Post map requests here

Reverse Earth is a map where the surface of the earth is mirrored.
Land-becomes water, water becomes land. Mountains-depressions. Depressions are mountains.
This Land is on the game's screen saver. But I have never seen such a map.

Or even a real map of the Earth, but the South from above.

I'm not a cartographer myself.
So I would like to ask - is it possible to download such a map somewhere, or maybe someone from the cartographers will undertake to implement it ?

1. maximum possible
2. For BtS
3. Resources included
4. random
5. random
6. random
7. random
8. random
9. random
10. Goodie Huts: Alot


I have a small request. I found this map of Spain and am going to use it in my mod of RFC Spain. The only problem is that it doesn't expand to Mali!
If anyone sees this, I'm pleading :bowdown: you to add the Sahara dessert all the way to Timbutku! Please!
If someone helps me I will also give them credit!


I have had an advanced idea of a map / scenario for some time now. It is not a request (I don't expect someone to do this for me), but is merely me wondering if this has been done by someone already.

1. You start in a secluded valley with no enemies and have space for just two total cities. No access to copper or iron, and all resources are themed for a "rich valley": gold, game, horses, wheat, that sort of thing. The goal here is to get to population 8 before the second stage starts (or you lose the game).
2. After x turns, barbarians show up, and you also get access to a new mountainous area with space for 2-3 more cities. Either copper or iron is present. The goal here is to hook up the strategic resource and kill all barbarians before stage 3 starts below, or you lose the game.
3. After x more turns, a large part of the map opens up, and reveals another civilization, having 4 or 5 cities at good locations, with a few wonders.

You get the idea. The game literally grows as you play, and you have goals you must achieve or you lose.

So, question, is there any map or scenario of mod out there that does something like this? It should ideally be randomly generated each time the script is run, with small variations on resource distribution and placement. You can try to beat it with different civs, and so on.
Biggest Earth map you can find, True Start Locations, for Realism Invictus. I'm going to attach the one I used with the previous version of the mod which doesn't work anymore.
If you can remove all the static minor civs (those who start already on the map, with multiple cities and can't be touched until very late) it would be great.


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