PREVIEW: Cut 'n Paste Pack v. 1.0!

Dom Pedro II

Modder For Life
Apr 3, 2002
Exit 16, New Jersey
This is a thread for cut and pasters , although 3D unit creators are more than welcome to post here.

Hello, my name is Dom Pedro II… or in real life, my name is Paulo.

Have you ever wanted to do a Civ 3 unit animation but you found the task too daunting? Do you lack the expertise or the finances to do units in a 3D modeling program? Does cutting and pasting seem to tedious, or are you someone with cutting and pasting experience who wants a faster, easier way to work?

Well, you’ve come to the right place then. When completed, the first version of the Cut ‘n Paste Pack will offer a number of different props at the disposal of the cut and paste artist, providing them with things that they may not be able to get by extracting them from the base units available in the game.

But I did say it would also be faster and easier…

And here’s why…

Ladies and gentlemen!

Introducing the newest member of the Civilization family……

Sid the Civ 3 Man!


Alright, alright… he may look a little weird, but this guy is going to seriously cut down on your work time! Please, Sid, tell us something about yourself.


Hi, everybody! My name’s Sid! I’m a computer man with two fathers… I’d like to thank Kryten for coming up with the idea for the design, and I’d like to thank Dom Pedro II for actually making the idea a reality!


Have you ever wanted to give a unit something as simple as shoes, but you realize that to do so, you’ll have to go through sometimes hundreds of frames just to add them? Seems ridiculous, doesn’t it? It is! With me, I make the job a breeze. Get much more done in much less time…

Let’s take a stroll through a simple example to see how I work…


This is a screenshot from Adobe Photoshop 6, a standard art design software program used by many Unit creators. Paint Shop is also another preferred program.

What makes the system work is one word: PALETTES!


Here you see the palette for… well, me!

All of these colors are what comprise the frames in front of you. If you change the color in any one of the boxes, the color of every single pixel with the old color will switch to the new one! Look and see how changes to the green, blue, and red shadings for my arms, body, and head affect every single frame simultaneously!


Wow! Look at that!


And here we have the new palette… and see, if we want blues, greens, and reds in our unit animation, there are still plenty of slots left open to add these colors!

Just think of the possibilities! You can create realistic skin-tight clothing in virtually any color from tunics, to loin cloths, or knee-height boots. Mix and match to create great new combinations! Use darker colors in the palettes to create different skin colors from Viking, to African, to Native American, or even fantasy colors for your Orcs and Goblins.

Well, that’s it for me! Stay tuned for the release of this Pack, and keep checking this thread for more screenshots showing you the wonderful possibilities! Bye!


Thanks, Sid. Well, there you have it… the centerpiece of the Cut ‘n Paste Pack.

The pack will include standard 15-frame storyboards of Sid in assorted poses from Attack to Death animations. It will also feature him with a set of baggy pants and shirt for those times when you won’t be using skin-tight clothing. But he’s by now means the only feature of this pack. It will also include exotic weapons, helmets, and clothing not found in the Civ3 game.

And you can have all this for just… $19.95!

In fact… if you order it in the next twenty minutes, we’ll give it to you for just $10.95!

Or better yet… we’ll give you this entire pack for FREE! That’s right, from now till the end of creation, this pack is completely and totally 100% free!

The only thing you have to do is produce some awesome units and share them with the rest of us! ;)

Expected Release Date: Unknown

Until later, friends!
Featured Poses in version 1.0:

Default – simple very slight movement
Run (Quick) – A jogging type run animation for quick units
Run (Lumbering) – A sluggish animation for units overburdened with armor
Run (Standard) – Neither fast nor slow, just a very basic walk
Attack (One-Handed Thrust) – Swords, Spears
Attack (Sword Slice)
Attack (One-handed Overhead) – Axes, Javelins, Slings, Grenades, Whips
Attack (Two-handed Overhead) – Clubs, Axes, Two-Handed Swords, Halberds
Attack (Two-handed Thrust) – Pikes
Attack (Bow & Arrow- Arched) – Longbows, etc.
Attack (Bow and Arrow)
Attack (Rifle-Standing)
Attack (Rifle-One-Knee)
Attack (Handgun)
Fortify (One-Handed)
Fortify (Two-Handed)
Fortify (Rifle-Standing)
Fortify (Rifle-Kneeling)
Fortify (Handgun)
Fortify (Bow & Arrow)
Death (Crumple) – Character falls forward to the ground
Death (Backwards) – Character sprawls backward
Victory (Arm Waving) – Waving both arms wildly in the air
Victory (Cheer) – Raising fist in the air

Why so many varieties? Well, people want diversity in their units. Mixing and matching and doing one’s own alterations, the possibilities for unique animations are endless.

The pack itself will include a variety of weapons some of which include:

Two-Handed Swords
One-Handed Swords (several varieties)
Spears (several varieties from several races)
Axes (several varieties with one or two edges)
Bow & Arrows w/ Quiver

In terms of clothes, the pack will feature a special version of Sid with baggy clothes.

All other clothing varieties are still pending decision.
Excellent work Dom Pedro II. :goodjob:

Can I assume that we thrash out some of the potential problems and additional ideas in this thread, rather than the finished one?
If so, here are one or two observations:-

* Shadows = all Civ3 units, and terrain features, and even buildings, have the light source in the upper right hand corrner.

*Fuzzy Edges = 3D programs are so realistic looking because they use 24 bit 'millions of colours'. This means that each colour fades into the next....including the background (which in your example is the default transparent 'pink').
But they then end up with strange 'halos' when placed against Civ3 terrain tiles (which, obviously, is not pink).
Civ3 units avoid this problem by being sharp-edged.

I would just like to tell people about some alternative ways in which 'Sid' could save them some valuable cutting-'n-pasting time.

Suppose I wanted to take a naked figure, or the Civ3 Hoplite, and turn him into a Republican Legionary or an Imperial Auxiliary. I will want to give him shoes.
But this means that I have to select EACH foot, in EACH frame, in EVERY direction, in EVERY animation, and darken the flesh to a more brown colour.
Needless to say, it takes HOURS!

What would be nice is if certain parts of the figure were already in
'grabbable colours', so people could simply pick that colour everywhere on the storyboard using the PSP 'Remove Selected Colour' tool, transfer only those coloured pixels to another blank storyboard, use the PSP 'Set Colour To Target' tool to change that colour (to brown in this example), then just paste the whole lot back onto the original storyboard.
Hey presto....every foot now has a brown boot!

Now, with Dom Pedro's 'Sid', if I wanted a figure with bare arms, I would just select all the red hues, transfer them, change the hue to flesh, and re-paste it! Or, if I wanted a baggy tunic but tight fitting plate armoured legs, I could select the yellow leg hues of the 'naked' figure , transfer it, change the hue to grey, then re-paste it onto the figure with the loose clothing, so he now has a green coloured tunic (which I might select and change later, or might not), with tight plate/mail armoured legs.
And if I want bare feet or legs, then I select 'Sid's' foot/leg colours, transfer them, change the hue to flesh colour, and paste them back into the original storyboard..with their realistic light and dark shades intact

Job done! :D
Yes, I'm aware of the these things, Kryten, I just wanted to throw together a simple example for the people... I mean, the palette too was rushed. The real deal will be much more professional.

And 'Sid' is still in his fledgling stages...
Of course, of course....I just thought I'd mention it before someone else did. :lol:

Actually, I do have a bit of a confession....
....I have absolutely NO idea of how to permanently change even a single pixel of colour of a FLICster palette! :crazyeye:
Every time I change the colours of a palette, and get the storyboard just as I want it, when I export the thing back into FLICster I end up with the ORIGINAL palette!
(I'm going to start a thread asking for help. There must be a way, surely)
That's interesting... I don't think that happens with me... otherwise I would've been left with some very funky elephants. But do you mean the palette that FLICster starts you off with, or do you mean imported Civ 3 unit palettes. Because the FLICster palette is extremely limited... that's very odd indeed.
Admittedly, I'm rather surprised about the very limited response... :confused:

I certainly see that people have been checking it out, but I really thought there'd be more questions/comments by now... oh well, maybe everybody went to the beach. :cool:

Btw, ripptide: Thanks! :)
Here's another example... once again, done with a simple palette change. Yes, there are some palette and shadowing details that have to be hashed out before release, I realize, but the concept is sound nonetheless.


This preview, taken directly from the original Sid figure, took me less than ten minutes with the palette alteration!
Originally posted by Dom Pedro II
Admittedly, I'm rather surprised about the very limited response... :confused:

I certainly see that people have been checking it out, but I really thought there'd be more questions/comments by now... oh well, maybe everybody went to the beach. :cool:

Btw, ripptide: Thanks! :)

I am interested at least but I am wiaitng for the actual pack :D
I like the way you introduced it. :)

I think a lot of people are just waiting to comment. Seeing if Sid has anything else to say.
@LouLong: Fair enough, but do you think that this Sid man will help you out a lot?

@Nder: I just sort of came up with the idea for this presentation last night... I thought it'd be cool.

And yes, I think Sid will have more things to say... but maybe only for the tutorial. I have to see.
Originally posted by Dom Pedro II
Admittedly, I'm rather surprised about the very limited response... :confused:

I certainly see that people have been checking it out, but I really thought there'd be more questions/comments by now... oh well, maybe everybody went to the beach. :cool:

Btw, ripptide: Thanks! :)

Interesting, good for ppl like me that cant draw that well in a computer or out of it :) But I still think is hard to draw the other components, like swords, shields and other things :)
But I am asking for too much already lol for now the sid is enough :)

very good job :goodjob:
I would like to see this come to fruition.

But, well, I'm not very good with my adobe photoshop, and, since everyone seems to have PSP, I have no idea how to do palette color swapping and such. I understand palettes and how they work, but I don't know any (non-time-consuming) way of "swapping" colors in PS to make this nifty tool to work good.

Cuz I've done it. I was making a Man-at-Arms way back in the day (before PTW was even known), cutting/pasting/hand-drawing a modification of the vanilla legionary, and, well, wishing I did not toss all that hard work away, I remember how much work it was, and wish not to do such again.

So any ways to make things easier is all good by me!

Oh yeah, to the point of my first paragraph: are you going to release a "tutorial" of sorts with this pack? I've notice you actually use PS :eek: (people seem to talk like JASC is the CG god or something)
Bjorn, when this is released, there will be a tutorial that both Kryten and I will be working on... It'll have pictures and such so you can easily see how to do it all.

I think that it will also require another free program called Pedit, which is used for making palettes. I use it. There are probably others.
Seems very interesting. Waiting for the full pack. :)
Unbelievable. I don't quite understand how it all works, but, simply put: unbelievable. The time and commitment of this relatively small band of dedicated Civ enthusiasts is really amazing. Atari and Firaxis should pay particular attention to this crowd! These are the people who make the Civ product infinitely more desireable than the vanilla releases.
That's what I say. I felt like I spent 60 dollars to be a beta tester and game finisher for Civilization 3. :lol:

Like I've said before, the effort Firaxis put into allowing modifications of the game is it's saving grace. If that wasn't the case I would've packed the game up and took it back after a few days play!
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