PROD - Sirian's Training Day Game

Just a quick move up. I know its time to bring this up to the top when I have to change to the Last 20 days option to see the thread ;).


I've had a busy week and a half, lot of unexpected writing, of all forms, plus some other stuff, plus a real page-turner in Epic 14 which sucked up what hours I did have to spare. ("Just one more turn. Just one more turn.") :o

I'll play and critique this weekend. :hammer:

- Sirian
I had some unexpected business pop up for me today. I'm not going to get the critiques in tonight. Sorry. :o
Joining the workers to London might be worth it, if they are replaced by new ones from lower priority cities. Still a lot of jungle to be cleared and hills to be mined, though, to be reducing the workforce.

Trading away TECH for something you could buy with a few gpt?? :smoke: Better to make Griselda's move, and not buy at all, than to pay way too much.

Hurrying courthouses in the northeast would have been better than libraries. Then they could build their own improvements instead of waiting for more and more cash handouts from the central government. That you didn't even start courthouses next, up there, shows a trend of poor corruption management in distant cities. I'd build a courthouse first in any city losing a third or more of its shields. Some of those are losing half or more, and will never get into the game if corruption management is not made the top priority at those sites.

Oh man. Another tech handed out. :smoke:

It's impossible to read the AI's perfectly. In my Epic Nine, for example, price on Electronics went from ~200gpt to the AI having it the next turn. Better to err on the side of stinginess, though, for a number of reasons. Most of the time when the AI's won't offer much, it's because they are BROKE, not because they value the tech that little. It is ONLY when they have the cash and gpt to pay up, but won't pay more than a certain amount, and you see THAT amount dropping turn by turn, that you would be wise to sell off the tech "before they discover it". Only then. If they are too broke to buy it anyway, you're more likely to give them more boost than they deserve. It's not just a matter of what you may miss out on. It's also a matter of what boosts you give to them. Selling a tech to the last place AI for pennies, for example, should never be done. Let them lag behind. Even at last civ prices, they need to muster a significant portion of the tech at full price.

Time is money. The sooner they get a tech, the sooner they start on new techs further up the tree. The sooner they get those, etc etc. Selling @2nd is only worth it if you get a strong price. And the way the AI's handle their moneys now, that tends not to come in the early game at all anymore. Just look how long these AI's sat around without discovering tech. The longer they went without engineering, the longer their tundra tiles go unforrested. That's some shields wasted for them. Now they are started on universities in their core cities, instead of being unable to build them for another fifteen turns. Fifteen turns of university help will make their economies stronger, more than erasing whatever you hoped to save by "cancelling the Great Library".

Back in v1.07, the tech prices were cheap, and the AI's had no "screw you" pricing factors to cheat the player. Back then, you could get MORE for selling a tech around than you paid for it @2nd. No longer. And even back then, it didn't always pay to sell just because they could buy. Now that they can't always buy, it pays even less.

The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword. You can sign away, with a trade deal, what it takes mountains of effort to gain: your lead in the game. The game is set up to tempt you to do just that, to keep all the AI's in a pack with you, if you are stronger. Once into the lead, you have to guard that lead jealously. You have to play three times as well as the AI's to maintain any noticeable lead. Only if the enemy economies are strong, with them conducting research and still having loads of surplus commerce around, do you end up in a situation where it can be distinctly bad not to broker your tech lead in time. If some of them can pay full market value @2nd, @3rd, @4th... then if you don't drain that away from them by selling, it all goes to the second guy who then has even more power to catch up to you, and it's that second guy you most have to worry about, because as soon as he gets a tech, the prices drop for everybody and all the weaker ones can buy in.

It takes a lot of information and observation to walk this tightrope effectively. On higher difficulty, you'll have less chance to do so, because you'll tend to be trailing. If you do get a lead, though, knowing how to guard it can make the difference between the ending of my Epic Nine, where I guarded my lead long enough to deliver the knockout punch to every opponent, and a situation where things drag on and on because the AI's catch up and become stronger.

You did very well speeding the wonder build at London. Overall population management was good. Spending was a bit much, as my shadow is a whole round ahead of the official game on tech. You at least spent wisely for the most part (notable exception, rushing libraries instead of courthouses in the northeast).

You also managed to give Ninevah enough attention that it will avert starvation.

Overall Grade: C

:goodjob: count: Two. (London wonder progress, City Management)
:smoke: count: Three. (Sold Education, Sold Engineering, Too Much Spending)

Sirian <<<<<<< On Deck
Black Cursor
Rowain deWolf
Griselda <<<<< UP NOW

Griselda is up now, if she has time before her trip to play and report. If not, I'll go next and reshuffle the order concerning her when she returns from her trip.

- Sirian
Hey Sirian,

Could you comment a little more on trading at higher levels? I am having a difficult time (on Deity) figuring out when to trade, etc.


I'll be able to play and report sometime before I leave Friday morning (hopefully tomorrow). I'm happy to be "up" already :jump:

Point taken about the workers; I could definitely use some improvement there.
Fairly straightforward round. I concentrated on city improvements, because most cities with barracks are working on big projects, and there's no point in building barracks with Sun Tzu's in the works.

(0) 550 AD
- Richmond to courthouse and high shields. I actually run a food deficit, but the box is full and it's only -1 per turn (plus it's already size 6). Courthouse in 15.
- Reading swap to courthouse and MM for courthouse in 15.
- Birmingham swap to high shields- courthouse in 10.
- MM Norwich, and fire entertainer, will grow in 3.

(1) 560 AD
- WLTTD at Brighton. I have a hard time catching these messages, and where they're coming from, as they go past, but I'll do my best to note them.
- Russians start Sistene's.
- French start Sun Tzu's and Hanging Gardens.
- Germans start Hanging Gardens.
- Jungle clearing at Newcastle.
- 3 York workers to forest by London, begin clear.
- 4 workers (2 slaves) 1E from dyes to jungle by river.
- Galley W to sea.

(2) 570 AD
- WLTTD ends at Hastings.
- Canterbury workers to another forest.
- Jungle clearing at York.
- Irrigation complete at Nineveh, and shortage ends. :D Worker starts road.
- Irrigate 1 more flood plain at Reading, but then it seems like we should concentrate on getting some jungles cleared and getting shields?
- Mine complete at Richmond, so I can get the courthouse in 11 and not run food deficit.
- Notice that the West sea channel doesn't do very far west. Moving right along...
- Rush courthouse in Cambridge for 252 gold.

(3) 580 AD
- Disease at Liverpool! :cry:
- Brighton's culture expands.
- Norwich completes cathedral and starts knight.
- Cambridge completes courthouse and starts worker.
- Start road to saltpeter in Coventry.
- Science needs to stay at 70%, but Navigation in 1.

(4) 590 AD
- Navigation learned, and go for banking. Do we want to go for democracy? It seems fitting for this civ.
- Disease at Liverpool, of course.
- Leeds completes aqueduct, starts harbor. I want a caravel, but decide that the benefits or a harbor are greater. I'll have an external harbor, plus food for a growing Leeds and the vet units. Maybe I can rush it in a bit and get to the caravel.
- French start Sistine.
- Send lone Coventry worker to grass.
- Dover workers to dyes.
- Decide to swap Nineveh to courthouse.
- Mine grass at York, because it seems like increasing shields is more important now that it's size 11 and will grow in 3.
- More mining at Richmond.
- China has 98 gold. I look into renegotiating ROP, but they will only pay 17 gold for it. Plus, they no longer have any rep to lose if they attack us. So, no ROP for Mao. :nono:

(5) 600 AD
- Hastings completes cathedral, starts knight. Might as well have a few around when the AI's decide to :wallbash:
- Reading and Exeter expand culturally.
- Reconsider Knight at Norwich. Can it wait for Sun Tzu's? Swap to University.
- Irrigate by Coventry and Liverpool/Nineveh.
- 2 irrigate grass at London. 1 moves S to hills.
- Reading workers to jungle.
- Galley in France's territory. Time to renegotiate ROP with Joan. She doesn't have much, but I accept her 6 gold and world map.
- Our dyes deal with Russia is up. I check the other AI's, but they have even less to offer for them. So, I renegotiate dyes to Russia for 4 gold per turn plus their 26 gold.

(6) 610 AD
- WLTTD Hastings.
- Canterbury produce library, start cathedral.
- Brighton completes granary and starts library.
- Iron exhausted by London. :rant: Luckily, it reappears north of Brighton, just inside our borders. [dance] Swap Brighton to worker to get started on a road to new iron.
- Russian sword approaches Newcastle.
- Swap Brighton to worker to help connect the iron.
- Newcastle pike moves between Russian sword and my worker.
- I start road to Exeter on saltpeter. This is an improved tile, so it should have a road, but connecting second saltpeter after watching how iron dried up makes me a bit nervous.
- Leeds worker to desert.
- Science to 50%, banking in 2.

(7) 620 AD
- Warwick completes granary, starts cathedral.
- Newcastle completes library, starts worker for iron.
- Brighton completes worker, starts library.
- Richmond grows culturally.
- Exeter completes granary, starts aqueduct.
- See Chinese sword outside Chengdu.
- Mine newly cleared bg by Newcastle.
- Gems hooked up in Oxford. I want water! Babylon has a worker in the next square, but they're working on a road, and I don't know how long/if they will get it irrigated. Move my workers 1W and irrigate over mine.
- Rush cathedral in Coventry for 116 gold.

(8) 630 AD
- Discover banking at start printing press.
- WLTTD ends in Canterbury and Dover.
- Coventry produces cathedral and starts university.
- Newcastle completes worker and starts university.
- Germans start Sistine.
- Now I see two Russian swords west of Sverdlovsk. I swap Exeter to a musketman, due in 9 but I can rush him soon.
- Science to 40%, printing press still in 4.
- Babylonian worker in Nineveh N to join others in jungle. I think this is an appropriate time to break the "always build a road before leaving the square" considering this is a non-English worker, moving through several squares of jungle. He may never arrive if he makes roads.
- North jungle workers start road.
- Start road NE of York's dyes.
- Sea channel S of Orleans doesn't go far.
- Sell China WM for WM and their 5 gold. They have 124 left.
- Russia has 42 gold. Sell her WM for WM + 4 gold.
- Germany WM for WM and 5 gold (all he has)
- Babylon WM for WM and 4 gold.
- China WM for WM and 5 gold- they have 124 left.
- I'm wondering if selling WM right now is :smoke:. I'm putting all this research into astronomy and navigation, and taking time to explore the sea with the galley. Why should they get the same information for 4 gold?

(9) 640 AD
- Dover completes granary, starts harbor.
- China sword S a bit more from Chengdu.
- Coventry workers E to mountain.
- Two Oxford workers to irrigate gems, 1 up to jungle.
- Exeter workers to Warwick.
- Rush musket in Exeter for 184 gold. Run high food for more in box.
- Rush harbor in Leeds for 220 gold.

(10) 650 AD
- Hastings completes knight, starts bank.
- Leeds completes Harbor, starts caravel.
- Birmingham completes courthouse, starts aqueduct.
- Exeter completes musketman and re-starts aqueduct. Exeter back to high shields.
- Two Brighton workers to iron while 3rd finishes the road to the south.
- Newcastle workers SW for more jungle clearing.
- Dyes online at Dover, as if these pathetic AI's could trade anything for them. :lol:
- Start road east of Coventry.
- Liverpool workers W to Nineveh.
- I wonder where the knight should go? It seems like the Russians and the Chinese are still the biggest threat. Babylon doesn't even have Chivalry or any money right now. :hammer: So, I move knight west. The next ruler can choose the exact destination.
- Mine grass at York.
- Irrigate over mine at Warwick. I try not to be too quick to destroy past improvements, but otherwise there's no water for Exeter.
- Galley arrives in sea channel SSE of Tours.
- We could rush courthouse in Nineveh for 140 gold, if the next rules so chooses. We're running a hefty gold surplus at the moment.
- Russia has 72 gold. She needs invention, banking, and astronomy. I renegotiate peace with Russia for 62 gold plus 1 per turn.
- France has 0 gold and needs invention, banking, and astronomy.
- Germany has 1 gold and needs engineering, chivalry, and education.
- Babs have 8 gold and need chivalry, invention, banking, and astronomy.
- China has 49 gold and needs invention, banking, and astronomy. They have one extra iron, but we'll have our own iron again soon.
- Sun Tzu's and Leo's in 6.

-Griselda, ready for the prod :eek:

edit- I'll be away until October 6, but I'll catch up again after I get back, if I have to!
The first thing I wondered upon opening the save file was why you didn't buy maps from the Americans. Then I was wondering why there wasn't even a single American city showing up on the minimap. ... ... Then I began to wonder where on earth our ship had gone! They must have contracted scurvy or something, and suffered severe dementia, as they have wandered about 4000 miles off course! :lol:

Did you not realize that galleys can cross ocean the same as other ships, once the tech comes in? Or did you not realize the tech had come in? This point was something specifically mentioned through the last couple of rounds, to have the galley in place to explore the high seas and look for that last civ, but you kept it close to the shore and carried it on south. All the shadow reports show what you could have done instead.

Other than that, things look good. Irrigation at Oxford, a harbor, some cash spent but all on courthouses, and not every last penny. On our way to democracy. Iron vanished, but the spot where it moved to is soon to be connected.

A few nits: at first, I thought you ran low food at Newcastle. For a city with twelve fully improved tiles, you want to get it to max pop asap, then run max shields. I saw later that you had trained a worker there, though, so then it made sense. Spending was on the high side. You could have given a forest from Nottingham to Canterbury and didn't. York has hit the glass ceiling but lacks for an improved mountain to be running max shields. Same up at Norwich. You might think of mountains as "lowest" priority, and they surely are, in the early game. Times change, though. As I'm up next, you'll find the rest of my nits in the form of IT changes. :)

Overall Grade: C+

:goodjob: count: Three. (Workers, City Management, Prudent Diplomacy)
:smoke: count: One. (Navy off in Lala Land)

I'm going to play the next round right now, write my report and post it on Friday. I'll critique by Sunday and we'll speed up the pace of this thing a bit, once again, after me having let it slack off considerably in recent rounds.

- Sirian
I knew when I first saw the shadows that I must have been :smoke: to have missed America, but after taking a look at the save files, I realize why. My civ wasn't missing a tech, but it seems that I was- let's just say that my wise-men hadn't researched the "round earth" theory yet, and I was sending my galley east because I thought that was where the Americans were :lol:

Sorry about that one, folks!

IT 650AD: Birmingham to worker. Oxford to harbor. MM Newcastle, swap to unused mined bg tile. Exeter to settler. Dover to worker. Nottingham forest to Canterbury. Canterbury, Norwich, Liverpool, Newcastle to bank.

660AD: Peace with France renewed for free, because Joanie came and asked, and it was that or war. York builds uni, starts bank. Dover trains worker, starts settler. Grassland at Leeds given back to Hastings. Our ship explores the sea currents in the area it finds itself in. (How we got way down here, no one is quite sure). Our knight is sent to the southeast front, to Warwick, as that region could stand a stronger presence. York gives up irrigated grass tile to London, swaps to unimproved mountain to speed bank production. (Hmm, just noticed that we are building some roads in jungle tiles. Add one more nit to Gris's tally: unless the road itself is urgent, saves turns to clear the tile first, then build the road).

670AD: Discover Printing, start Democracy. Oxford builds harbor, starts caravel, shields increased. Disorder in Reading (oops), hire entertainer. Russia starts Leo. China, Russia and Babs all have both invention and music theory. Reminder: selling them education was some awful [pimp] action. Even five turns delay on their universities and new lines of research would have been worth a lot to us. On higher difficulty, such moves may spell the difference between survival and defeat. Science set to 60% to get democracy in FIVE turns. Why do we want not want the tech in four turns? Because we want to revolt on the turn the tech comes in, to get the half-turn discount on the anarchy duration, yet we want to complete our two wonders before the anarchy period. Oh, and just to emphasize: five turns of delay on them acquiring education could have kept Music Theory OUT OF the cascade, and perhaps handed us Bach's at our leisure. Now it's going to go to an AI. Never ever ever ever -- ever -- squander your tech lead when you get one.

680AD: Norwich builds bank, starts settler with food storage full at size 12. Birmingham trains worker, starts granary. Richmond builds courthouse, starts granary. Cambridge trains worker, starts another. Give irrigated grass from Ninevah to Liverpool. Workers onto mountain at York.

690AD: Wines from Joan expire. I renew for 18gpt + Dyes. We have iron back online. Exeter trains settler, starts worker. Science to 50%. Our galley sails east across ocean south of Babylon.

700AD: Norwich trains settler, starts palace placeholder. Reading builds courthouse, starts granary. The wonders are due next turn. If the AI's didn't have invention, I'd consider swapping Leo's to Sistine and killing off all their works in progress. Now, however, they can swap to both Leo and Bach anyway, so that's out the window. Now I normally don't do this -- for a number of reasons -- but in this case, I'm certain we'll never lose control of SunTzu, so I go and sell off our barracks.

710AD: London builds SunTzu, starts uni, swapped to MAX food, since the next round of production will be lost anyway in the revolution (production, but NOT commerce). Nottingham builds Leo, starts uni, max food. Max food/commerce will be assumed in all cities this turn. Brighton builds library, start longbow. Exeter trains worker, starts aqueduct. Chinese complete Hanging Gardens in the cascade. 1000+ gold spent on military upgrades. We did not have enough to upgrade everything, so some units will have to wait a bit. There was, however, a most satisfying CRUNCH sound of guns being cocked as 19 muskets fortified at once. :hammer:

720AD: We discover Democracy and revolt! Chemistry started. Anarchy duration: 7.5 turns. Tough draw. MM cities to max food, with taxmen in those towns at glass ceiling with surplus.

730AD: Some troop shuffles. Our galley found shallow waters, but no land yet.

740AD: Disease hits Dover. Settlers arrive in Oxford.

750AD: Russia moves a sword onto our land near Newcastle. Somebody tell me that Cathy isn't toking that nasty stuff again, frying what little brains she may have left. Please! I cancel her RoP. Ivory deal with Babs is about to expire. I renew for Dyes, Gems, our 1gpt, and over 100g in cash. Renogiate gems deal with China. Sell our world map to all but Germany to get some cash here (we're stuck in anarchy a bit longer, DO NOT SPEND our meager reserve). Our galley explores more sea currents, still no land, but with all this sea in the area, there could be some nearby.

Four turns of anarchy left to go.

Training Day - 750AD

Black Cursor <<<< UP NOW
Rowain deWolf << On Deck

- Sirian
No pressure here, none at all, a nice, relaxing way to spend the waning hours of a three-day weekend. We all saw what happens when I play fatigued (built and started to deploy four servers that Friday)... So without further prologue (the past is the past, with apologies to Shakespeare)...

750AD 0) With four more turns of Anarchy remaining, there is little to do but MM our cities looking to maximize food and tax-commerce, so that's precisely what I do. Birmingham, Cambridge, Nottingham, Richmond and York hire taxmen, while Warwick shuffles tiles.

I notice that a few trade deals are up this turn so I work the tables -- from France: get 5gpt and 30g for Gems, and from Russia: get ROP, Maps and 27g for ROP. This last was to have some dramatic repercussions in the coming years.

-- St. Augustine demonstrates common knowledge, noting England is the wealthiest nation, followed by France, China, Babylon, Russia, Germany and America.

760AD 1) As Russia immediately takes advantage of the new ROP, I move a Sword to guard Newcastle's Worker stack as they proceed to mine a grass tile. Our Galley moves and sights land! York fires its Taxman, while Exeter and Newcastle shuffle tiles.

770AD 2) A Knight is sent to guard the other Worker stack near Brighton. Irrigate flood at Reading and clear jungle at York. MM Exeter. The Galley explores the new coastlines.

780AD 3) Mine grass at Nottingham, mine bg at Oxford, irrigate flood at Reading, and irrigate grass at Warwick. Nottingham and Richmond fire taxmen, and the Galley continues to explore.

Now things get interesting...

-- Russia declares war on China! :eek: 2 Russian Swords attack Chengdu and lose. With such a huge common border, why Cathy decides to march her troops through our territory to start this fracas is a wonder. :crazyeye: This would not be the last of the strangeness this round.

Oh yea, we're now a Democracy! :hammer:

790AD 4) With the new government online, all cities are visited and reorganized and all taxmen fired. Birmingham swaps to Temple to pull in the local whales, Leeds swaps to Settler, and Warwick to Market. Reading remains on the verge of riot, so an Entertainer is hired after it swaps to Settler. Irrigate plains at Birmingham, and irrigate flood at Reading. Science increased to 80% and our Galley sights the American border at last.

-- In intense border fighting (both combatants down to 1hp), Russia and China lose 1 Sword apiece with China bringing a second Sword in for its kill. Cathy offers to swap Territory maps and we decline -- all the action is taking place in front of us anyway. Dover finishes Settler, starts Harbor. Leeds finishes Settler, MM and starts Caravel.

800AD 5) Dover Settler hurries to Brighton to await any Sino/Russ war opportunities. Leeds Settler to Reading to board the second available Caravel (Reading swaps to Caravel). Mine hills at Brighton, irrigate grass/dyes at Dover, mine hills at London, road grass at Newcastle, mine desert at Norwich, road bg at Oxford, irrigate flood and mine desert at Reading, and road grass at Warwick. While no contact with America is made yet, the Galley does find an overlooked village. Science to 70% with research due in 2.

Mid-turn trades (again a number of deals come due) are as follows:

From Russia - get 5gpt and 24g for Dyes.
From France - get ROP, maps and 2g for ROP.
From Germany - Remove that Worker near Cambridge! Biz agrees.

Babylon's Ivory remains ours for Gems, Dyes and 1gpt (no change here).

ROUND 2: TBC, an equal-opportunity arms-dealer! :soldier:

From China - get 8gpt, 92g for Saltpeter.
From Russia - get 8gpt, 26g for Saltpeter.

Now go have fun and remember where you got that white-powder from! :D

-- "All Quiet on the Western Front" (all battles off-camera). Oxford finishes Caravel, starts Market.

810AD 6) 2 Settlers and a Vet Sword set sail aboard the new Caravel. Irrigate grass at Cambridge, mine desert at Leeds, clear jungle at Newcastle, irrigate grass at Nineveh, road grass at Nottingham, mine hills at Oxford, clear jungle and mine desert at Reading, and irrigate grass at Warwick. Upgrades: Newcastle Pike to Musket(30g), Liverpool, Reading, and Richmond Spears to Muskets(40g ea.). MM Norwich.

Our Galley finally makes contact with the Americans. They are quite backward, though they did manage to crawl their way into the Middle Ages. Lincoln lacks for Monotheism, Feudalism, Engineering and all subsequent technologies. Remembering the moratorium request on technology trading, I paused here... However, our ship captains pleas are heard, "Surely you don't wish upon us more aimless wanderings along foreign shores?" America's maps are of some value here. So looking at the backward Germans as reference:

Germany lacks Engineering, Printing Press, Banking, Astronomy, and later technologies.

I choose to get America's Maps and 5g for ** Monotheism ** ;) My reasoning is simple -- with Monotheism, America gets no new units, and has to work hard at subsequent research -- only Feudalism, Engineering and Theology are on the immediate horizon for Abe, and they remain behind backwards Germany. No regrets, the maps are very much appreciated.

-- Chemistry researched, Science to 60% with Mettalurgy due in 4.

820AD 7) With guard duty complete, the Sword heads to Brighton. Irrigate plains at Cambridge, clear jungle at Dover, road grass at Exeter, clear jungle at Newcastle, road forest at Nottingham, mine hills at Oxford, mine desert at Reading, and irrigate plains at Warwick. MM Brighton, Newcastle and Reading.

-- A Chinese Galley is seen in the SEAS off of Birmingham, so I look up each leader in turn -- sure enough, Babylon, China, France and Russia now have Astronomy. We will have to keep an eye on them and broker contact with America before they all make contact (with Navigation or otherwise -- sea-lanes, Great Lighthouse, etc.) Hopefully we can get American Spices and Silks in the process.

In other news, Brighton finishes Longbow, starts Cathedral. Hastings finishes Bank, starts University. Liverpool finishes Bank, starts Cathedral. Reading finishes Caravel, MM and starts Settler.

830AD 8) A Settler and 2 Muskets set sail aboard our second Caravel. Troops are shuffled to take up the slack -- Cambridge Musket to Birmingham, Birmingham Musket to Reading. MM Reading and swap to Horse, noting that our first source of iron is now exhausted. Clear jungle at Dover. Road hills and road hills at London. MM Richmond and catch a riot brewing at Warwick -- hire a taxman to avert.

-- Newcastle finishes Bank, starts Cathedral. Richmond finishes Granary, MM and starts 'Duct. Note that all war activity remains off-camera, and that Russian Kiev was captured over the ensuing years. Perhaps I could have sent a Knight into Russia as an observer, but I chose not to.

840AD 9) Iron discovered already connected near Brighton so Reading swaps to Knight. Irrigate flood at Birmingham, Road hills at Brighton, road grass at Cambridge, road forest at Canterbury, clear jungle at Nineveh, mine desert at Norwich, road forest at Nottingham, mine mountains/gems at Oxford, irrigate flood at Richmond, and mine grass at York.

-- Remember that Chinese Galley? Its captain does something totally unexpected, landing (with no ROP) a single Sword next to Reading and two workers! :eek: :confused: Canterbury finishes Bank, starts University and with Canterbury's Bank, we can now build Wall Street. Coventry finishes Univeristy, starts Bank. Nineveh finishes Court, starts Granary.

850AD 10) With such an overt act on China's part, I take no chances here -- the two workers abandon their labors on the flood plain and bug out, and Reading swaps to a Sword due next turn. Irrigate plains at Cambridge, mine hills at Exeter, road desert at Leeds, and irrigate plains at Warwick. Norwich swaps to Wall Street. Warwick fires its Taxman and hires an Entertainer. Upgrades: Coventry and Dover Spears to Muskets (40g ea.) -- upgrades complete as of now. Establish an embassy in American Washington (48g) and rush Birmingham's Temple (72g). Science reduced to 50% with research due in 1.

The final rounds of trades are minimal with one exception. I pick up Territory maps (1g ea.) from the combatants and confirm that China has indeed conquered Russian Kiev. And...

I demand that Mao remove his sorry troops from our lands at once! :rant: He agrees -- we will have to see what transpires. It may be prudent to build more troops -- Knights, Longbows -- just to let Mao know where we stand. As for America, I leave it to the next leader to decide how to acquire their Spices and Silks as well as the task of timing bringing them into contact with the rest of the world. The latter may not happen next round, but as some of the foregoing events illustrate, you sometimes never know! :lol:

Be seeing you...

---> TBC (Threatened By China? -- Nah)

Training Day - 850AD
Considering myself as a prodgraduate ;)
I'm no longer in the game. So Zot is on deck instead of me.

I will follow this thread neverthelesss and wish you good luck and happy proding :)

I like to thank Sirian for his advice and his insights and indeed I have learned a lot in this SG.

A big Thank You to Sirian.

Well this is now the 3rd time I have tried to post so I will cut to the chase. I may need to trade with Griselda on the next round depending on how fast or slow the next round goes.

I will be away from the 2nd to the 9th of November and will be away from the computer. If at all possible I would like to play my official round before then but realize that is a tall order. If we don't get to the round after the next one would it be possible to switch with Griselda? To make sure the game move ahead. I am very glad to see the game picking up pace. :)

On a more selfish note: Can I get my potluck games now??? I would love to get a jump on the games before going away and the extra time couldn't hurt?

NO! Really??? Didn't think so I will just have to wait and see like the rest? ;)

Just to let everyone know, I have visitors coming from out of town this weekend, and I doubt I'll have the time to do critiques before early next week. Sorry for the return to a slower pace, but I'll try not to let it completely slack off.

- Sirian
@sirian: Can't say that I blame you, with this game, epics, and PTW. Are we calling this game dead or possibly just switch to a standard game?

Neither. Not yet, at least. This is the only TDG I will do, so don't burn the bridges just yet. I hit a feast period. If things calm down, I'll slip in a round. You'll understand what I mean next week.

- Sirian
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