Not enough iron


Sep 24, 2010
is it just me, or is iron way too rare? It seems like there's maybe one or two plots per continent....
Niter as well is too rare. In fact I did not see any at all. The AI cannot upgrade units for the most part. I myself was barely able to get a knight. Hopefully they fix these issues with a patch.
No, you're right. Especially if you don't get much red meat or vegetables in your diet. I've been using ferrous fumarate supplements as I was starting to get somewhat anaemic :whew:
They definitely helped a lot, I would recommend you give them a try if you're feeling deficient of iron.
Since with the new resources system you only need 1 or 2 deposits, it's appropriate that it's much rarer.

Exactly why we need the Civ5 resource system back. Trading was so much more dynamic when a single resource couldn't feed your entire empire.
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