• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Post map requests here

So I don't have the skills to make this, but http://what-if.xkcd.com/10/ this map would be pretty cool to play?


Moderator Action: Merged with the map request thread.
How bout a Fallout world map? City ruins everywhere, with fallout tiles and desert. Probably too difficult...

In reality, in BtS it would be awesome to see an Eastern Med map with Eastern Med civilizations.
1. Greece
2. Turkey
3. Byzantium
4. Bulgaria
5. Arabs
6. Israelis
7. Persia
8. Egypt
9. Phoenicia

Just a few...
1. Size you want it. (Recommend 70 or lower):Huge
2. For BtS, Warlords or Vanilla.:BtS
3. Resources included or not. (I will not do accurate sorry.):no
4. Must have a Pic of exactly what you want. (Topographical or Physical maps are best). If you give me a crappy pic, then a crappy map, sorry.:http://www.mediafire.com/view/?5x6x8j76baje5bl
5. Do you want it X/Y axis or not.:none
6. Forrest, alittle or alot.:alot
7. Mountains, alot or use more hills.:more hills
8. # of players.:18
9. Rivers, alittle or alot, (i will not do accurate sorry):alot
10. Goodie Huts: Alot or alittle?:alot

1. Huge (or large)
2. For BtS
3. Included, but not necessary..
4. http://postimg.org/image/9w3pl8jiv/
5. Flat (no X wrap, no Y wrap)
6. A lot
7. More mountains in Scandinavia, more hills in UK
8. 8
9. Rivers (as you please)
10. Goodie Huts: A lot

Would very much like to see this map :p, hope you're still taking requests :)
I have always wanted to play unmodded Earth map crowded of civilizations starting in historical locations. The original 18 or 24 civs aren't crowded enough, GEM is just too big and others I found are not completely satisfactory either. I'm not a Civ modder nor a scenario maker, but I have a little general idea of World Builder and text editing WBS files, as I've edited some scenarios for my taste before. So I started to make my own scenario using marx&engles' Earth 34 Civs as a base (thanks, your scenario was closest to my idea), but I soon realized that I simply lack the experience. I just don't know all the basic principles to make a scenario, and I don't want to risk wasting many hours trial&erroring and ending up with a bugged product, unfixable with my skills. So I want to make a little request to the community. This shouldn't be too rough a job, as even I could have done it. Some existing map might be used as a base.

Here's the "blueprints":
  • Base map is empty Rhye's RFC Earth (enlarged Europe and Japan, etc?) or a similar sized empty Earth map with plenty of resources. Obviously swamps have to be replaced with something (marx&engles' map does). I don't want it too big, since 1) it would be too troublesome to get relatively huge empires, 2)colonizing would become too important (and would favor periphery civilizations), and 3) Everything exciting is already there, expanding would just water it down.
  • Works with BtS 3.19
  • I want to play it with RevDCM, so the scenario must be playable without mods
  • The map itself plays like a normal civ-game: every option, civ, leader (if it's possible?), starting era, difficulty, speed, victory, etc. can be selected. Every civ starts with one settler+warrior/scout. Thus pre-made map, not scenario. Emphasis of course on 4000bc start, if it matters.
  • Every civ starts on their historical starting plot (ah, always so debatable...) or capital.
  • Barbarian cities and/or units can be preplaced for early wars, to encourage clever/historical settling for AI, to buffer expansion, to give "free" cities to underdog civs and to rival overpowered civs. And simply for enhanced realism and fun.

  • I have made a rough choice of all the civs. I didn't give them too much thought, but the basic principles for choosing them are:
1) All are Old World Civs. Someone could want a version with new world civs already placed. I simply don't like when space for colonizing is filled with punchbag civs.
2) Majority of Old World will be inhabited after initial land grab.
3) Every civ should have almost equal-sized land reserved for their intial land-grab. Some could get it easily for themselves (eg England, Vikings, Mali, Japan, Mongolia) and some have to settle aggressively for it (Germany, Babylonia, Persia), but no civ should have too big an advantage/disadvantage.
4) Obviously every civ don't need to have balanced starting location, this is earth map after all. Balance is of course ideal, but not mandatory. As long as no civ has completely horrible/overpowered starting position.
5) The Civ placement should be tight everywhere, and equally so, not only in Europe as usually. No longer whole Africa for Egypt and Asia for China.
6) Compensation can be applied to get 3) and/or 4)

My plan gives 26 civs. It leaves central Africa, big parts of Siberia and Indonesia (and the new continents, of course) empty, but nothing too valuable there to give too much edge. Emphasis is of course on strategical placement rather than on "historical importance" (Netherlands etc omitted). But yeah - I know it's a bit off balance. Give me feedback or make your own plan if you prefer.
-Germany/Holy Rome
-Vikings (they might have too much land, maybe need a Barbarian Helsinki to buffer them)
-Greece (maybe too little land
-Russia (maybe too much land, again could be buffered with barbarians, perhaps in Crimea and Ural)
-Poland/Austria/Hungary/Barbarian zone (Some country to inhabit the area between Germany, Greece and Russia)

-Zulu (Wow, only 5 civs in Africa! I guess it doesn't matter as there isn't virtually any rich land left. Barbarian Congo would be in place though.)

-Persia (Has much room to settle north-> Barbarian Merv)
-Two Indias (Mughal and India as in GEM, don't know if Southern India has too few land though)
-Two Chinas (Qin and Yue, again as in GEM. Barbarian Lhasa)

So in a nutshell: Rhye's RFC Map with 26 preplaced Old World civilizations starting in historical places, the game itself can be started and played like a normal civ game, with any mods desired. If one exists, please give me a link!

Moderator Action: Merged with the main request thread.
Has anyone taken the task? Could someone inform me if so. :) Or do people even read this sub-forum or thread anymore? How could I get my voice heard?
Has anyone taken the task? Could someone inform me if so. :) Or do people even read this sub-forum or thread anymore? How could I get my voice heard?

Shout out Load:sarcasm:
Please someone help me out! I know it isn't a hard task. You've got the map already, all you need to do is to place the civs in there.
"I know it isn't a hard task..."

That's what you say. The question then is: why don't you make it yourself? There are tutorials to help you.
1. Size you want it. (Recommend 70 or lower):Huge
2. For BtS, Warlords or Vanilla.:BtS
3. Resources included or not. (I will not do accurate sorry.):no
4. Must have a Pic of exactly what you want. (Topographical or Physical maps are best). If you give me a crappy pic, then a crappy map, sorry.:http://www.mediafire.com/view/?5x6x8j76baje5bl
5. Do you want it X/Y axis or not.:none
6. Forrest, alittle or alot.:alot
7. Mountains, alot or use more hills.:more hills
8. # of players.:18
9. Rivers, alittle or alot, (i will not do accurate sorry):alot
10. Goodie Huts: Alot or alittle?:alot

Will this work for you? You should be able to easily change the file extension to make it BtS.

1. Huge (or large)
2. For BtS
3. Included, but not necessary..
4. http://postimg.org/image/9w3pl8jiv/
5. Flat (no X wrap, no Y wrap)
6. A lot
7. More mountains in Scandinavia, more hills in UK
8. 8
9. Rivers (as you please)
10. Goodie Huts: A lot

Would very much like to see this map :p, hope you're still taking requests :)

It's not exactly what you asked for, but would this serve the purpose?
I’m not sure if this is an easy question or a hard question, but I am looking for premade maps or map scripts for sizes larger than “Huge”. Preferably with the following qualities:

- Larger than Huge – but no bigger than 150x150 or so
- Standard resources and terrains; I am not looking to run a mod
- Usable with different BtS mods – BUG, Better BUG AI, K-mod, LoR
- 18 Civs is fine; no requirement for more.

I have used the Planet Generator 0 68 script with the mapsize override in LoR and while I like it, I find that it tends to omit certain resources (for example, I have played overlarge maps where there was literally no Crab anywhere on the map). I’m hoping for something similar to that experience, with no missing resources or terrains.
Would it be possible to make a map of South Africa (and maybe a tiny bit of the countries above)
1. Around 70 tiles, maybe large
2. For BtS
3. Resources included
4. Pictures:
Some resources
6. A fair amount of forests
7. mostly hills
8. 9 players
9. a lot of rivers
10. lots of goody huts
Any way to get a central china map?

I attached the reference (because I'm trying to make a Spring and Autumn scenario/mod)

I want the eastern border to cut out Korea though (keep the liaodong and Shandong peninsulas). I imagine a line going right through the middle of "Yellow Sea"
I want the southern border to cut out the "southern hills" at the bottom.
All of that is to maximize the land of central china to have plenty of room for smaller states.

The height should be around 80 and not much over, because the width is going to be larger anyway (but it all needs to be proportional).

Lastly, river accuracy is a must, as well as hill placement. I can change the basic terrain, so just leave most as grassland.


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