Perfidious Albion - A British AAR

Chapter XI: Nuclear War

Spoiler :
2086, the War Ministry offered targets:

Hamburg, a city of 3.25 million people. Home to the traitor Shakespeare's Theater and the United Nations. Largest city in the German Empire.

Berlin, capital of Germany and historical epicenter of their power. Home to countless wonders as a result of Germany's historical technological superiority. Taking the city would push the front lines back far to the east. 600,000 people.

Rotterdam. Positioned on the Straits between the Baltic and North Seas, control of this city would damage German shipping. 600,000 people.

The overall strategy proposed by the War Ministry was the complete isolation of Germany by getting every nation to attack them; this would divert Germany's resources across several fronts. In addition, ports were to be given priority for attack; the destruction or capture of German harbors would cut them off. The War Ministry also desired the annihilation of Germany's two sources of Uranium, one in Sweden and the other in the former Persia, along the Indian border.

War was declared in 2090 CE. Aircraft carriers off the coast of India began shelling their eastern territories, while the navy, airforce, and almost the entire military assaulted the continent.

India, Byzantium, and Austria were easily swayed. The Arabs concurred with the conflict, but they required aluminum if they were to compete with Germany; Britain provided in exchange for a declaration.

Before long, the entire world had joined forces with Britain against Germany. Now Britain had to play its trump card.

The three bombs all hit their targets, killing over half the people in each city and destroying large amounts of infrastructure and troops. German Uranium deposits were destroyed in a fourth strike, ensuring that they wouldn't be able to return fire.


Berlin and Rotterdam were both taken, damaging Germany's standing in Europe immensely. With the fall of the cities, all roads leading to Berlin outside Britain's borders were obliterated; this would eliminate the chance of a Panzer counteroffensive.

In the Middle East, care was taken to destroy all German oil wells, so as to stop Panzer production there and thus give the Allies in the region an edge.

2091, the Mongols were destroyed by Byzantium, allowing the many anti-Mongol nations to focus on Germany.

The German "counteroffensive" was a failed naval strike, resulting in one less German vessel preying upon British shipping.


After dropping another nuclear bomb on the city of Hamburg and once more halving its population, the city was left empty of a garrison, the few German troops left abandoning it. Marines and a large force of TOW Infantry conquered it, fortifying it for the inevitable German counteroffensive.

2092, America and the Iroquois formed a coalition against the Aztecs.


Two more atomic bombs were dropped on Norway, destroying expensive infrastructure and severing one source of oil.

After that, the new Radar Artillery divisions were given orders to use the Austrian rail network to hit any German units or cities they could, so as to soften the front and prevent a possible flank from opening.

2097, the works of a German man named Marx were published throughout the world due to British publishing efforts. Considered a radical, his works were never published under German rule, but now, they were appearing everywhere, with Britain collecting the royalties. Spaniards and Arabs had the most interest, and the treasury was flooded with cash as a result of worldwide publishing.

An Age of Science was soon entered as well, due to other breakthroughs.

Three German Panzer groups were annihilated within Austrian territory, due to the railway system(partly constructed by British workers) allowing rapid deployment of artillery. While the spies in Frankfurt had been captured and executed twice in a row, this was a breakthrough, given that the last time German forces were known, only 33 Panzer groups existed. And with the destruction of the last source of German oil in occupied Russia, it would be some time before new ones were built.


The conquest of Jerusalem in 2098 marked the resuming of Germany's destruction. The Temple Mount was captured without damage despite a nuclear bomb dropping in the waters outside the city. Many people found themselves relieved that the war was going well anew, and that the Holy Land was now in British hands. As a result, many were far less inclined to resist the government.

While plans were made to turn the occupied zones of Germany to friendly powers, Jerusalem was to be kept as a vital middle-eastern base. This would be the same fate to await the region of Kuwait if captured; it would allow Britain to split Arabia off from the rest of the ME and thus hold it hostage.


The fall of Arbela in 2099 was another victory for Britain. It was hoped the Germans didn't have any nearby troops to use against the weakened defenders.


The fall of Leipzig put much of the Polish lands under British rule. If Frankfurt and Munich were captured, Germany would have lost its homeland and would be ripe for the picking.

I'm gonna hate this variant... so much conquered land and I have to give it all away. :cry:
Chapter XII: The Last Years of Victor I

Spoiler :

2100 AD, Munich was captured and rechristened Kiev. Once Frankfurt fell, the German Empire's homeland would be completely occupied. Plans were made to drop the bomb near the city's perimeter, which would level the forests and thus allow a quick, rapid assault.


2101, a successful propaganda campaign caused the citizenry of Trondheim to overthrow the occupation government and surrender to the British cause. Given that Britain wished to return the land to the rightful owners of Scandinavia, it wasn't that surprising a revolt occurred. Plans were made to storm Stockholm further southeast, which would cut the Germans off from one source of Uranium for good.

2103, the Germans made an unsuccessful strike against Danzig with a Panzer group. While the great German Empire had 40+ groups of Panzers pre-war and during the early phases, without reliable oil sources, they were wittled down to 8 groups, including the ones destroyed outside Danzig.

June 2103, the order was given to drop a bomb on Frankfurt. Conquering this valuable city would be a prestige boost, representing the collapse of the German homeland.


The city fell after an assault by a single modern armor group. Germany's homeland was wholly occupied. The Panzer group harassing occupied Germany was swiftly bombed into oblivion, while another atomic bomb was dropped on Stockholm.


Caesarea was occupied to the Southeast, creating a unified British front against the Germans. The German cities were depopulating en masse.

2104, the Inca switched sides, joining the Germans.


Persepolis was occupied in 2104, signalling the beginning of the Persian Restoration. In Europe, troops continued their relentless advance, pushing towards Moscow and St. Petersburg. Once the territory west of the Urals was occupied, Germany was finished.


The fall of Moscow was a blow to German prestige.


2105, the fall of Finland left the Germans with only one Scandinavian city.

2106, tired of administrating such a vast occupied territory, stretching from the Rhine to the Urals, cities began to be transferred to suitable owners. Stockholm in particular was returned to Scandinavia.


In 2107, the Ural Mountains were captured. Germany was now wedged between a Chinese weight to the East and British weight to the West.

Due to a battle in the northern wastes, Britain received its first military leader, who promptly formed an army composed of three tank groups.

Oh yes... lethal bombardment bombers, carriers, and armies? Ruuuule, Britannia!
Chapter XIII: Henry IV (2107 - 2122)

Spoiler :
Alas, King Victor I died in late 2107. He was able to see the conquest of the Urals, but it would fall to his son, Henry, who became Henry IV of the United Kingdom(r. 2107 - 2122), to complete his work.

2108, the last German city in Scandinavia was conquered. As a result, more territories were immediately handed over to the Scandinavians, after they were stripped of their barracks, of course. Scandinavia was an irradiated mess, but that wasn't Britain's problem.

A bomb was soon dropped on the isolated city of Birka. While only 1/4 of the population was killed between it and the battle over the city, the fall of Birka - then renamed Yamalia - was a blow to German prestige: the last German city west of the Urals had fallen.


The western Indus was soon under British control as well, after the carrier group demonstrated its ferocity against the German coastline. Now linked up with India, it would be a steady push inland. In particular, orders were given to secure the German uranium source in Afghanistan.

2109, Norbotten was turned over to the Scandinavians. Krakow and Danzig were turned over to Austria.


The fall of Antioch in 2111 - then rechristened Kabul - was another victory for Britain. Germany's influence the world over was waning, with Chinese forces steamrolling them in Siberia, Spanish and British forces retaking Persia, and the isolated territories of Iceland and Guyana falling apart ever so slowly.


Germany managed to deploy a Panzer group outside London, hoping to capture the city and force capitulation. They also hoped to capture nearby atomic bombs and use them on Britain in retribution. They were swiftly repulsed after a healthy barrage of artillery combined with superior Modern Armor.


The fall of Guyana in 2112 was another victory chalked up for Britain. The decision was made to keep this territory in the interest of British shipping, as well as to provide a base to the interior of South America if necessary.

Oulu, capital of northern Finland, was handed over to Scandinavia later in the year.

2113, Hispaniola was retaken from the Germans very easily, and handed over to the Iroquois.


Bactra was conquered, giving Britain a stake in India and also a source of spices and gems independent of rival nations.

2114, with the fall of the last German provinces in Persia, the plans for a Persian Restoration were put on hold. It was decided to keep the occupied provinces of Persia. (Britain historically had a sphere of influence over Southern Persia)

Henry IV became known as the Savior of the Iroquois when he ordered Kiev, Minsk, Volgagrad, and Kharkiv all turned over to the Iroquois so they could start anew in Europe. Troops were positioned to block Spanish soldiers as well.


2117, the Germans were driven from India, spelling the end of another of their vastly-dispersed possessions. Plans were made to keep these territories due to their wealth and strategic position.

Later in the year, the Inca were contacted and given a generous grant of Vologda, Moscow, Arkhangel'sk and St. Petersburg, giving them a small domain to call their own. They were used to the freezing cold, being confined to a god-forsaken community in Alaska.

2118, German Iceland was conquered and the city of Cologne rechristened Reykjavik.

2120, the German outpost in Africa, Heidelberg, was crushed. Renamed El-Aaiun, the city was turned over to the Carthaginians as the British soldiers, quite frankly, didn't want to stay in the hellhole.
Chapter XIV: Queen Victoria I and the Spanish War

Spoiler :
2121, King Henry IV died. An only child, the throne passed to his eldest daughter, Victoria, who became Victoria I of the United Kingdom, reigning from 2121 to 2182, this solid reign of 61 years making her just narrowly pass Victor I. Together with her grandfather Victor, the era from 2048 to 2182 is called the Victorian Era, the greatest age of British power, reigned over by one Victor, one Victoria, and one Henry between.

While Victoria was warm towards her subjects, she was ruthless towards foreigners. Finding a detailed plan by her father to invade and conquer the tiny Persian Kingdom on the island of Ceylon, she was able to push legislation past the Parliament that made war a reality. The carrier group completely demolished most resistance, and whatever was left over was mowed over by Marines.


In three weeks, the island was occupied, Persia obliterated, and any proposed "Persian Restoration" policy sealed away forever.

2123, Victoria inked peace with the Incans after years of non-contact. The only casualty during the war was part of the Panamanian Road Network.

With that done, Victoria set in motion her next grand plan: an invasion of Spain.

The Spanish army, pre-invasion, consisted of:

1 Swordsman
6 Cavalry
2 Trench Infantry
8 Tanks
18 Mech Infantry
15 Main Battle Tanks
1 Radar Artillery
6 Transports
13 Aegis Cruisers
32 TOW Infantry
7 Machinegunners
16 Modern Destroyers
1 Modern Carrier
10 Modern Infantry

For a total of 136 units spread across the globe.

The Spanish nuclear arsenal contained 2 ICBMs.

The British military, by contrast:

12 Cavalry
15 Marines
2 Modern Paratroopers
1 Trench Infantry
1 Mech Infantry
21 Main Battle Tanks
36 Radar Artillery
17 Battleships
6 Aegis Cruisers
2 Nuclear Submarines
1 Army
32 TOW Infantry
2 Modern Carriers
18 Modern Infantry
11 Heavy Bombers
5 Jet Fighters

For a total of 172 units spread across the map.

The British nuclear arsenal consisted of 5 atomic bombs and 2 ICBMs.

At a glance, the armies were matched. But with artillery and the power of the bomb, not to mention a battleship fleet moored right off the Iberian peninsula, Britain stood to gain an advantage. Not even counting the power of alliances.

29 of Spain's units were located in Iberia and Italy, not including their ICBMs(right on the border) and several naval vessels.

One year was waited after these statistics were taken to allow a last buildup.

In the meantime, several cities broke into anti-war riots as a result of silks being cut off. This was part of Victoria's re-shuffling policy, where nations would be boycotted if they could pose a threat. In particular, Japan was chosen as the supplier of silks, rather than China, so as to weaken what Britain would give to a great rival. It was a long overdue policy. The change in partners was attributed to how a major Japanese city had been levelled by a volcanic eruption.

It was hoped the war would be quick, when the declaration was made in 2124. As the casus belli, the British government cited continued Spanish aggression the world over(gracefully excusing its own), the Spaniards' tendency to conquer rather than occupy and then transfer, and finally, the fact Spain had a revolutionary government: Fascism. A brutal regime under dictator Francisco Franco persisted, executing people foreign or citizen en masse and oppressing those not slain.

In reality, Britain had other goals: occupation of Spanish France, seizure of Spanish India, and control of the entrance to the Mediterranean. Not to mention, Spanish nuclear disarmament.

A lone Spanish tank in the Americas was the first to go.

Knowing that nuclear war would be inevitable, it was decided to get allies on Britain's side.

Shelling commenced on Italy as soon as all nations of the world were unified. The mountains provided a great altitude from which to bombard the poor Spanish bastards.


2124's first major victory was the conquest of Lombardy. Two Spanish units were crushed with no losses thanks to healthy artillery barrages. With a rail link through Austrian territory, it would be possible to rapidly advance deeper into Spanish territory; troops were ordered to secure Spanish France next.


Languedoc was occupied next, opening the gate to Spain. As a bonus, the Spanish lost one ICBM in the process.

Galicia was likewise easily conquered. The Spanish ICBM arsenal was completely disarmed in the process. Now the task shifted to destroying Spanish uranium mines.

But first, Nineveh in the former Persia was seized for its valuable India Trading Company.

To free up valuable troops, the last Russian occupation zones were handed over to the Maya and Iroquois nations. This was after the Spanish-occupied part of Russia was taken, anyway.


The fall of Rome put an end to the Italian campaign for the time being, due to the terrain obstructing a rapid advance. Sicily received a brief reprieve.

In Toledo, 5 units were wiped out with a single nuclear strike on the city.

Soon, Brundisium fell due to an amphibious assault taking what little was left standing after a direct hit from a bomb. Three bands of machine gun-wielding rebels were stationed at listening posts throughout Spanish territory, and orders were given to slaughter them all on sight.

The Sicilian rebels were killed by Marines and the other two easily by individual tank groups.


As the radiation poisoned much of the Spanish countryside, rationing and cruelty ensured that most Spanish citizens would starve to death. Pre-invasion, the city of over one million, Toledo, was now only 200,000 strong due to the horrors of the bomb. Spain and Italy as a whole told a similar tale. Spain, for the record, had lost nearly half its population to the occupation.

Just as the Spanish thought the nuclear assault was over, however, the latest weapon of the British arsenal was unveiled: the ICBM.

Murcia, later to be renamed Libreville upon capture, was the first victim of the strike, for the sole reason that it possessed uranium. It was decided the city would be passed to some client or another post-bellum.


The conquest of Santiago, soon rechristened Freetown, drove the Spanish off the west African coast. The city would be kept as a naval base in the Atlantic. (I will keep Santiago due to its proximity to Sierra Leone, a historical British possession)

By the time the Spanish were ready to hit back in 2125, their forces were reduced to:

1 Marine
1 Swordsman
5 Cavalry
1 Trench Infantry
7 Tanks
6 Mech Infantry
8 Modern Armor
9 Aegis Cruiser
1 Leader
21 TOW Infantry
1 Mobile SAM
1 Partisan
1 Machinegunner
11 Destroyers
4 Modern Infantry
1 Guerrilla

A total of 79 units. Translation: 42% of their military was wiped out in the first year of war.


The occupation of Spanish Russia caused the deaths of six more Spanish units, as well as the capture of three of the seven Spanish labor gangs. Spain now retained 53.6% of its original military strength, their army now dwarfed by Britain's.

The conquered cities were divided between Israel and the Iroquois Empire.

Lombardy was transferred to Austrian administration while reduction procedures continued in Italy.

A nuclear assault on German Anatolia weakened half their army, which was holed up in the city. Artillery took care of the rest.


A new leader spawned from the conflict due to tactical genius. Germany now possessed 7 units to defend 4 cities, spread out around Asia. The German remnants would be crushed in the near future.
I read the whole thing. I cringed when I saw you giving all that land away.
I read the whole thing. I cringed when I saw you giving all that land away.

Tell me about it. :(

No way in Hell am I giving up Berlin though. I'll find some rationale to keep it.

Ah well, that's the fun of variants... they challenge you to be something besides a rabid land-devouring beast who snowballs everyone.

Besides, it's kind of fun playing the Machiavellian Doctrine.

I have the challenge of creating client states who are not only behind me and dependent on me for key resources, but also who look aesthetically appealing. I... think I did a good job. We'll see come next world map.
That looks interesting but I just wouldn't be satisfied with that kind of indirect control over civs. They will submit to my empire or die. :king:
Chapter XV: Epilogue

It was guaranteed fires would reign down upon Spain as time went on. Every missile built equated to another city left in ruins by British technological, economic, and military might. From the Americas to the depths of Asia and Australia, Spanish cities were vanquished one after another. Eventually, the Prime Minister of Spain, alongside the King, signed an instrument of surrender, the last of Spain annexed and distributed amongst the British client states. Germany would also meet its end at the hands of Chinese hordes, saturated by British bombs. Berlin was kept, under the pretense of the security of France and Denmark.

Britain would reach her peak first by conquering the Indians. Right afterwards, the blitz would continue with the destruction of the Arab Empire, leaving much of it in ruins and what little left repatriated. With that, only one rival remained: mighty China. Feeding technology and resources to the world in its usual strategy, Britain was able to trample China's vast armies with the even more vast armies of the world. Outposts were seized and China partitioned.

With the fall of China, all major rivals were removed from power. Outposts the world over kept an eye on the fallen states, and the primitive Zulu were steamrolled and liberated of most of their territories. The sun would never set on the British Empire so long as brilliant strategists controlled her foreign policy, and so long as she used the power of the purse to turn away enemy's swords. All the states of the world, more or less, found themselves in a state of dependence on Britain. Britain regulated trade between all of them, so they would have to go through London to acquire resources.

The net result was British hegemony. The silent critics, faded into a slight obscurity and out of power, would always refer to her as one thing:



Perfidious Albion.


Yep, sorry everybody. I'm just not feeling it anymore; I'm eager to play with a new mod I've tinkered with.

Coming Soon: The Healthy Man of Europe

Thanks to everyone who commented and thus gave me further inspiration to keep on recording! :)
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