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Chill moan!
May 23, 2004
The regular posters will recognise the title reference. The credits at the end of the CIV4 manual listing some of our locals as playtesters.

Great to see you guys chipping in for a better game.
Some prolific posters and moderators are mentioned, and I'm honored to have crossed paths with them.

Great job guys!

PS the point of this thread is to give them a little praise for their effort, please feel free to give them a "hip hip hurray".
I would love to read a true and honest account from the playtesters here on what was involved, what bugs they found, how the bugs were dealt with and whether they truly felt (from a playtesters point of view) if the game was ready for release.

There are *ALOT* of things wrong, flaky or just plain missing from this game in it's current incarnation ... missing hyperlinks, useless Civilopedia, useless advisor screens (try clicking on a city name to see if it behaves like all other versions of Civ ... oh, wait ... it doesn't actually do anything!).

Aside from the wrangling that must have gone on between publisher and developer, there is the playtesters story and while I acknowledge that we'll never get to hear the actual truth due to legal reasons (I'm sure), it doesn't stop me wishing I did know :p
Kolyana said:
I would love to read a true and honest account from the playtesters here on what was involved, what bugs they found, how the bugs were dealt with and whether they truly felt (from a playtesters point of view) if the game was ready for release.

This is exactly the kind of information that is covered by an NDA and can never be discussed.

I will go out on a limb and say that Firaxis was very responsive and actually listened to the testers.

try clicking on a city name to see if it behaves like all other versions of Civ ... oh, wait ... it doesn't actually do anything!)

Look closer - look down - see the build queue of the city you just clicked on - it's live. Press "C" and you will center the map on it.
warpstorm said:
Look closer - look down - see the build queue of the city you just clicked on - it's live. Press "C" and you will center the map on it.

GET OUT! I'm going to test that now! (too much of this game is counter intuitive ... why not enable a double click option?)
Hey I didn't realise quite so many locals were playtesters! Good work! Funny seeing your handles in print :)
Seeing it in the manual (incorrectly spelt mind you, but that's another thing :p ) makes me wish I'd chosen a better handle. ;)

Kolyana said:
GET OUT! I'm going to test that now! (too much of this game is counter intuitive ... why not enable a double click option?)

There is a double click option, double click on the city tile or the city name and it brings you into the City screen
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