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P666-02 Fix Another Trash Game

Looking at the various saves I've submitted the weakest game this round.

Thoughts on other games (vote before reading).
Spoiler :

CamH: succesful conquest of rome and good teching; particularly liked your switch to caste to speed up GS.
Cabert: also teching well, not sure why you went for rome then switched to persia.
Mice: not much fighting or expansion but teching well and taking a different route.
Vudu: again not expanding by warfare but solid development in both tech and army.
Cam_H said:
is it 'more educational' to have the roster discuss strategy before the playing takes place, or is it better for people to make :smoke: moves and then see the (possible) errors in their decisions?
I like both. Despite reading great strategies ahead of time, I will still manage to forget most of (or all of) those great ideas and still make plenty of :smoke: moves.
cabert said:
I'm not very comfortable with space race, so I fear my strategy isn't the right one
I've only won a few games with space race, on chieftan and warlord. I thought it was a boring win and knew I was in too much of a builder mentality, so I've been focusing on domination and cultural wins. Now I realize I'm not so good breaking down my long term goal into short ones - I'm tempted to go to the technology advisor and click on future tech and be done with it :D.
cabert said:
I traded in 125AD with my friends and You could have submitted a much better game with this :
- traded for calendar with romans
- then traded calendar for HBR to cyrus
I tend to avoid a lot of trades, because they never seem good enough to me. Maybe I'm too greedy :confused:?
Cam_H said:
and spent about 50 turns in Barbarism when I had both Vassalage and Bureaucracy available, but I was so wound up in messing around with my Labor civics that when I picked up Civil Service and Theology I was still in faux-revolution and couldn’t change the civics, so the suggestion window didn’t pop up and I totally missed the options
I do this all the time :(. I don't think I've ever remembered to switch civics immediately when I've built the pyramids, because I don't get the pop up window.
Cam_H said:
I think Armstrong may have some good thoughts on early Space wins if that earlier screenie he posted wasn’t from one of his Chieftain games.
:D Yes, that screenshot was when I realized I definitely haven't given space race a fair shake. And to think I've been impressed with myself when I have a couple of cities making over 100 flasks a turn :rolleyes:.
cabert said:
If you trade a monopoly tech, you really must trade it as largely as possible. Even as a gift, sometimes.
If you don't, others will trade it and gain something from it.
You don't want them to gain anything, other than what you give them!
This is a good tip, but one I will struggle with.
pigswill said:
One aspect of the game that's worth considering is using oracle slingshot to enhance your traits.
Another good tip.
I've analysed all the games, and there are really some good games, with some radical differences.

weaknesses from each games IMHO:
1) VuDu is low on developpement (37 pops vs 62 to cam's game is really low + no new cities). Techwise, it's a soso game (lacks compass and optics and philo, among others, to be competitive, although education in 1 is cool :))
2) Cam_h's game lacks techs! Some easy techs could have been traded a while ago. + units are low (he used them, obviously ;)). Relations are not good.
3) Pigswill's game is low on cities, though his cities are well developped. He obviously got attacked by MM before he got ready :(.
4) Mice's game lacks developpement. only 6 cities, with 49 pop points. But MM's cities can make up for this :lol: Relations are not very good. techwise, he chose a different route, with a drawback : no engineering. Building non stop units is good for a war, but the capital lacks gold modifiers (youy have banking, you have a shrine, build the bank and the grocer!)
5) My own lacks workers! Badly!

the good points of our games:
1) VuDu is on the verge of education = universities just next door. No war = time to build them.
2) cam has 12 cities, with the most population. He already has HE and NE. With so many strong cities
3) Pigswill has enough troops (though not right where needed), good techs, and a good reason to kill MM.
4) Mice is in good shape to finish MM. that's enough to say it's a good game! He even has elephants he can use to finish MM who certainly traded him the ivory :lol:
5) I've got goodtechs. And cyrus provides me with some good cities. And I've got good realtions to the 2 big boys on the continent. HE due this turn should help a bit.

And I'm sorry about the wrong statements in my first spoiler, I got confused with a test game I run :confused:
Thanks all for your thoughts on the games (and related).

I'm not sure if Calavente is available to do the vote count or not on the basis of his post.

Please direct your votes to Cabert within the next day or so, and as always :nono: you can't vote for your own game;

3 votes for the most successful submission
2 votes for the second most successful submission
1 vote for the third most successful submission

(It's a lot easier judging four games than seven!)

For the next 'trash' round we'll play to 1400AD (40 Turns) - but more on that after the vote.

For your info', I've now done a report at post #139 on my game as set out on the previous page.

vudu said:
I tend to avoid a lot of trades, because they never seem good enough to me. Maybe I'm too greedy :confused:?
Hmmm - well Cabert is very keen on tech' trading, and in this case I think he's right ;) ... you can get an easy 2-for-1 without improving the fortunes of America or Mali. In my Round, I ended up suing Julius for Horseback Riding, but I can't see a big problem with trading Calendar for HBR with Cyrus. Getting Calendar in a trade seemed to me to be a good move.
I have 4 votes already + mine (I send mine to calavente :crazyeyes:),
missing : Armstrong (are you alive?), Calavente

edited again for again 1 more vote, again not enough to have a clear winner yet...
what's the deadline for voting?

I've 2 games at 11 votes and 10 votes, so every voice counts but Calavente soundedlike he wouldn't be there for a while, and armstrong is unheard of for a long time now.

Shall I wait to tomorrow night?
I think that we go for the '11 voter' now as I agree that neither Armstrong's or Calavente's votes look too promising in terms of promptness.

If Armstrong or Calavente vote or post by the time you read this - count them in.

I've just realised that if the vote counter's game happens to be in a tie, technically they should vote for the other game with their casting vote as they can't vote for their own. This seems a little unfair on the vote counter, so in case of a tie where the vote counter's game is one of the tied games, perhaps the final one should be determined by the toss a coin?
Cam_H said:
I think that we go for the '11 voter' now as I agree that neither Armstrong's or Calavente's votes look too promising in terms of promptness.

If Armstrong or Calavente vote or post by the time you read this - count them in.

I've just realised that if the vote counter's game happens to be in a tie, technically they should vote for the other game with their casting vote as they can't vote for their own. This seems a little unfair on the vote counter, so in case of a tie where the vote counter's game is one of the tied games, perhaps the final one should be determined by the toss a coin?

this is all very confusing:confused:
But it's still 11 votes for my game:blush: (no other votes)
If we don't want to wait more, I'm the "winner".
(It's not very comfortable to do the counting in this situation)
Congratulations again to Cabert! :trophy2: Sorry to make you declare yourself the winner! :)

At it happens, I have been stuck at home for a day unexpectedly, so I'll slam together a game for the 'trash' round ... again to finish at the end of the 1400AD turn.

I've been reflecting on this round, and I have some general thoughts;


As observed back in P666-01, I really like to push the population as high as it will go in cities before hitting unhappiness problems (or less commonly working too many farms to stagnation and then being unable to work high :commerce: or :hammers: tiles without going into starvation).

At Monarch, the A.I. advantage in :commerce: and :hammers: as we well know is larger than Noble and Prince, so we must compensate by boosting population as quickly as practicable so we can quickly get to our maximum :commerce: or :hammers: potential. I don't think gradual growth, with an even spread of :food:, :commerce:, and :hammers: is optimal for the Monarch player to keep up with the A.I. in terms of productivity.

There are of course shortcomings with relying on maximum city populations - a cancelled trade deal, war weariness, lack of Emancipation, etc. will tip the balance to the empire feeding useless unhappy citizens. Then again - as we're playing 1.61 - there's always the Slavery 'bonus-:hammers:' exploit.

Time to Fight

I thought that this last Round was an ideal time to start making up some ground on the leader(s) - the period between 'Currency and Courthouses' and 'Universities' is a time where we can expand without sending our :science: rate 'down the toilet', and yet don't have to drop everything in order to slam together Universities 'all over the shop' to in turn be able to build Oxford University.

At this point, Roosevelt has about 20% of the landmass and a sizable Power lead. Even in my game with 12 cities my landmass was a smidge under 20%. With all of the A.I. productivity benefits, I find it is 'generally' more difficult to win from a point where we only have an 'average' sized empire. I would like to have about 15 cities at least during the Industrial Era, and as such I'm glad that Cabert's game (17.2% land area) gives us 10 cities (and a war!) to build from.

Science Centre

One of the shortcomings in my game was the lack of religious spread, but only VuDu (as far as I can see) put multiple monasteries in T1 (Tenochtitlan) - well done :queen: ... although some more Cottages there would have been good too! ;)

OK ... on to 1400AD!
Cam_H said:
Congratulations again to Cabert! Sorry to make you declare yourself the winner! :)

To be true, i'm glad to be the winner ;)
I'm not too humble generally speaking, but sending votes to one of the candidates kind of defeats the point of secret votes:crazyeye:

At it happens, I have been stuck at home for a day unexpectedly, so I'll slam together a game for the 'trash' round ... again to finish at the end of the 1400AD turn.

I hope calavente and armstrong show up again. The roster is getting thin...

I've been reflecting on this round, and I have some general thoughts


As observed back in P666-01, I really like to push the population as high as it will go in cities before hitting unhappiness problems (or less commonly working too many farms to stagnation and then being unable to work high commerce or hammers tiles without going into starvation).

On my part, it's more like "no more pop than improved tiles". And since i was low on workers, it's not getting high :mischief:

At Monarch, the A.I. advantage in commerce and hammers as we well know is larger than Noble and Prince, so we must compensate by boosting population as quickly as practicable so we can quickly get to our maximum :commerce: or :hammers: potential. I don't think gradual growth, with an even spread of food, commerce, and hammers is optimal for the Monarch player to keep up with the A.I. in terms of productivity.
right! that's what slavery is for :lol:

There are of course shortcomings with relying on maximum city populations - a cancelled trade deal, war weariness, lack of Emancipation, etc. will tip the balance to the empire feeding useless unhappy citizens. Then again - as we're playing 1.61 - there's always the Slavery 'bonus-hammers' exploit.

hum, it's not the exploit that is important here, it's more the 4 pop = 1 university :cool:

Time to Fight

I thought that this last Round was an ideal time to start making up some ground on the leader(s) - the period between 'Currency and Courthouses' and 'Universities' is a time where we can expand without sending our :science: rate 'down the toilet', and yet don't have to drop everything in order to slam together Universities 'all over the shop' to in turn be able to build Oxford University.

At this point, Roosevelt has about 20% of the landmass and a sizable Power lead. Even in my game with 12 cities my landmass was a smidge under 20%. With all of the A.I. productivity benefits, I find it is 'generally' more difficult to win from a point where we only have an 'average' sized empire. I would like to have about 15 cities at least during the Industrial Era, and as such I'm glad that Cabert's game (17.2% land area) gives us 10 cities (and a war!) to build from.

That's why I went for cyrus : more land to grab, good cities.

Science Centre

One of the shortcomings in my game was the lack of religious spread, but only VuDu (as far as I can see) put multiple monasteries in T1 (Tenochtitlan) - well done :queen: ... although some more Cottages there would have been good too! ;)

Hint for every one : there is only one city with judaism in my game (it's the HE one). Don't wait for scientific method to spread it a bit...

OK ... on to 1400AD!

will do.
Shall I try some exotic moves again[pimp] ?
Well, I've played my Round, and I hope the team doesn't pick mine as 'trash', because we've really got a runaway on our hands now! :cry:
... on the other hand, with a little effort we could take out Rome and Persia for good. :devil: ... as in 'No - I did not take out either Rome or Persia for good!'

I'll let the other team members play before uploading my game and 'discussing tactics' a.k.a. 'crisis management meeting'.

cabert said:
I hope calavente and armstrong show up again. The roster is getting thin...
Calavente intimated that he was just skipping the last Round, Armstrong however ... :shifty:

I'm starting to wonder whether we should embark on a more 'active' marketing campaign for a couple of extra players.

cabert said:
Shall I try some exotic moves again [pimp]?
I would expect nothing less. ;)
Cam_H said:
VuDu (as far as I can see) put multiple monasteries in T1 (Tenochtitlan) - well done :queen: ... although some more Cottages there would have been good too! ;)
I had enough improved tiles for all population, and two more cottages being built for the growth due in a few turns. I was surprised to see in everyone else's games there were unimproved tiles being worked. I also noticed that in the last game, but thought it may not have been as important since we were going for an earlier win with war. Is that not as important as I think it is?
I'm with you - it's important - especially given that we're playing one notch higher.

... There are exceptions; Forests often are a useful source of :hammers: and I tend to want to keep them because of the :health: bonus. Newly captured cities ... well you take what's there. Oasisi (?) ... well, you can't do much there anyway ...

But you're right - rarely is there much of an excuse for working unimproved tiles around established cities.

If it's Cabert's game that you have in mind, he did concede that he was lacking Workers.
Played my set. Pure trash. Crisis management will indeed be required. Report and save to follow later (after I lie down in a darkened room for a couple of days).

Edit: a couple of days of lying in a darkened room later:-
Spoiler :
War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing (except land, resources and population).
1050. Peace with Cyrus after capturing Susa and Arbela.
1120. Liberalism, astronomy as free tech.
1130. Circumnavigation.
1150. War with Rome.
1350. Roosevelt declares war on us!
1390. Fall of the Roman Empire.

Tech wise went gunpowder, eng, chemistry. Few trades on the way.

Check out power graph in the save!
My submission is attached.

Spoiler :

1000 switched to building workers in capitol instead of Hanging Gardens
1010 whipped Jewish monastery in T4 to get the state religion spread around
1020 discovered Education
1030 met Hattie
1040 I agreed to MM's demand that we cancel deals with JC; open borders with hattie; wheat to MM for 6 gpt; met Ghandi; open borders with Ghandi
1050 built academy in the capitol
1070 captured Susa
1110 discovered Liberalism; chose Astronomy for the free tech in order to build observatories
1120 sugar to hattie for 5 gpt
1160 wine to Ghandi for rice; circumnavigated the globe
1170 discovered Engineering for travelling bonus
1240 world map to Ghandi for world map and $140; map to Hattie for $30, map to MM for $40; map to Roosevelt for $30; JC refuses to talk
1250 discovered Gunpowder; settled great scientist in the capitol
1290 BananaSplit razed by Cyrus (so annoying - now I need another library and university before Oxford is available)
1300 discovered Guilds; captured Arbela; 10 turns peace to Cyrus for gold, gpt, and map
1310 discovered Drama; upgraded spearmen
1340 rebuilt BananaSplit
1350 gold to Hattie for 4 gpt
1370 sugar to Ghandi for 9 gpt

A Christian missionary is on his way to the capitol to build the monastery. Need to finish one more university before starting Oxford. Roosevelt is ridiculously ahead in power, but we are in a four way tie for second with Ghandi, Hatti and Mansa, leaving us still ahead of Cyrus and JC. JC has a bunch of horse archers at the border and he is not very happy with us, so we will need to send some pikemen to that area asap. A large stack of catapults and macemen is waiting for the peace treaty to expire, then we can recapture Susa then head for the Persian capitol. Had a few more workers but I didn't do such a good job of keeping them safe from Cyrus's horse archers.
Apologies for the lack of screenies in the report.

Please find a somewhat nervously posted submission. :shifty:
Spoiler :
Round Objectives:

I wanted to expand the empire if at all possible, however to me this Round was about developing our capacity to self-research.

The targets were to;
  • Get the free technology available from being the first tribe to Liberalism.
  • Get the naval movement bonus by being the first tribe to circumnavigate the globe.
  • Access Chemistry.
  • Build the Oxford University.

I switched out of Education and into Engineering for the Pikemen as Cyrus was using Horse Archers, and I wanted the road movement bonus. I converted to Hinduism (our most widespread religion) despite the diplomatic penalty (Mansa Musa was soon to switch to Christianity), and adopted Vassalage.

As per usual, all cities were reworked to emphasise :food:.

Round Overview

The initial Great Scientist unsurprisingly built an Academy in Tenochitlan (1050AD), although later I would pop two more; an Academy in Corny Gems, as well as a light bulb towards a key technology.

The fight with Cyrus ran out of puff sooner than hoped or expected, with several battles lost that contrasted with the odds that indicated should have been won; for instance I lost a City Raider III Maceman against a Persian Swordsman at 96.5%. I took three cities, and if he was not in trouble before, Cyrus has now been crippled to a point of non-competitiveness.

At the conclusion of the Persian-Aztec War, I switched out of Vassalage / Theocracy, and into more constructive civics; Bureaucracy / Organised Religion as Universities became an option.

I secured the circumnavigation bonus in 1150AD after meeting the two tribes on the other continent, and pulled off the Liberalism freebie in 1190AD and opted for Astronomy.

I traded more freely than I would normally do, and traded with two tribes that I normally avoid, however neither Mali nor India were presenting themselves anywhere near as threatening as America. In two sessions of exchange I would trade; Astronomy, Gunpowder, Engineering and Liberalism to pick up maps, cash, Nationalism, Guilds, Banking, and Constitution.

The technology path for this Round was;

Engineering > Education > Liberalism + Astronomy > Guilds + Nationalism > Printing Press > Gunpowder > Chemistry > Banking + Constitution > Scientific Method (next turn)

With a fairly liberal application of the whip while in Organised Religion, I was able to construct the six Universities and Oxford University by 1390AD (Cabert to discuss ;)). I have opted for the 'Mercantilism and Representation' combination for the time being.

On our continent; Roosevelt has Rifles, Mansa has Knights, and Rome and Persia have Longbows. We have access to Grenadiers, although I have not undertaken any cash upgrades from Maces at this point.

In Summary

I am pleased that I was able to achieve all of the pre-round objectives I set myself, and indeed exceeded my technology target. Equally, I am disappointed that more headway into Persia was not made, although this should be easy enough later on with much more modern units.

I hope that I’ve not submitted the trash game, however if so, I think that it’s clear that we can no longer compete with Roosevelt without undertaking some bold moves.
I will be unable to vote this round as I will be away from my Civ CD. I'm prepared to count the votes if you wish, but will only be accessing my work computer from time-to-time.
here is my save,

and some indications
Spoiler :

* I finished off Cyrus,
* I teched fast and traded a lot (but not enough: i missed trading liberalism), so as a result i gained
- education
- liberalism
- nationalism
- chemistry
- divine right
- music
- guilds
- banking
- economics
- ? others i may have forgotten

Oxford is due this turn in Technotitlan (maybe not the best spot).
I have a few CR grenadiers. I've got 2 frigates.
I settled a great prophet in technotitlan.

FdR is still stronger than we are, but I have the feeling some canons would get him back on tracks ;).
Here's mine. Oh dear I cant seem to get the hang of this map. Took Persepolis and then lost it soon after. Took it again in 1390.Oxford is far away, and I'm confused about where I would go after this point. Build up and try to out run Ghandi/Roosevelt ? Or is war necessary at this point. (First Monarch game)
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