Qin and Asoka are my vassals and I am going to finish of the war by capping Monty.
I hope my vassals will help me in the future as it looks like the other 3 civs will have rifling and my economy is crap and I have very few cities still.
If I somehow can take one more civ before they can get rifling I think I have the game won. Otherwise I might have to go for cannons and grind my way....
Imm conquest 1625

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Well, after Asoka finally capped the game was almost over. The question was if it was going to be over quickly before the other got rifling or a slow grind with cannons. The answer was quickly. After Monty capped which was inevitable I looked at my options and I was afraid of redcoats+the fact that England was quite big with 11 cities.I rushed over as fast as I could and dowed Lizzy. Didn't care if she bribed in someone else at this stage. And as luck would have it she was 1st to rifling. But by then I had quickly taken a few cities and rushed towards the capitol. When rifling came I had already decimated all of the defenses which made it easy to take London. Even if she wasn't willing to cap England had lost too much to get back. My vassals was sending armies and after 2 more cities down England capped. Germany and Egypt had nothing to put up against my 40 cavs and capped very quickly.
Even if it was a bad start it helped that you had stone+marble and that the map was filled with peacemongers. But on Deity it would be a different matter....
Deity 720AD.

Avoided AH and mined sheep, went for Mids, which were critical.
Other wonders are cherry on the top.

Representation into Fascism transition, that's what Mids are for. Production with 5 cities is a bottleneck and 7HAs were prebuilt and upgraded. That is roughly 6-7T earlier attack date.

Capped Asoka. Returned cities to him to get me to Rifling faster and to avoid Domination, although Cuirs are probably enough to finish this one.

Next: Hatty, Germans, China, England, Aztec.
Around 30T.

Pangaea too easy even with crappy starts if you go for Cuirs.

Some screenshots:

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  • Hatshepsut.CivBeyondSwordSave
    221.8 KB · Views: 80
Ez game, neh shakabrade? :king: Come and pwn that de Gaulle game I posted, plz. :)
Ez game, neh shakabrade? :king: Come and pwn that de Gaulle game I posted, plz. :)

I seriously doubt, although I am very interested. I am struggling with SGOTM already and my free time is very limited.
Emp domination 1750ish. cseanny please teach me how to get 200 bpt by 25 BC with none of your cities building wealth or research.
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