PROD - Sirian's Training Day Game

I just hope it was a 'tasty' feast! :hammer:

I look forward to the reports, and actually hope to put
together a 'real' report this weekend myself.

BTW, this game/concept rocks!! It seems like a ton of work for you Sirian, and a great experience for the players which they are enjoying. Hats off to ya

OK, it looks like that was the end for this venture after all. I don't plan to make time for more critiques before year's end, and by then the game situation will be stale at best.

I hope you all enjoyed this training venture. We covered the most important part of the game: the opening and ancient era into the early middle ages. If you can get through that OK, you can handle yourself all the way up to Emperor.

Thanks to all who participated, and also those who lurked but were tuned in.

- Sirian
@Sirian: As you probably already know, TBC and Griselda have each won their Pot Luck games on emperor, Rowain is playing Deity Regularly and I am currently at least proficient at Monarch (Emperor and Diety are still killer). I am sure the others that lurked have learned much from you detailed and thoughtful critiques. I clearly understand why you have lost interest in the Civ world over the past few weeks.

I want you to realize that my interest in Civ has increased 3 fold because of your help and the help of others like you, Lee, Sullla, Cracker, Jaxom and Charis to name a few. Us Regent/Monarch players have learned so much from all of you and your RBE Games. The only thing I am disappointed about is that now that everyone has mastered Monarch/Emperor there aren't many Monarch games available. I never thought there would be 3 deity games competing at the same time.

Anyway thanks again,

I have to second Hotrod and send many thanks to Sirian for the lot of work he put into this Game.

And looking at the results He was a very successfull teacher. :)

@Hotrod: One of the best things to learn a game is playing it.
Just restart your Potluck game and play till you find something that could make a difference in the ending. Concluding from your Report:
An Early war with the Zulus was rather fruitful pulled in a few techs and a vew cities. I even grabbed a couple wonders along the way.

I would say you have done very well in your Game.

i hope you aín't got to depressed about it and I'm sure you will beat Emperor soon. :)


PS: If you plan to set up a Monarch(Emperor) -PtW-Game I'll join
This game was immensely helpful to me, and probably to countless lurkers as well. You covered so much information, and that really helpsd me figure out a lot of the "basics" that just don't get mentioned in reports and the like.

I really appreciate the time you took to run this game!

Now, do we get to grade the trainer?

A+ :goodjob:


PS to hotrod - I didn't *quite* win the potluck games, but at least from my replay I know that I could win.
I appreciate the fond remarks. :)

Hotrod: I haven't lost interest in the Civ world. I've done what I said I would in the RBE master thread recently: pull back from some commitments to conserve my energies for others. I played CFGOTM14 (the current one, Deity) and submitted last night. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't make time for both that and this project. I chose to play rather than to work. Not that this work wasn't fulfilling -- I definitely enjoyed interacting with and helping all of you -- but cutting back the ratio of "work" to "fun" in my Civ3 time is exactly what I most needed recently.

Also as you point out, the mission of the training has largely been accomplished. There's now enough information available for any new or inexperienced players, IF they do the legwork to track it down and practice and work through it, to bring themselves up to the level of having a chance to win on Emperor. The point of the training was a dual-vector thrust: to be helpful to folks like you, yes, but also to raise the level of the competition. I didn't exactly want for Monarch SG's to become an endangered species, but I am pleased to see the number of players who've graduated to higher difficulties. Isn't that how it ought to be?

In the wake of the PTW1.14f patch, it seems unlikely there will be another patch before the new Epic season is due to kick off, so I spent some time recently tinkering around with PTW and the editor. I have a low-pressure scenario that should be fun now ready to go for the first Epic of the new season. Think Epic Eight, which was an identical situation: new patch on the scene. That is not the time to run specific variants, the players need to get their footing on the new ground. This will be even more so for the degree of changes from normal to expanded. So even though we just got out of a big Potluck game, I think another would be a good idea.

- Sirian
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