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Post map requests here

Heh if only the game engine could be hacked to use multi-core CPU's...

Thanks for the answers :)
That map is off my map.
I would like to request a new map.
From the Caspian Sea to Japan and from Mongolia to Hanoi.
Nothing else.

Would a cut-down of the standard (Rhye's) earth map work? I can do this for you. I'd also be willing to make a new map, but it would take me a long time, so you'd have to have patience.... I can do a cut-down in a day though.
No,sorry,Rhye's map is way too small.
I already started trying making the map myself (along with a new,secret project),but I'm not great at making maps.
If you want to make that map,I would really appreciate that.
Civciv5 said:
No,sorry,Rhye's map is way too small.
I already started trying making the map myself (along with a new,secret project),but I'm not great at making maps.
If you want to make that map,I would really appreciate that.

Let me see what I can do. It would be about 100x70 in size, same scale as my Europa Ultima map. Would that work? Actually if you look at my Europa Ultima map you can see exactly what the Caspian region would look like. I would use that as a starting point and build east from there.
Could it be that there is no east asia map for civ beyond the sword? I couldn't find any
I bought Civ 4 from Steam but only downloaded BTS, do I have to download the first version in order to be able to get that map? or can I find it here. Thanks
This is pretty simple, but MapView is giving me trouble. Would somebody be able to cut down Rhye's bigger Earth map (The one in RFC, not the one in the regular game) to the image enclosed?


18 players, for BtS. No wrapping.

Thank you.
This is pretty simple, but MapView is giving me trouble. Would somebody be able to make this map (for BtS)? It's just a cut-out section from a Rhye Earth map (not the main Earth map, the bigger one in the RFC mod).


Thank you.

I've never had luck cropping maps with MapView or any other map-making program. I find MapView very useful for creating a new map of a given size, but after creating a blank canvas, so to speak, I then switch to World Builder to do the actual tile work.

I can tell you how to crop this map in Notepad++ if you don't already know. It's not hard, just tedious. It would probably take less than an hour to do it (I'm guessing, I've never timed it!). I have some regular expressions I use to make it easier (but still tedious).

It would kind of take a lot to explain in detail, though, but I would be happy to do so if you want/need me to.
Somewhat specific request;

I'd like to get a Huge Europe map, usable in Realism Invictus. This mod can't use other custom made maps, perhaps because it contains special resources I haven't seen in other mods or vanilla BTS.

Ideally, it would be nice to find a map at least 100 x 150. If I could just get an outline/coastal map w/rivers placed, I'd be happy to fill in the terrain features.

RI is a well-made, historically accurate mod, and with a good map, some quality scenarios could be created pretty easily. As for what constitutes "Europe," what I'm aiming for is a map that contains the British Isles, the southern parts of scandinavia, a good portion of European Russia, the entire fertile crescent, and only the most northern parts of north Africa.

If there is one out there already, or someone is up for this effort, please contact me via PM and I'll relay an email address.
Somewhat specific request;

I'd like to get a Huge Europe map, usable in Realism Invictus. This mod can't use other custom made maps, perhaps because it contains special resources I haven't seen in other mods or vanilla BTS.

Ideally, it would be nice to find a map at least 100 x 150. If I could just get an outline/coastal map w/rivers placed, I'd be happy to fill in the terrain features.

RI is a well-made, historically accurate mod, and with a good map, some quality scenarios could be created pretty easily. As for what constitutes "Europe," what I'm aiming for is a map that contains the British Isles, the southern parts of scandinavia, a good portion of European Russia, the entire fertile crescent, and only the most northern parts of north Africa.

If there is one out there already, or someone is up for this effort, please contact me via PM and I'll relay an email address.

Tell me, would a projection like this work for you?

Spoiler :

Because if so, I might be able to help you. I cropped this picture some time ago planning to make a map with it (with dimensions similar to yours). If nothing else, I could probably make an outline+rivers fairly easily.
JBarto, The map projection you displayed is excellent, and the uncanny thing is, I'd given up on trying to find a map with the kind of "tilt" that is in this map; the east-west axis is tilted to the "left." I very much like this map, and its tilt, because close cropping of north Africa can remove a lot of area that was not historically active, i.e. the Sahara.

The stumbling block that I've encountered in attempting to create a useable map for RI is the number of "teams." Hope that helps.
does anyone know of any maps with todays civs?i dont mean a world map with all cities.i was looking for something like earth 18 civ map with the likes of maya,aztec replaced by brazil or argentina.just an example.thanks again.
Not sure what you mean, but if it's just about maps, then one similar to #1 can be found here.

it is (or was) right here on the English Forum.

And there were three civ maps I believe that had cities and civilizations added to them ready to play
I've been searching but can't find this anywhere - is there a script that will guarantee you will get the resources you need for your UU? E.g if you're the Egyptians you have Horses nearby, if .
I've been searching but can't find this anywhere - is there a script that will guarantee you will get the resources you need for your UU? E.g if you're the Egyptians you have Horses nearby, if .

That would be a mapscript thread you need to ask that question in, thx.
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