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Not Patching Correctly

Oh yea, never noticed the scratches. Then Again, every now and then, it'll get a bit further, to like Wang Kong. I'll try and clean the CD, I got some of those Disc Doctor things that'll get rid of scratches around here somewhere... Also, like I said, I'm having trouble patching Civ4.
When I go Online, or check for Patches, it says I need the latest one, even if I HAVE installed it.
Regular Civ4 right now, installing the patch Directly from the Checking for Updates thing.
Actualy, when I installed BTS it installed the latest Civ4 patch just fine. Also I got BTS to patch fine. Don't ask me how because I was Shocked!
Quick Off-Topic question. is there any way to play the Earth Ice Age scenario with ANY civ, I only get a select few and I wanna play the HRE as Buddhist Agustus Caeser of the Ice Age...
make a copy of this file:
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\PublicMaps\Earth_IceAge.CivBeyondSwordWBSave

open it with a texteditor and change one player, e.g.

StartingX=57, StartingY=49


StartingX=57, StartingY=49

to have one player Augustus of the Holy Roman Empire start at the site where the Celts would start...
hm... Thought there was a way to just regularly pick them without Modification.
Ori, have had a similar problem - BTS v.3.13 patch applied to vanilla BTS but right-clicking on BTS .exe says it's v.0.0.1! Go to re-install patch & it says 'Not needed - v.3.13 already loaded'.

Followed your instructions in post#4 above. Complete un-install, then regedit, something like 16 references to Firaxis deleted. Then complete, progressive re-instal with frequent version-checking & restarts. Civ4 vanilla + 1.61 + 1.74 - fine, new game starts, saves & reloads as it should. Then BTS + 3.13 - new game starts, saves & reloads fine. But right-clicking on BTS .exe STILL (or AGAIN) says it's v. Re-patching says 3.13 already there! What the...?:confused:
Ori, thanks for the headsup - it's weird,eh? Have just finished re-re-installing & testing everything again (had a strange problem with BlueMarble - which I LUV! see below). Everything SEEMS to be running OK - Vanilla Civ4, BTS, Total Realism (LUV that!), TAM Ancient Med & Wolfschanze - so far, so good, fingers crossed and all that (this is Civ we're talking about, after all :) - been a mad fan ever since Civ I - how I miss being able to build RR over sea straits, don't miss losing my bombers to fortified spearmen on mountaintops!). Thanks for the help.

Noticed funny little quirk with BlueMarble - could not get it to work. Everything worked fine without BlueMarble, load BlueMarble & everything CTD ??!! By an heroic effort of elimination (hence latest complete un-install/re-install) a solution was discovered. The copy of BlueMarble which I used, & which I KNEW worked, had been stored on a compressed drive, so .exe file was compressed. Right-clicked .exe properties, un-compressed file, then re-installed BlueMarble - works perfectly!! Strange e-world,eh?

One final note on 'v.' issue - on the now-occasional CTD, error message usually reads something like 'Civ4.exe has caused errors & must close' but every so often you get 'Civ4.exe v. has caused errors & must close' - strange,eh?

Thanx again.
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