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Proof that Catholics revere the Old Testament


Dec 28, 2005
Some Catholics and Christians of other denominations have actually made the bizarre statement that Christianity doesn't need to follow the Old Testament. Well, I have proof that this is false. Since I'm most familiar with Catholicism, I'll speak about that.

Exhibit A: Catholics shun homosexuality

Exhibit B: Homosexuality is proscribed explicitly in the Old Testament.

Exhibit C: Jesus never spoke about homosexuality.

BLAM! NAILED IT! NAILED IT! Woo woo! *does moronic dance typical of football players after making a touchdown*

Stick that in your pipe and inhale it.
The only possible sources of guidance for catholics are The old testament, and what Jesus said? Has anyone told the pope he's irrelevant?

And to counter with an equally good proof:

Proof the catholics don't revere the old testament:

They don't follow the rest of Leviticus.
My serious answer is that they revere both old & new testament. They pick & choose when it is usable as justification for a position.
Some Catholics and Christians of other denominations have actually made the bizarre statement that Christianity doesn't need to follow the Old Testament. Well, I have proof that this is false. Since I'm most familiar with Catholicism, I'll speak about that.

Exhibit A: Catholics shun homosexuality

Exhibit B: Homosexuality is proscribed explicitly in the Old Testament.

Exhibit C: Jesus never spoke about homosexuality.

BLAM! NAILED IT! NAILED IT! Woo woo! *does moronic dance typical of football players after making a touchdown*

Stick that in your pipe and inhale it.

Jesus condemned sexual immorality. The Jewish audience he was speaking to knew that included homosexuality. Jesus reinforced the fact that God's followers are still supposed to remain pure.

The Jewish law was fufilled. But some laws were held in place for the purity of God's followers. Everything in the Old Testament repeated in the New Testament (love your neighbor as yourself, for example) still applies. The difference is that we are no longer kept guilty for our sin because Jesus offered a perfect sacrifice.
Jesus condemned sexual immorality. The Jewish audience he was speaking to knew that included homosexuality. Jesus reinforced the fact that God's followers are still supposed to remain pure.
How can you be so sure? It's quite something to make such a statement about an event so long ago. 'Sexual immorality' isn't very specific after all. I agree with Jolly Roger, and would like to know a bit of context :)
Some Catholics and Christians of other denominations have actually made the bizarre statement that Christianity doesn't need to follow the Old Testament. Well, I have proof that this is false. Since I'm most familiar with Catholicism, I'll speak about that.

Exhibit A: Catholics shun homosexuality

Exhibit B: Homosexuality is proscribed explicitly in the Old Testament.

Exhibit C: Jesus never spoke about homosexuality.

BLAM! NAILED IT! NAILED IT! Woo woo! *does moronic dance typical of football players after making a touchdown*

Stick that in your pipe and inhale it.

Jesus did not, but Paul did IIRC, in his letters to the Romans. Now of course, we could argue at length whether or not Paul respected Jesus' opinion on the matter (Paul seems to me to be an intolerant bigot), and whether or not the English translation is true to the original text, but the fact is, the NT HAS references to homosexuality.
Romans 1:26-27

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another, Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
Ah, the Romans bit. There are quite a few varying viewpoints on that one.

edit: I'll explain one: The entire chapter deals with idolatry. And the gay verses could be about the pagan practices in temple rites.

The second chapter.
1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2 Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?

Just read Pug's post after this one. But Paul seems to be quite decent going on the above passage.
(Paul seems to me to be an intolerant bigot),

What brought you to that conclusion? I've heard people make that point before, but I don't understand what would be evident of that.
Abbadan thats wrong just wrong God's suppose to be a woman haven't you ever seen dogma. That would make it so much hotter
Can you point me to the specific verses where he condemned sexual immorailty?

Ask and ye shall recieve.

Mark 7:20-23 said:
He went on: "What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean.' For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean.'"

How can you be so sure? It's quite something to make such a statement about an event so long ago. 'Sexual immorality' isn't very specific after all. I agree with Jolly Roger, and would like to know a bit of context :)

It was certainly specific to the Jews. They grew up on these laws against sexual immorality, one of many laws to keep Israel pure.
Has anyone told the pope he's irrelevant?
Us Protestants? :rolleyes:

EDIT: ok, now I support removing the :rolleyes: smiley - it's got such a negative connotation, that even when I deliberately try to use it to mark that I'm being drily sarcastic, it looks like I'm implying that sanabas is ignorant. Do you agree that the following looks better?
Has anyone told the pope he's irrelevant?
Us Protestants? :p
Yeah, it does.

:rolleyes: indicates disdain, and tells me the poster is being a patronising wanker.

:p or :mischief: are much more indicative of sarcasm. Although it's poster dependent, as always.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled religious discussion.
EDIT: ok, now I support removing the :rolleyes: smiley - it's got such a negative connotation, that even when I deliberately try to use it to mark that I'm being drily sarcastic, it looks like I'm implying that sanabas is ignorant.

^ this one better?
Um, I don't think Catholics shun Homosexuality, not in New Zealand anyway. In the school I go to , Liston College( A Catholic All-Boys School) there's plenty of Homosexuals and they can still go to Communion hear mass and do all the other Church sacraments.

I think it's only in America that the Catholic Church is somewhat more conservative and I think that's because America as a whole is more conservative that the other "liberal" western democracies
Two answers.

1) As said before, there are condemnations of it in the New Testament.
2) The second, and probably more important point, is that Catholicism does not solely rest on the bible, unlike many forms of Protestantism. Thus, the idea that they pick and choose what's important in the bible is irrelevant as a criticism, because Catholics do not have the same premise as many Protestants - that is, only the bible is acceptable as a justification for Christianity.
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