I would like to propose a proposal which I'm not sure is possible to program the AI for, but will be just in time to add to the vox populi multiplayer work you're hard at work making, just in time for the Yogscast to play it on their Civilization youtube channel where they are currently playing lekmod, and they're on part 5 for. Or at least for the Jingle Jam stream on 5 December by which you promised you would get the Yogscast to switch from lekmod to vox populi for. (They play on LAN now so no more connection issues)
So my proposal, which would be either for players and/or AI, is to be able to propose "OR ELSE trade deals", where you ask someone to make peace with someone else, and if refused, declares war on them.
The AI would then calculate if the current warscore is enough to justify going to war with someone else or risk peace instead.
This is the only way to fix the problem where you're considered a warmonger for declaring war on someone who is killing your friend, to save your friend, after which your friend declares war on you because they're the dumbest friend who don't understand that you're NOT a warmonger for declaring war on someone who is literally killing them.