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Possible fix to wonder movie woes


Oct 27, 2005
At first the game ran well with audio going in and out during the opeing movie and wonder movies. Like everyone else though it seemed that significant lag built up as the game went on. Be this from more of the map being uncovered or a memory leak, I dont know.

So I was not satisfied with the skipping audio, so i spent the better part of a weekend trying different things. I tried editing the config file which actually made it worse. Turned down my audio hardware excell, not too much improvement. Changed video drivers, bad idea, made it much worse.

What worked: OMEGA drivers, this seemed to really help. Also, took out my SB Live! card (it seemed on one thread this could be an issue) and put in an old ****ter. Now the opening and wonder movies have no skipping audio however i am still getting quite a bit of lag as the game progresses. I rebooted and it seemed to still be there so im thinking its not a leak problem. I am playing on huge though and my comp just meets minimum reqs so im not too pissed.

Bottom line: get omega drivers if you are having audio lag. if this doesnt work and you have another sound card, try that.

If anyone knows how to reduce the lag/increase framerate whileist playing on huge and high graphic settings PLEASE let me know

hope this helps some
thanks, i may give it a try. i have SB live! also and wonder whether creative will put out a new driver (i believe the latest was july?). that might solve some audio problems, but the lag/choppy/slowness will still exist. as you admitted, there doesn't seem to be a correlation b/w lag and sound.

what makes you think it's not a leak problem??
Sound blaster live here also.

Where do you get the omega drivers? Do they work with the SB live card?
TheBarnacle said:
thanks, i may give it a try. i have SB live! also and wonder whether creative will put out a new driver (i believe the latest was july?). that might solve some audio problems, but the lag/choppy/slowness will still exist. as you admitted, there doesn't seem to be a correlation b/w lag and sound.

what makes you think it's not a leak problem??

I should have reworded what I said concerning a leak problem. I think there very well may be one, but from my expearience the lag is still there even if I quit to desktop, reboot and then restart the game. This makes me think that far more then a 64mb vid card (min sys specs), which i am using, is needed to run the game in a playable fashion. So MY lag i am accounting to the gfx card, not the leak as of yet. who knows how bad it will get once the leak plays a part too.
You would think that if all graphic stuff was turn from high to low it would be playable with a 64mb card since it is min sys specs. However this isnt the case which is a gripe i have with 2k. I wouldnt have spent the $ if i knew my comp seriously couldnt handle it.
brbdc said:
Sound blaster live here also.

Where do you get the omega drivers? Do they work with the SB live card?

for omega drivers go to omegadrivers.net they are only for vid cards.

when you get there you have to navigate around a litte in order to find you spefc driver. There is nothing here for creative so dont know what to tell you. anyway, once you download the file you run it and choose "performance" or "quality". pick performance and it will tweak your card to max. oh yeah, be sure to run drive cleaner and get the old one out before you run omega.
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