PC.IGN Preview Updated


Oct 25, 2000
<a href="http://pc.ign.com" target=link>PC.IGN</a> has recently updated their <a href="http://pc.ign.com/previews/12062.html" target=link>Civ3 preview</a> after interviewing Jeff Briggs(President of Firaxis) and Jeff Morris(Producer). Below are some excerpts from the preview:

<UL><font color=brown>"Sid plays the game once or twice a week right now." So begins my conversation with Jeff Briggs, President of Firaxis. But although Sid Meier isn't actually coding this game, it's still his baby. He and Jeff sat down at the beginning of the development process to come up with ways to enlarge and improve the existing game. The idea is to make this the "ultimate" version of Civ. Sid's taking an active role in the design but Jeff Briggs is responsible for leading the team. Jeff Morris is acting as producer for the title and showed us quite a bit of the game.


Civ II was about "more, more, more" while Civ III will be much more refined. The game is "a little more conservative in terms of risk" according to Jeff Morris, but given the highs and lows of the risks of Call to Power, this is a good thing.
The following sentences from the preview are a bit confusing: <font color=brown>"All wonders of the world will increase your culture rating, even after they've been rendered obsolete by increasing technologies. This makes things like the Oracle a lot more important for the duration of the game. But you can't obtain any cultural benefits from existing structures in conquered cities.</font>" Does that mean only structures YOU build in conquered cities contribute to your total culture??

[This message has been edited by Thunderfall (edited May 21, 2001).]

"All wonders of the world will increase your culture rating, even after they've been rendered obsolete by increasing technologies. This makes things like the Oracle a lot more important for the duration of the game. But you can't obtain any cultural benefits from existing structures in conquered cities." Does that mean only structures YOU build in conquered cities contribute to your total culture??
I think that is exactly what it means.

I am sooo glad that Civ III is going to be more refined than civ II, I hate the infinite build strategy but I am forced to do it in order to win in Civ II.

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/tank.gif" border=0>If you cross the border, you better have your green card!<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/tank.gif" border=0>

The idea is to make this the "ultimate" version of Civ.

so, where are the vikings?
Three main points out of this for me:

The inclusion of a civilisation editor, let's hope that we can design opponent civs as well as our own.

MinuteMen? I though that I had seen that particular picture labelled as a musketeer elsewhere. Does this mean that the Americans have two special units? That would figure wouldn't it

They say that "as before you can add your own units" does this mean via editing rules.txt like before or is there a new system for this?
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