Today was the first time I had to call a Python function in the SDK. While I think I've understood the general principle correctly, there still seems to be something wrong with my code. The desired feature is part of my RFC modmod, but I hope I can present my problem without tackling RFC-specific aspects.
I'm trying to edit the CvGameTextMgr.cpp file to display a tile's stability in the mouseover text (box in the left bottom corner that displays terrain etc.). That involves checks if the current plot is within the core and normal area of the active player's civ. The problem is, currently it returns "Core Area" for every land plot, whether it is really in the core area or not. It seems that the respective Python functions that determine if a tile is in Normal/Core don't return anything to the SDK at all. Best take a look at the code now:
The two Python functions I call are defined in, which is of course already included into CvDefines.h.
From my tests I've found out that the value of "result" always stays -1, although the functions can only return 0 or 1. This is why I guess there's an error with the function call itself. Does anybody see my mistake?
Thanks in advance
I'm trying to edit the CvGameTextMgr.cpp file to display a tile's stability in the mouseover text (box in the left bottom corner that displays terrain etc.). That involves checks if the current plot is within the core and normal area of the active player's civ. The problem is, currently it returns "Core Area" for every land plot, whether it is really in the core area or not. It seems that the respective Python functions that determine if a tile is in Normal/Core don't return anything to the SDK at all. Best take a look at the code now:
long result = -1;
long result2 = -1;
CyArgsList argsList;
gDLL->getPythonIFace()->callFunction(PYRFCUtilsModule, "isCorePlot", argsList.makeFunctionArgs(), &result);
long iCore = (long)result;
if (pPlot->getPlotType() == PLOT_OCEAN)
else if (iCore != 0)
szString.append("Core Area");
int iSettlerValue = GET_PLAYER(GC.getGameINLINE().getActivePlayer()).getSettlersMaps(pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY());
CyArgsList argsList2;
gDLL->getPythonIFace()->callFunction(PYRFCUtilsModule, "isNormalPlot", argsList2.makeFunctionArgs(), &result2);
long iNormal = (long)result2;
if (iNormal == 1 && iSettlerValue >= 400)
szString.append("Peripheral Area");
szString.append("Foreign Area");
def isCorePlot(self, x, y, iCiv):
if (x >= con.tCoreAreasTL[iCiv][0] and x <= con.tCoreAreasBR[iCiv][0] and y >= con.tCoreAreasTL[iCiv][1] and y <= con.tCoreAreasBR[iCiv][1]): # and not (x, y) in con.tExceptions[iCiv]):
return 1
return 0
def isNormalPlot(self, x, y, iCiv):
if (x >= con.tNormalAreasTL[iCiv][0] and x <= con.tNormalAreasBR[iCiv][0] and y >= con.tNormalAreasTL[iCiv][1] and y <= con.tNormalAreasBR[iCiv][1]): # and not (x, y) in con.tNormalAreasSubtract[iCiv]):
return 1
return 0
Thanks in advance