P3-01 - Our god is better than their god!

Look forward, basically I am tied up with AP teachers going insane, 3 concerts in next 10 days, 4 rehearsals, and dealing with social life issues. I should have Saturday mostly free, and parts of Sunday, but I am beyond sunk :lol:
Ralph left me some nice stacks to play with and get Ragnar out of the way.

Very soon Haithabu falls and we march on to Nidaros and Jelling, home of the people who eternally contemplate whether they prefer Ying over Yang or Yang over Ying. We'll help them by showing the third way, which actually is the First and Only Way by righteously burning the place of eternal doubt down. Nidaros just has fallen before that.
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However, the war with Ragnar had gotten a new dimension by him foolishly vassalizing to Alex. With that Ragnar ultimately signed his own death warrant as now the only way to get him out of the place is by exterminating him. Of course with Alex offering his curious form of protection we're at war with him now as well. On a side note, I always wondered why the game won't show you properly the face of your new enemy saying that he will crush you while protecting the weak, when somebody you're at war with vassalize to somebody else and thus povokes a war declaration. Now it's just a measly little text in red that tells you so.

A first GA was triggered by the way at the start of my set with a GP and GA. Railroad finished and set tech to constitution. I didn't really fancy the deal with Justy for communism. However, after 1 turn of researching it, Sally has it as well, so we trade for it with him for a cheaper price.

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The war advances and we march on to the remaining Viking settlements. Alex actually does come with some forces. The most important one was a stack of some 12-15 riflemen on the gates of Nidaros after we captured it. Luckily it was well enough defended but we took some losses unfortunately when Alex sacrificed this SoD on the former Viking capital. I think we lost 3 riflemen and 3 cavalry, but what remained of his stack was dispatched with on the following turn.
However, Alex did manage to slip some galleons past the shores and took Minoan, but it was retaken next turn.

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We take Ragnar's dwelling to the SW which name I forgot now and finally also Bjorgvin and Ragnar is history in 1705.

I played on till 1725. We've got a stack of cannons, cavalry and some riflemen next to the jewish holy city in the SE, which can be razed soonish. In the SW I started an advance to Corinth, but a surprisingly fierce counterattack cost us some units so had to retreat.
We finished teching Corporation and Assembly Line and we got a first few infantry, also by upgrading some of the riflemen. 1 turn at 0% research netted something like 1100 gold which is quite impressive! Right now we're in the middle of the second GA I triggered with a GS that was born in Carthage, with the GAr and GSp that where still hanging around Madrid. Right now researching biology which is due in 2, while there are 4 turns of GA left.
I built exactly 1 watermill (at Barcelona). Sorry, Paulus! :lol: Once railroad was in I thought it priority to build a railroad to the frontlines, which is in place already. Moreover, there were not that many riverside farms to watermill and I thought that the towns should be left untouched (especially with free speech).

I was looking for a natural stopping point to stop, but it didn't really come, so I stopped where I did as it was getting late and didn't want to :smoke: up my moves to badly, especially after having lost some units in the SW. I was actually waiting for a point where Alex would sign peace, but he is still unwilling.
Not that we necessarily need peace. Our power rating with him is 1.5 right now so he shouldn't pose any serious threat. But I do think we need some reinforcements in the form of infantry and maybe some more cannons.

Cities have been building mixed stuff. Units of course, but also improvements. Wall Street got built in Madrid and Seville built the Kremlin, basically because it kept on annoying me in the build queues :). We may not need it, unless we go US, but production is great in general. Well ok, I only saw turns in golden age, but the cities in general look good to me. Oh, IIRC we built West Point as well in Barcelona. I also started building some galleons and frigates for some not too distant invasion of Byzantium.

To finish off, the tech situation. Just or Alex is in emancipation as we are suffering unhaapiness from it. For the moment we can deal with it though.

And a save. I emailed it to my work to be able to do this write up (yeah, very busy at work as you can see :lol:) so hope it didn't get corrupted somehow.


Don't mind the watermills - railroads to the front are much more important at this stage. ;)

I think we should consider switching government civics at this point - by now we're at a level where the +3 beaker bonus isn't that big anymore, and I'd much rather up our production for the upcoming war against Justinian. Both Police State and Universal Suffrage are attractive options, though I prefer US for the time being as we still need to build some infra - I'm thinking Factories here.

Finish Biology. After that we should first tech Combustion for an oil navy, then tech Physics->Electricity->Industrialism, with maybe Artillery thrown in somewhere along the way. I fully expect Justinian to have Infantry, Artillery and Destroyers (no tanks, though) by the time we face off against him, so I prefer to tech to tanks and battleships before we attack him.

Post-Industrialism we should be thinking about Flight for the added flexibility, then head for Modern Armor. But to be honest I doubt Justinian's going to last that long.

And of course tech to Radio and build Cristo Redentor in Madrid. Yeah I know it's useless for us but we want it though. Where else should a big statue of our Lord and Savior stand?
I could probably play my set today. Can't unfortunately take a closer look at the game, my work computer doesn't have civ installed :D
If you make it quick I'll play my set tonight as well, otherwise I'm going to need a skip. I will be away from Friday until Sunday.
Quick it is :)

Played 10 turns. I started by going through our cities and basically just added barracks before every unit build :lol:. We also revolted to US and five turn later to Emancipation.

Research went Biology -> Combustion -> Democracy (from Saladin) -> Physics -> Researching Electricity. Also, a Great Engineer was born in Madrid and he had some intresting ideas about the statue for our Christ.

Alex is basically gassed out and is just waiting to be removed. The biggest slowdown was the movement speed, but I probably could have been more efficient. In any case, we have been building units for the whole time and will be ready for Justinian very soon.

Quick peek at Athens:


And here is the war front:

Great going, Athens looks like a nice addition to the empire of Christ, Notre Dame is always good to have especially!

We already had constitution by the way, so I suppose it was Biology -> Democracy (from Saladin) -> Physics -> Researching Electricity? Or did you mean Combustion instead of Constitution?
It was Combustion instead of Constitution.

I'm considering burning the GE on the Pentagon instead of CR. We have all the time to build that one, probably, but I don't like how Justinian is getting close to AL and I want the extra experience on our troops.

Also, this is a got it for tonight. I'll be killing off Alex and get us Industrialism as fast as possible. ;)
I'm considering burning the GE on the Pentagon instead of CR. We have all the time to build that one, probably, but I don't like how Justinian is getting close to AL and I want the extra experience on our troops.

Madrid hasn't invested any hammers on Pentagon, so that's another option. Manually it takes 10 turns.
First of all I went through with my plan of using the GE on the Pentagon in Madrid. My estimate of Justinian being close to getting AL was correct, and later on in the set he got the GG from Fascism and even another GE. But with our GE's help, the Pentagon was ours to build.

With the Pentagon in the pocket the buildup against Justinian could commence in all seriousness. But I felt I had to attend to something else as well... our poor misguided vassal Joao.

Now guys... I'm sorry, but I have used a tiny exploit here. Joao was still locked in Theocracy because he was in war mode - but did no longer have any religions in his cities, even though he's still in Buddhism. I gifted him a Christian missionary and he converted to the One True Way. For all its exploityness, you cannot deny that we have shown him the light. ;)

Spoiler :

I decided to give him some techs now he was back in the faith. Yet we can question our faith ourselves... just look at our gold. Number of the beast!

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We also have showed Alex the light, though this was... different. If anything, the light we have shown the Greek was the Wrath of God rather than the Holy Light. The retribution for their misguidedness was swift and harsh, as the Greek cities fell like dominoes under the Spanish Army.

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And as for Alex, he was defeated like the unrepentant heathen that he was all game long. Greece is no more.

Rest of it was preparation. We're now building tanks and battleships. Justin has Assembly Line and Fascism now, the other two are still insignificant. We have finished Electricity and Industrialism and are now teching Artillery. First tanks will be rolling in soon.

Overall, I think this game is won if it hasn't been so for quite some time. ;)

I already have an idea for another warmonger-heavy game on an unusual strategy...


Yeah game is over, if its still there on Saturday I suppose I can take a double set(maybe close it out)

Good job guys, Jaoa sees the light etc. Justinian dies next I assume, we just have to make sure to raze all holy cities and convert/kill everyone before we win.
Overall, I think this game is won if it hasn't been so for quite some time. ;)
In a higher sense it may have been over already after the succesful HA rush against Carthage. That gave such a solid position with good and quite a lot of land, that the eventual crushing of the rest of the world was bound to happen. :)

Still, I want to see the battles in Byzantine lands, though! I'm a bit surprised Justinian is looking that strong still at this stage of the game.

I already have an idea for another warmonger-heavy game on an unusual strategy...
Don't tease us! Or, on second thought, please do....! :D
Note: this turnset was nothing but troop spam and sending out 3 fleets... so I will skip to the meat

I started out with a checklist...

Izzy cackled evilly as she began building up her fleets of doom, three separate fleets were dispatched, one to deal with the bearded one, and two victory fleets to deal with the last three strongholds of the infidels.

This is the suicide fleet that took out the capital and the confucian holy city

The images of the other two fleets are long lost but live on forever in legends

First to fall was the Islamic holy city

The Confucian holy city fell next

Last of all was the holy city of the Hindus

Izzy smiled as she looked upon her world



Neither of them had a Christian city, I vassaled em both, Sal took a city on our mainland that I didn't notice till the replay, but who cares we win :lol:

Save before vic below

See you guys in the next game, save me a spot Paulus


Good job on Christian domination! :)

Too bad there's nobody left to surprise with the Spanish Inquisition! :mischief:
Well done team!

Yeah, I agree it was easy, though I think that's more because we played it out well. Removing Hannibal was the right choice, as was keeping Joao as a buffer between us and the more aggressive nations. Furthermore we should not underestimate a proper planned-out religious strategy - between us building the Spiral Minaret and obsoleting the monasteries we got a lot of power from our religious buildings.

P3-02 will be started later today and will feature corporate - as opposed to the normal State Property - warmongering in the Industrial and Modern Age. The leader is going to be Shaka.
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