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Civ5 multiplayer map script
Another mirrored map for players who like to have ideally equal starting spots. It is script dedicated to 1v1 game with City State, barbs camps, ruins...
This map uses Leszek Deska invert mirroring algorithm from LDeska_Insidesee.lua script.
It makes mirror of all element of the game:
1) landmass, resources, natural wonders...
2) Players starts positions,
3) City State starts positions,
4) Barbs Camps (with active barb warrior),
5) Ruins,
6) Players Teams (one team on left , second on right)
I have added some Advanced Setup menu with options to make MultiPlayer game more attractive:
1) additional human units from start added by map script.
2) additional CS units from start added by map script.
3) El Dorado erasing
4) uranium, horse, iron, quantity setting
5) lux types qty setting,
6) teams positions setting (random or frontline, distance short or long)
7) permanent war option (game will start with permanent war between human players. ALWAYS_WAR for games without CS and NO_CHNAGE_WAR->PEACE for game with CS.)
8) "Map setup description" popup window
9) free road between players start positions as an option
10) some map configuration option.
Several landmass types are available:
1) "Madagascar","Oval flat pangaea without inland sea",
2) "Small inland sea","Oval pangaea with inland sea",
3) "Medium inland sea","Oval pangaea with inland sea",
4) "Huge inland sea","Oval pangaea with inland sea",
5) "Zorro atoll","Z-shape pangaea",
6) "Ural","Mountains pangaea without inland sea",
7) "Fyords","Random pangaea with many fyords.",
8) "Volcano","Volcano-shape pangaea".
9) "Cold War", "Two mirrored continents separated by sea. No map wraping."
10) "Desert Storm","Flat map with huge desert in center. No map wraping."
11) Random option
Original thread in polish:
Rar format file in attachment if you need it.
-better road creation
-fixed bug with coldwar/desertstorm map wrapping
Team roads are created only on this landmass types:
-inland sea small/med/huge
-added road between players start positions as an option
-added two new landmass type: Cold War and Desert Storm (not wrapped)
-uranium distribution correction
-landmass creation correction
-menu text fixing
-improved landmass creation -> no more bunker maps
-improved lux distribution
-improved team position control
-improved script stability
-barbs army option added
-perm. war option added
-mirror maps barbs production blocking problem fixed
Installation: put this map (mapname.lua) into C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\Maps\
For multiplayer game all players have to upload new map to this folders on own PC.
Warning: do not put it in "My Documents\..." - it will cause problems when other player will have it in correct location and you will try to play together.
You have to restart your CIV after you have copied map script file!
Youtube landmass creation test:
v9: cold war map and desert storm map
v8: teams frontline example
ALWAYS_WAR option -> no dyplo spying
Setting notifications:
Without inland sea:
Zorro atoll option:
Fiords map option with "Map setup description" popup window
Advanced menu:
v7: new landmass type option, Volcano:
New menu element description:
Map size:
It was tested with patch + hotfix.
Civ5 multiplayer map script
Another mirrored map for players who like to have ideally equal starting spots. It is script dedicated to 1v1 game with City State, barbs camps, ruins...
This map uses Leszek Deska invert mirroring algorithm from LDeska_Insidesee.lua script.
It makes mirror of all element of the game:
1) landmass, resources, natural wonders...
2) Players starts positions,
3) City State starts positions,
4) Barbs Camps (with active barb warrior),
5) Ruins,
6) Players Teams (one team on left , second on right)
I have added some Advanced Setup menu with options to make MultiPlayer game more attractive:
1) additional human units from start added by map script.
2) additional CS units from start added by map script.
3) El Dorado erasing
4) uranium, horse, iron, quantity setting
5) lux types qty setting,
6) teams positions setting (random or frontline, distance short or long)
7) permanent war option (game will start with permanent war between human players. ALWAYS_WAR for games without CS and NO_CHNAGE_WAR->PEACE for game with CS.)
8) "Map setup description" popup window
9) free road between players start positions as an option
10) some map configuration option.
Several landmass types are available:
1) "Madagascar","Oval flat pangaea without inland sea",
2) "Small inland sea","Oval pangaea with inland sea",
3) "Medium inland sea","Oval pangaea with inland sea",
4) "Huge inland sea","Oval pangaea with inland sea",
5) "Zorro atoll","Z-shape pangaea",
6) "Ural","Mountains pangaea without inland sea",
7) "Fyords","Random pangaea with many fyords.",
8) "Volcano","Volcano-shape pangaea".
9) "Cold War", "Two mirrored continents separated by sea. No map wraping."
10) "Desert Storm","Flat map with huge desert in center. No map wraping."
11) Random option
Original thread in polish:
Rar format file in attachment if you need it.
-better road creation
-fixed bug with coldwar/desertstorm map wrapping
Team roads are created only on this landmass types:
-inland sea small/med/huge
-added road between players start positions as an option
-added two new landmass type: Cold War and Desert Storm (not wrapped)
-uranium distribution correction
-landmass creation correction
-menu text fixing
-improved landmass creation -> no more bunker maps
-improved lux distribution
-improved team position control
-improved script stability
-barbs army option added
-perm. war option added
-mirror maps barbs production blocking problem fixed
Installation: put this map (mapname.lua) into C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\Maps\
For multiplayer game all players have to upload new map to this folders on own PC.
Warning: do not put it in "My Documents\..." - it will cause problems when other player will have it in correct location and you will try to play together.
You have to restart your CIV after you have copied map script file!
Youtube landmass creation test:
Spoiler :
v9: cold war map and desert storm map
v8: teams frontline example
ALWAYS_WAR option -> no dyplo spying
Setting notifications:
Without inland sea:
Zorro atoll option:
Fiords map option with "Map setup description" popup window
Advanced menu:
v7: new landmass type option, Volcano:
New menu element description:
Spoiler :
{ --3
Name = "Uranium",
Values = {
{"None","No uranium on map"},
{"Rare","You will find same Uranium on map. 1 unit per uranium source"},
{"Balanced","Balanced amount of Uranium on map. 1-4 units per uranium source"},
DefaultValue = 2,
SortPriority = 6,
{ --4
Name = "Landmass Type",
Values = {
{"Plain without sea","Oval pangaea without sea."},--1
{"Small inland sea","Oval pangaea with small inland sea."},--2
{"Medium inland sea","Oval pangaea with medium inland sea."},--3
{"Huge inland sea","Oval pangaea with huge inland sea."},--4
{"Zorro atoll","Z-shape pangaea."},--5
{"Ural","Mountains pangaea without sea."},--6
{"Volcano","Volcano-shape pangaea."},--7
{"Fyords","Random pangaea with many fyords."},--8
DefaultValue = 9,
SortPriority = -80,
{ --5
Name = "CitySate Army",
Values = {
{"+ARCHER","CitySate will start with 1 ARCHER."},
{"+ARCHER, HOPLITE","CitySate will start with 1 ARCHER and HOPLITE."},
{"+ARCHER, 2xHOPLITE","CitySate will start with 1 ARCHER and 2x HOPLITE."},
{"+ARCHER, 2xHOP., ELEPHANT","CitySate will start with 1 CROSSBOWMAN and 2x HOPLITE and ELEPHANT."},
{"+ARCHER, 2xHOP., 2xELEPHANT","CitySate will start with 1 CROSSBOWMAN and 2x HOPLITE and 2 x ELEPHANT."},
DefaultValue = 4,
SortPriority = 86,
{ --6
Name = "Human Army",
Values = {
{"+SCOUT","Human player will start with Warrior +SCOUT."},
{"+SCOUT, WARRIOR","Human player will start with Warrior +SCOUT and Warrior."},
{"+SCOUT, WORKER, WARRIOR","Human player will start with Warrior +SCOUT and Worker and Warrior."},
{"+SCOUT, WORK., WARR., SETTLER","Human player will start with Warrior +SCOUT and Worker and Warriors and Settler."},
DefaultValue = 2,
SortPriority = 87,
{ --7
Name = "Barbs. Camps",
Values = {
{"No barbs camps mirroring"},
{"Mirroring & No new units","Barbs camp will not create new barbs units."},
{"Mirroring & new units","Standard barbs camps behavior. Barbs camp will create new units."},
DefaultValue = 2,
SortPriority = 88,
{ --8
Name = "Permanent War",
Values = {
{"ON","Game starts with permanent war beetwean human players. ALWAYS_WAR for games without CS and NO_CHNAGE_WAR->PEACE for game with CS."},
{"Off","Permanent war option is off."},
DefaultValue = 2,
SortPriority = 99,
{ --9
Name = "Iron&Horse",
Values = {
"2 units per source",
"3 units per source",
"4 units per source",
"5 units per source",
"6 units per source",
{"Balanced","2-8 units per source, depend on landmass size."},
DefaultValue = 1,
SortPriority = 7,
{ --10
Name = "El Dorado",
Values = {
{"ON","El Dorado can appear."},
{"Off","No El Dorado on the map."},
DefaultValue = 2,
SortPriority = 9,
{ --11
Name = "Team Setting",
Values = {
{"Start Anywhere","Random starting positions on one half of the map."},
{"Start Together","Team starting positions will form vertical line."},
DefaultValue = 2,
SortPriority = 98,
{ --12
Name = "Land Wealth",
Values = {
{"Beggary","Max 2 types of lux resources and Sparse strategy resources."},
{"Poverty","Max 3 types of lux resources and Sparse strategy resources."},
{"Day-to-day life","Max 4 types of lux resources and Standard strategy resources."},
{"Prosperity","Max 5 types of lux resources and Standard strategy resources."},
{"Wealthily","Max 7 types of lux resources and Strategy Balanced."},
{"Extravagance","Max 9 types of lux resources and Strategy Balanced."},
{"Eden","Max 12 types of lux resources and Strategy Balanced."},
{"No limit","No limited types of lux resources and Strategy Balanced."},
DefaultValue = 5,
SortPriority = 8,
{ --13
Name = "Extra Promotions",
Values = {
{"None","City States and Barbarians units starts without extra promotions."},
{"For City States Only","Only City States units starts game with extra promotions."},
{"For Barbarians Only","Only Barbarians units starts game with extra promotions."},
{"For CS and Barbs","City States and Barbarians units starts game with extra promotions."},
DefaultValue = 1,
SortPriority = 89,
{ --17
Name = "Barbarians Army",
Values = {
{"+1 BRUTE","All Barbarians camps will start with camp defender and one BRUTE. This option is active only with 'Barbarians Camps Mirroring'."},
{"+2 BRUTE","All Barbarians camps will start with camp defender and two BRUTEs. This option is active only with 'Barbarians Camps Mirroring'."},
DefaultValue = 1,
SortPriority = 88,
{ --15
Name = "Frontline Distance",
Values = {
{"Short","Distance between teams = 9 or more. It works only woth option: 'Start Together'."},
{"Medium","Distance between teams = 13 or more. It works only woth option: 'Start Together'."},
{"Long","Distance between teams = 17 or more. It works only woth option: 'Start Together'."},
DefaultValue = 2,
SortPriority = 99,
Map size:
Spoiler :
[GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_DUEL.ID] = {36, 22},
[GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_TINY.ID] = {43, 24},
[GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_SMALL.ID] = {55, 32},
[GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_STANDARD.ID] = {55, 32}, --nobody uses it in MP
[GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_LARGE.ID] = {55, 32}, -- nobody uses it in MP
[GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_HUGE.ID] = {55, 32}, -- nobody uses it in MP
It was tested with patch + hotfix.
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