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Palace-like idea for CiV (maybe in an expansion?)


Future World Dictator
Jan 2, 2007
Somewhere, TX
I realize with the game going Alpha by now, this is probably at best, wishful thinking, but it might not be too late to get it in an expansion, so here goes:

A number of people have mentioned they liked the Palaces of previous iterations of Civ and miss them in Civ4. Likewise, Civ Revolutions introduced one of my wife's favorite features, the Trophy Room. To that end, I would like to suggest something that plays off of both concepts for something new...

The Oval Office/Throne Room/The Prime Minister's Office/etc...

Basically, it's the room you govern your nation from, and as you hit various milestones you can choose decor for it (like nice oak desk, desk made of skulls of your fallen enemies, desk covered in battle maps with markers, etc...) or for various achievements, you get a trophy of some sort for it (fancy old-fashioned globe for proving the world was round, bear-skin rug for hooking up the furs resource, etc), and a sword case to display the swords of Great Generals defeated in battle (or if GGs don't exist, then swords to represent defeated nations).

If one really wanted to make it even more intricate, the cultural social choices bought throught the new culture system could determine what was available to choose from, or how a particular trophy might look.

Granted this is an aspect of the game that has absolutely nothing to do with gameplay, and I'm sure a number of people could care less if such a thing existed, but I suspect there's probably enough of us that if it were included in an expansion, we'd get it for that feature alone (plus the cool new civs of course).
Agree wholeheartedly.
I liked building the palace, even though it had zero effect on gameplay
And the view should be from a first person perspective with the ability to look around.
And on the desk or on the wall should allways be a map, early on on papirus then huge paper, of the empire. just the minimap image with your capital in center to make it simple.

And a secretary would be nice, the leader shouldnt do all by himself
It does have an effect on gameplay - it distracts you from it, which is why I don't like such things. If it's one of those options that you have to turn on if you want to use it, I don't have a problem with this, but otherwise...
I think some milestones could have 3 class and variable in different age. I suggest some which are..
1. Map of own civ.
1a: Having 3 cities : Get a plain, black & white map
1b: Having 6 cities : Get a bordered, coloured map (with latitude & longitude in Renaissauce and so on)
1c: Having 9 cities : Get a gold-bordered, colourful map with latitude & longtitude with no age restrict

2. Spinable Globe or A big map. (Can't upgrade after discovered Satellite)
2a: Discover 60% of world map : Get a not-to-scale, brownish, old-style globe.
2b: Discover 85% of world map : Scaled, Black and white with silver handler(?).
2c: Discover 95% of world map : Scaled, Colourful with gold and clean handler.
Ice tile shouldn't included.

3. Sword (or Bow or Scimitar or Blowgun or Katana or Crossbow or Musket, depend on civ)
3a: Conquer 2 non-city state cities : Get rusty or dirty, undecorated Sword (or Bow or ...)
3b: Vassal 2 civ or Conquer 6 cities : Get clean, undecorated, plain-coloured Sword (or Bow...)
3c: Conquer 10 cities or Vassal 75% of world civ. : Get ultra-clean, decorated Sword (or ...)

4. Door
4a: Pop. = 1 Million : Get clean light-color wooden door (improved from non-achived)
4b: Pop. = 10 Millions : Get dark-wooded. Partially decorated.
4c: Pop. 30% of world: Get golden-bordered, elegant fully decorated door.
Well, procentual things are unfair. What if I play on an Earth map with 5000 civs? Or what if 2 million is 30% of the world population? What if I have a food rich capital and play with only 1 enemy who doesn't have a food rich capital? And, conquer 6 cities or vassalize 2 civs aren't on par, just like 75% of the world vassalized is way more than only 10 conquered cities. But the idea is nice, and I definitely want a palace thingy.
poom3619, when it comes to the globe, the 2.c globe can be opened with a minibar in.

epicivfreak, I understand you, it would be a small icon that you could ignore if you didnt want to use this feature. It would have no effect on gameplay yes, but a huge effect on our egoes.
One thing I would add - an option to explore said room while waiting for other civs' turns.
When you contact a leader, the throne room behind should reflect there advancement. I.e. you should see their throne room each time you contact them.

This would allow you to quickly compare throne rooms. "Mine is better than yours" ;-)
I like this idea, it worked out great in Civ II. After all, civ is not just about executing the warrior-worker-chop-settler routine in a perfect timing, but also about building, and most importantly, ruling over a whole civilization.

Off course we'll turn it off after a few games, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it from time to time.
loved the palace in 3, missed it in 4, the stuff in rev was dodgy as faras im concerned. like to see your idea though.
When you contact a leader, the throne room behind should reflect there advancement. I.e. you should see their throne room each time you contact them.

This would allow you to quickly compare throne rooms. "Mine is better than yours" ;-)

that is pretty good.
meh.. I never liked it. I just clicked things at random to get back to the game. But it'd be a neat option for those who do enjoy it.
I Would like to see it with the following changes

1. What you have in the Throne room is based on a combination of your choices and what you actually achieve in the game

2. seeing other leaders throne rooms
I also had a great idea where palaces existed but to defeat the empire instead you capture a leader unit. There would be a george washington unit where who could move around and even was surrounded by body gaurds who act as a weak combat unit. If you defeat the unit you could execute or capture your prisoner and hang them on the wall.
Throne rooms is the only thing I remember from the early civs lol.

They definitely need to make a come back.

And not that dancing bear crap of Civ rev, one look at that was all you ever wanted, and all your following games you avoided it like a plauge, where as the Civ throne room was always great to come back too each and every game.

With the Graphical capabilities of today, you could make something wonderful, design and build a fantastical palace with gardens fountains or w.e, it would be like those Sim games when you build your house, but simply for astetic throne purposes.
I also had a great idea where palaces existed but to defeat the empire instead you capture a leader unit. There would be a george washington unit where who could move around and even was surrounded by body gaurds who act as a weak combat unit. If you defeat the unit you could execute or capture your prisoner and hang them on the wall.

wait you want george washingtons head cut off, stuffed and mounted on your wall? :eek:
Civ5 absolutely needs such a feature :(

Both the throne room and the palace where great. Although in higher difficulties the palace always ended up half-built XD

The idea of other leaders having throne rooms that change sounds nice, simply for declaring war on a leader in a lavish room then seeing him in a cave a few turns later offering capitulation. That being said, I'd take the cultural/contextual backgrounds any day over this.
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