- Map graphics: more colourful than civ5 which was admittably dull in comparision, but less arcade - cartoony - board game than civ6, which just doesn't look like the real world for me. Before Humankind's release I'd say it has my dream style of 4x map graphics, but then it turned out its art style is horribly unreadable, as 'it is genuinely hard to discern different district and terrain types'. Hence I guess this matter requires fine balancing between pretty colors, readability, and looking like the real world from the sky.
- Leaders: civ6 animations but overall design like civ5, dignified and with realistic human proportions, not Pixar cartoons. I like Pixar cartoons and I rate civ6 leader designs highly overall, but they still feel slightly off to me. Even the best are weirdly juvenile for the context (no, for my taste Queen Victoria shouldn't be 'cute' in empire building game, nor should Sumerian king be 'bro') and the worst are downright caricatures or plastic dolls.
- Unit proportions and designs... I don't like civ6 cartoon proportions here either, but I won't say 'like civ5' since it had extremely eurocentric and kinda bland unit designs
so let's just say 'realistic yet inspired version of units for each continent' would be great. So we have sets for Europe, Middle East, Africa, South Asia, East Asia and Americas.
- UI style. Civ5 Art Deco has completely won my heart over okay UI of civ6 and especially over Humankind's weird insistence to slap the same perfectly bland "modern bank manager game" UI on every game of theirs, no matter if fantasy, history or scifi. So I just want some UI art style which is distinctive, cool and full of character.