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Thats how Firaxis wanted it to be.

You can't do anything about it, either don't use nukes, don't be the first to use them, or soak up the consequences.
I think it's a reflection of their(Firaxis) idea that use of nukes in the real world would do exactly that. I think that's why we didn't nuke Moscow in 1946 when there was no chance of retaliation. Also why Kennedy negotiated in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Nukes should be the last resort in the game or in the real world.
It is rare, though.

One thing that will let the nuclear ghost out of the bag, if you mind me mixing metaphors, is an invisible unit- for example, if you have a submarine cruising around in a rival's territory, and he accidentally stumbles upon it, he may launch nukes. In El Justo's TCW, I was nuked on turn 5 by the Warsaw Pact because I had an army ranger romping through their territory which they accidentally hit.

Berlin was glowing by the end of the next 10 or so turns- changed hands three times and got nuked at least 6 or 7 times.
Why do nukes turn everyone against you?

And is there any way to stop that?

There is no need for not stopping that, because whenever you stock up good enough, crush the borders and crush the defenses you can practically walk into any country, and if you want you can destroy the person's nukes that turned against you :mischief: (Integrated Defense FTW!!!:D )
It is rare, though.

One thing that will let the nuclear ghost out of the bag, if you mind me mixing metaphors, is an invisible unit- for example, if you have a submarine cruising around in a rival's territory, and he accidentally stumbles upon it, he may launch nukes. In El Justo's TCW, I was nuked on turn 5 by the Warsaw Pact because I had an army ranger romping through their territory which they accidentally hit.

Berlin was glowing by the end of the next 10 or so turns- changed hands three times and got nuked at least 6 or 7 times.

Awesome!!!! :wow: I wish that sort of thing would happen in MY TCW games :sarcastic:
i was never hit by nuke so far, also i never used them. i am playing on monarch level and usually won the game by satellites research or heavily overtech the AI. dont know what should i expect from emperor which i will try soon..
I have developed a killing strategy in TCW scenario (playing Warsaw Pact). I deliver a small bunch of poor post-war marines in transports close to US East Coast. Then I use Yankee boomers to hit NY, Washington DC and Philly with tactical nukes (spread to get two cities at once, if possble). Few more Yankee subs finish off the survivors with cruise missiles, and then my marines get coastal cities. From there, in one turn a single APC or T-62 (unloaded from the same transport) make it to DC, and... Yeah, all American nukes are history. From there I can attempt to repell their rage with the rest of my nuke arsenal, - or just loose these cities and try a massive invasion later (say, via Alaska). It is real blitz strategy! By the way, that is about what Larry Bond described in his "Vortex" novel. Did the Americans truly believe nuking some other nation was their noble right, and no one's else? :D

I've played games where I've been the first to nuke and nobody's complained. Often it depends on who you hit, and what you hit! For instance one game I nuked a huge stack-o-doom and nobody else blinked.

I do like to "use up" spare ICBMs and Tacs as a final "sayonara" the turn before I launch a spaceship, though (and I will have spares... pre-builds for SS parts that were allowed to complete!)
I got the full :nuke: arsenal dumped on me once. But the AI wasted it on some tundra towns and stupid stuff. I hardly noticed as I had my slaves clean it up.

I do think I provoked them by ROP razing their capital right after they finished 8 parts of their spaceship. ;)
I had a situation where I controlled 90% of one continent; America had a little corner. I'd used America as an ally, giving them techs so they could help me against the rest of the civs on that continent. Both of us were on a par techwise, but my military vastly outweighed theirs. India and Egypt had been sat on their own islands for most of the game. I'd had to sell communications so they even knew the other existed. My battleship got threatened by war elephants on the Indian coast and war chariots on the Egyptian when I first met them. A few turns later India was way up the tech tree, so was Egypt. India got stroppy so I headed some transports over and nuked them. Egypt declared war immediately, and I expected America to do so as well. It was cool when America declared war on the Indians, and when I got across there they had already nuked them. I wasnt allied with America, just in a vastly superior position. I'd guess that if you could effectively dogpile a civ the others might let you off depending on how far the rep hit for nuking swings things.
I just recently played a game as Rome where I saved up about 20 nukes and the game was getting boring, so I just started nuking the crap out of France, cutting off their resources, and then the Germans declared war on me and I knocked out all of their resources, roads, and obliverated their cities, and pretty much just walked through their territory and destroyed them both.
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