OOC: European Championship - place your bets!

Guess referee Michel et al just blew their chances on a final.

The first half was pretty tight, but after that, what a game! Suddenly losing 2-0 to Russia doesn't seem so bad. Gee, I should have bet Russia as gold winners, I was playing with the thought.... gah. I don't think anyone bet this as a draw, but I'll have to go back and check. EDIT: Checked, and I was right, though tomasjj actually bet on a Russian win. But it's full time that counts.
I bow to you Ghus Hiddink, you´re the true master of football, pls teach me all you know!

Great match, superb play from Russia!

The first half was pretty tight, but after that, what a game! Suddenly losing 2-0 to Russia doesn't seem so bad. Gee, I should have bet Russia as gold winners, I was playing with the thought.... gah. I don't think anyone bet this as a draw, but I'll have to go back and check. EDIT: Checked, and I was right, though tomasjj actually bet on a Russian win. But it's full time that counts.

YESSSSSSSSS Russia beat the Dutch! Love it! :D
So deserved as well.

Sorry zyxy.. ;)
We congratulate Spain on a finally breaking their QF curse, and finally winning a penalty shootout! Interesting to note is that they were the only "superior" group winner to make it past the QFs, and that only by a hair's width. zyxy correctly predicted the locked-up 0-0 game, taking a huge leap forward up to 2nd place in the CECBC.
is this still happening? man, get distracted and you fall out of the running completely...

Sipahi are more dominant than Panzers and at an earlier time, so Turkey over Germany, 1-0
Conquistadors are the most annoying AI unit, but Cossacks kick their ass, so Russia over Spain, 1-0
Well we Germans know we won't reach our UU ever in this tournament (unless in third overtime = 12th inning ==> not in football ;)) so we go straight with an archer rush in the first halftime - completely overwhelming the Turks who try to behave scientific to get their UU before 2nd half ends :D
3-0 Germany. :smug:

Russian nobodies out-of-nowhere sneak behind the spanish lines under the radar, capturing Madrid with all useful wonders and despite Real acquiring SGL Ronaldo just when they were realizing he can't play for the spanish national team... :spank: :lol:
2-1 Russia
Germany - Turkey 2-0

Spain - Russia 1-1
I seem to have been a bit over-enthusiastic. Of course we need to let the players rest a bit before the next round. The semifinals aren't until Wed-Thu, not Mon-Tue as I wrote on the first page.

Also, it seems there's no match for bronze in this tournament, so all four teams still in the tournament will be considered top-three.
Guess referee Michel et al just blew their chances on a final.

I thought he was a great ref that game. Let the game flow, allowed some physical stuff and tackling instead of ruining the game with the whistling.
And it took some proper balls to reverse that decision when his lino said there was no contact.

Compare his refereeing with the ref from last night....horrible.
In general I agree with you, especially about mr Fandel last night.

The problem is that the lino didn't say there was no contact - he said the ball was out of bounds, which meant the game was dead and the tackle shouldn't count. But the reprise clearly showed that the ball was not out of bounds, so the card was valid. I hope you're right though and that this slip will be seen in a favorable light by the powers that be, he did a good game IMO.
Also, it seems there's no match for bronze in this tournament, so all four teams still in the tournament will be considered top-three.

That's good. I was having a difficult time guessing how third place was determined in this tournament.
In general I agree with you, especially about mr Fandel last night.

The problem is that the lino didn't say there was no contact - he said the ball was out of bounds, which meant the game was dead and the tackle shouldn't count. But the reprise clearly showed that the ball was not out of bounds, so the card was valid. I hope you're right though and that this slip will be seen in a favorable light by the powers that be, he did a good game IMO.

Ah, out of bounds? Oh well. It doesn't really change much, as the ref has to trust his lino. It makes an interesting point though, regarding what to do with the foul after the ball was "out."
Indeed, I was surprised he withdrew the card, the foul was still a foul. But anyway, no matter the reasons, mr Michel didn't get the final. Mr Rossetti got it, who refereed the Croatia-Turkey match.
Indeed, I was surprised he withdrew the card, the foul was still a foul. But anyway, no matter the reasons, mr Michel didn't get the final. Mr Rossetti got it, who refereed the Croatia-Turkey match.

I saw that.

As for the withdrawn card, I am still not convinced there was a foul committed by Kolodin there.
Yeah, foul or no foul can of course always be discussed. I won't comment on that, I don't have an opinion really, only that Michel obviously considered it a foul and acted thereafter, and that the only reason the card was withdrawn was because the ball was considered out of bounds, which in reality it wasn't. :crazyeye:
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