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Preturn information

FREE sends us horses, coal spices and Tujana. We will accept.
The Silo riots?!?
We finish four new workers and The Old Gong Isle finishes its SAM missile battery - would have been nice to make a transport with those shields.
We're missing one of our EWS privateers.
We still have a spy with SABER.
The good news is we still have 587 shields in The Silo so there has been no sabotage. We can hire a clown to take care of the riots and four engineers for shields. We're in position to build six roads near the city but won't be able to reconnect the city till next turn. Cleaning and re-improving the roaded tiles seem more important than reconnecting the city though.
EWS moves:
Spoiler :
  • Jet in The Aerie recons 6NE-1N of The Shallows.
  • Jet in northern airfield recons 5N-1NE of The Shallows.
  • Privateer northwest of The Whale Pond moves 1NE-2S-1S-1W. Note: ends 3W-2NW of The Whale Pond.
  • Jet in western airfield recons 6NW of The Hideaway.
  • Jet in western airfield recons 8NW of The Dislodged.
  • Privateer northeast of Chamsuri's Cove moves 5SE.
  • Jet in Chamsuri's Cove recons 4E-2WE of Chamsuri's Cove.
  • Jet in eastern airfield recons 7E-1SE of Chamsuri's Cove. Finds a SABER carrier and destroyer.
  • Jet in The Treasury recons the westernmost tile in its range.
  • Privateer S of The Nursery moves W-3SW-SE.
  • Jet in The Treasury recons 3SW-2S of The New Yard.
  • Jet in southern airfield recons 6S-1SW of the airfield.
So, we have a problem here. Since we lost that privateer we cannot do a complete EWS. The image below shows the area we are unable to see.

Any SABER transports in this area would threaten (occupy and unload troops in) the cities of The Greenhouse, The Phoenix and The Dislodged. These are the only cities threatened. Of course we do not know if there are any SABER ships within that area though it is highly likely that it was a SABER ship that sunk our privateer. Even so, that does not mean there are SABER transports in the area. FREE has a cruiser and two destroyers 2S of The Phoenix and it is possible they sunk our privateer. It is also possible those ships just sailed through the area we can't see and could therefore tell us about the presence of any SABER ships. I suggest we ask FREE about this ASAP. In any event, the question is do we risk keeping these cities or do we play it safe and disband them?

Another question: Do we airlift a unit to Tujana as FREE suggests? We can send one on a short hop from Old Gong Isle. IIRC, we wouldn't be able to move the airlifted unit this turn so there would be no need to declare war yet. Now that we have a city we should be able to trade workers via the diplo screen. If so (and if SABER doesn't cut our trade route again then FREE should be able to gift us some workers next turn. The trade route is open now since we can send dyes to FREE. I am tempted to place a worker in The Gulag to see if we could gift it to FREE. I think I will try it.

Move: Worker S of The Gulag move N into the city (and as 2/3 movement left).

YES! We could send the worker to FREE, which means they could do the same. I suggest we also tell them about this. I think we should airlift the unit into Tujana, next turn hopefully Free will gift us some workers and then on our next turn we capture those settlers turning them into workers. :hmm: The idea was to let FREE capture the workers back and then gift them to us but they'd have to transport the workers to their capital on the other continent. Well, we can ask them about it. We could rush a transport in Old Gong Isle in a couple turns but that would be expensive and gold will soon become an issue for us.

Can't think of anything else. Will build roads and clear/improve tiles around The Silo and hire the clowns and civil engineers.
I'd say we disband those towns, no risk! :shifty:
Since we're beginning to abandon coastal cities what does the council think about rebuilding some cities one tile from the coast? We also need to figure out how to legally get those (soon to be) captured workers transported to our lands.
Does rebuilding coastal cities speed our time for completion of the engine? Will it cost Saber a turn or two if they land troops? Those are the things I think are important.
We don't want to rebuild on the coast only to have to disband them again. Will rebuilding cities a tile from the coast speed the engine? Not sure. All I know is the coastal cities are where we have been making workers and if we lose them all we can't use them to make workers. I'm also a bit worried about support. We are running a huge deficit and we're 11 turns or so from finishing the engine if SABER doesn't bomb us or nuke us or sabotage us.
FREE sends us 9 workers and we make two new ones.

We are showing 26 turns till completing the engine. We have 589 shields in the bin so we are 51 short. The Silo is pop 5 and making 2 spt. It have 2 surplus food so we can add a worker. Perhaps we can improve one tile and add a settler :dunno: .

I don't have time tonihgt to run the EWS. We are down to two privateers so EWS gets more difficult thoguh we do have screenies from FREE. Makes it all more time consuming though. If I get a chance to play in the next day or two I will run the EWS and play the turn unless the EWS turns up SABER transports. In any case I will continue our policy of abandoning any coastal cities that are or may be threatened with a transport entering.
This game started 3 years and 8 months ago!! Impressive!
  • SABER diplo screen pops up again, we'll clear the table again.
  • FREE sends 200g and three workers.
  • We build two markets and two workers.
  • We can see a SABER naval task force of a destroyer a battleship and three carriers southeast of The Chamber. We can get a tactical nuke into The Treasury which is one tile short of using it on those carriers. We do have two bombers in The Treasury that could give it a go.
  • We're back down to one population in The Silo and have 592 shields in the bin. The settler and the jets we sent in are (of course) gone.
  • We have 520 shields in The Igloo.
  • We will probably not have enough left in our EWS to cover much so expect some coastal cities to be abandoned this turn.
  • I'll try to play the save by Monday night.
As I put elsewhere, try keeping our spacepart producers at size one and hire an engineer. That triples our speed (if it works). ;)
I've been hiring engineers but not to the point where it makes a food deficit in The Silo. Should I go ahead and make our lone citizen an engineer even if there is not enough food? Is it possible to starve a size one city? :dunno: I plan on playing later tonight and will go all guns with engineers. Trouble is, three shields per turn still put us 23 turns away and FREE is thinking SABER may win it in 10. We'll see.
I would starve them every turn, maximize production, they are just going to be killed anyway, that will prevent riots too.

If we are able to add any settlers or workers, allocate food then add the unit, then assign all engineers.
Can't starve a size 1 city. City square gives 2 good, which is a citizen at worst.

if it is pop 1 and a civ engineer will give us 2 more shields, that's the right thing to do. I dunno if it will or not - I dont' remember if Civ Engineer shields go to parts or not.
Yeah the engineers shields have been going towards the parts. Ok, So, as many engineers as possible. I should do that in The Igloo, too. Playing the turn soon.
Most important is NOT to add any units, to stay size one so the citizens are not reassigned due to population losses! :old:

Of course that's only granted for size-one-towns.
I don't know about that Paul. At three shields per turn it'll take us 16 turns and FREE estimates SABER can snag the GONG continent in less than 10. We were bombed last turn and still managed to make 3 shields. I guess we were lucky there because we had a one shield tile to work. I think another reason for growing the population of The Silo (besides trying to generate more shields) is that it puts pressure on SABER to use some of their resources to keep beating it down. If we keep The Silo at population one then those bombers and nukes are free to be used elsewhere to help them get closer to the domination limit.
You have a point there. :agree:
I did not follow that closely and had thought we were doing 1spt for a whole age... :blush:
enemies at the gates? :run:

Time to get some RNG luck for a nice MGL... :please:

I'll sacrifice some dancing fruits ::banana::banana:
Maybe we already have one upon opening the save? That would be a nice ending, huh? :lol:

Either way, I suppose this will be over shortly.
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