One city Challenge


Sep 4, 2006
Well ... has anyone played this? ... actually... has anyone won playing "One city challenge"

I mean ... I'm trying one now, but I can't imagine how could I possibly win..

Cultural victory - seems the most accessible, but it's unfortunately physically impossible (no 3 cities :) )
Domination - possible, but highly unlikely
Conquest - again... possible, but you'd have to be a maniac warmonger (you have to raze all other cities)
Diplomatic - It would take a diplomatic mastermind to achieve this....
Space Race - this seems to be the only one that is more accessible, but you would need a big tech advantage so you'll have the time to build.

oh... did I mention that I play monarch diff, Aggressive AI, huge map, marathon speed :)

I tried continents, or pangea, but it's almost impossible, as you will , at some point be attacked by huge stacks of doom, on land.
Now I'm trying an archipelago, but it's still hard.

So... what do you think the strategy should be in such a game?
And towards what kind of victory should one aim?
(remember, you have the huge plus that you can build ALL small wonders in your city - not just two)
I have to try it sometime....I'm a mad REx-er at times, so being forced to stay with only one city, and trade for needed resources may be good thing to learn.

Diplo seems most likely. You need to trade with everyone for needed resources (Iron, Gold, Oil, ect...), and to trade, you need good relations....
OCCs can be won, though are significantly more difficult than a normal game at the same difficulty level. The highest I've won an OCC at is Emperor. Playing on a huge size map is going to make things very difficult for you though - the larger the map the harder the OCC.

As to victories, Cultural and Domination are physically impossible, since cultural requires 3 cities and domination requires a higher land area than one city can cover on any map size. Space race is the most common choice, though building all the parts is the limiting factor rather than research as normal. Diplomatic is also possible, though not very easy. Conquest is theoretically possible, but impractical on a huge map.

(remember, you have the huge plus that you can build ALL small wonders in your city - not just two

In BtS you are limited to 5 national wonders rather than 2, but you can't build all of them. Choose them wisely.
I played it a few times but never finished those games. They didn't really appeal to me.
someone played a one city challenge i think with vanilla civ 4 with ghandi and a rule variant where he couldnt build any troops. was pretty interesting :)
I like OCC, when I don't have time for a full game... similar settings to you, although I prefer epic to marathon

I've found my military tends to be pretty competitive after Industrialism. Find I can really spam out units and pay for them with shrine/settled specialist income - by that point, less buildings/wonders on the cards - and 1 turn production times IME? Only real problem is lack of resources, but a bit of luck and corporations could go a long way to fixing that?

Diplomacy could be interesting.... figure a cheap AP win would be much easier? Just need to spread a missionary to the smallest city each Civ owns? I'd avoid building the AP religions shrine, to limit potential spread. If fast enough, you could probably ram through the vote with minimal backing?
Diplomatic Victories aren't so much more difficult than they normally would be - you merely HAVE to build the Ap. Palace/UN yourself. Once built it's not so much harder than normal to gain others' support.

One advantage is that thanks to the Globe Theatre Happiness is no problem, meaning you can trade away all your luxury resources to other people.
In BtS you are limited to 5 national wonders rather than 2, but you can't build all of them. Choose them wisely.

I want them all! Is there a mod to remove this limit?

Btw can you build Oxford U. and Wall Street in OCC?
I want them all! Is there a mod to remove this limit?

It can probably be changed somewhere in the XML, but I'm not sure where.

Btw can you build Oxford U. and Wall Street in OCC?

Yes, the normal requirements for X banks or universities are not present in an OCC, so these are both available.With a limit of 5 though Wall Street is not normally a good choice.
In BtS you are limited to 5 national wonders rather than 2, but you can't build all of them. Choose them wisely.


I didn't know that!!... I guess I should have skipped moai statues... or... national epic... :cry: I have only one left to build, and I'm only at Drama...
what a @#%@$%@ new rule


BTW ... where can I read about this change?
5 national wonders?! Wow, never knew that. Not a fan of one-city-challanges, as even though I've been more selective of cities lately, I'm still a warmonger and expansionist at heart.

I've always dreamt of winning a conquest victory on a Huge map, OCC, but I couldn't even do it on NOBLE, for crying out loud. If unit upkeep doesn't kill me during the modern ages, then I simply don't have enough units. 1 unit a turn, you only have 550 turns on Marathon. How do you do it?!

BUT the increased national wonders really changes things. The five that immediately came out of my head:
- Globe theatre
- ironworks
- wall street (unit upkeep!!!)
- West Point (no point going Heroic Epic, as you'll be cranking out most units in 1 turn anyway)
- Red Cross

Definitely great wall, gather mad great generals for level 3 medics, Red Cross to ensure the March promotion, tons of instructors, crank out an elite unit every turn. I really don't know, am I even thinking along the right lines? Or should I try to do it Moonsinger style?
Dennis Moore said:
Could this be it?


Yes, that should be it.

Running Bureaucracy must be a no-brainer in OCC, right?

I can't think of any situation where you'd want to run anything else in that column.

sylvanllewelyn said:
BUT the increased national wonders really changes things. The five that immediately came out of my head:
- Globe theatre
- ironworks
- wall street (unit upkeep!!!)
- West Point (no point going Heroic Epic, as you'll be cranking out most units in 1 turn anyway)
- Red Cross

Can't say I agree with that selection of wonders. The Globe is obviously a strong candidate, as is the Ironworks. West point isn't bad either, but I certainly wouldn't take Wall Street or the Red Cross (I rarely bother with that in a normal game!)

Even for conquest, I'd probably go for: Ironworks, Heroic Epic (depends on game speed and terrain whether you can build units in one turn. Incidentally Marathon has 1200 turns), Oxford, Globe and national epic. Swap the heroic epic for the national park for a peaceful game.

Unit upkeep isn't really a problem - corporations really shine in an OCC, even without Wall Street.

Bear in mind though that conquest in OCC on a huge map is going to be very difficult, simply to prevent AIs resettling faster than you can raze.
GTheater: never worry about :)
NPark: never worry about :health:
IWorks: boost the :hammers:
OUniversity: boost the :science:
WS: boost the :commerce:

You will be pumping out :gp: like crazy, so sometimes NEpic is a good choice too.

You shouldnt be going to war, so dont worry about WPpoint or RCross. If you do go to war, it better be a phony war. Otherwise you better be way ahead in tech. Actually you need to be way ahead in tech anyways if youre to finish the SShip in time...

OCC are really fun, the best part is you can finish them in less than half the time of a regular game.

I had to drop one challenge level to win an OCC game for my first time, so I would suggest you play on Prince.
One of the biggest factors in OCC is the map size. The tech rate is slower the bigger the map that you play on. This is normally offset by being able to have a bigger empire, both because there is more room and the maintenance is cheaper on huge maps. But since you only have one city you can't take advantage of any of that, but the AI still can. I play on the same difficulty I normally do, but I make sure that the map is small enough. If you also stuff more AI civs into the map they end up with smaller empires too. I usually play on small with 8-9 civs or standard with 12. More info in the link in my signature.
Cultural victory - seems the most accessible, but it's unfortunately physically impossible (no 3 cities :) )

I've been told that if you sign permanent alliances with one or two other civs, their cities will count towards your 3 needed cities. Apparently (I haven't tried this yet, so I don't know), you can add GA's as specialists to their cities.

I have another question:
How does the "require complete kills" option work?
does it work for you too? I mean... If my city falls to the enemy (in OCC), am I still alive? and then if I conquer one of theirs, can I continue the game like that, with their city as my new ... ONE CITY?

Or the option is just for the computer player?

(in the specs of OCC, it says you can only have one city at one time... not that you can only have one city the whole game... maybe that's what they were refering to...)
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