Progressing more quickly?


Dec 27, 2001
I'm new to Civilization and want to know what I can do to progress more quickly in the game. I've played several games, but they seem to go more quickly than other people are describing. The farthest I've gotten technologically was researching physics when the game got to 2050 and ended. How can I follow a more normal course for technological advancement? Thanks!

hey caligo, i guess it depends on the size of the map, the turns take less years, i read it somewhere, not sure where . anyways if it's not that you can always put more money to research in the domestic advisor... sometimes u are the more advanced civ, the others ure just a barbarian... IT REALLY DEPENDS ON WHERE U COME OUT AT THE START OF THE GAME...:cry:
Things progress faster depending on how high the difficulty level is. To stay current it is a must to trade technology with all of the other civs. It would just take forever if you were to research every single tech yourself. :) If you were playing at a lower difficulty, your opponents probably weren't advancing fast enough for you to be able to regularly trade with.

Its the mid 1300s in my current game on emperor and i'm approaching the tail end of the industrial age. On deity i imagine its possible to reach the end of the modern age and begin researching future tech in the 1500-1600s.

Playing the game on Regent difficulty should keep the technology pretty close to how it advanced historically.
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