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PumaSNES1: For Real This Time

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With lands being aquired in the north with much ease it seemed as if something was missing...Oh yeah...A navy (Since we're in Copper age I'm guessing they're triremes...And therefor can be called "ships") So with the completion of the Big Fat Thing farming system it was time to start colonising the island we have been stairing at on the other side of the sea for quite some time now.

So Emperor Amon Set about to do this...His populace only knowing how to make simple fishing boats untill he himself drew up plans for a more steady,warlike,boat...THe word soon spread Amon had called a warship a "Don"(Plural Donen) and therefor the populace soon accepted the new word.

A Kardah Daos was summoned...He had gone to the island a few times via fishing boat to survey and spy on the area...He had reported just a few locals here and there...Not very big tribes...But nonetheless the Kardah Daos was familliar with the terrain of the island...So if the enemies wanted to militarise in the last second we'd be fighting on familiar terrain.

-Complete the Big Fat Thing
-Grow Army
-Grow Navy
-Expand north
-Expand to the island directly south of me
Hey, Im not in here what happened!
Ill Join up in S. America please.

NATION: Amazonia
ECONOMY: Depression
ARMY:100 men
NAVY: non military wooden boats
UU: Tribal spearmen
GOVERNMENT: Tribal unification (simple senate)
WONDERS IN PROGRESS: Spire of the amazon(you decide.)
Thanks Puma
Orders - Arabia

- Expand heavily North
- Increase economy by creating the city of Al-Medinah to the North
Story: After hearing reports from his bushman the King ordered them to attempt to make contacts with the Iroquis and scout thier land for a possible invasion. He was pleased that the Altar of Toronto was nearly finished and began to make plans for a new wonder of Canada.

Move 100 men in direction of reported Irquois.
Imporve Eduaction by having elders tecah the children of thier village.
finish wonder
The tribes of the amazons band together to form a colalition to become an empire in South America. Seeing as the majority of the tribe want to maintain their standard of living and their cultures, the empire will consist of states, each tribe being of their own state, and the leaders of each state meet in a general area, by the Spire of the Amazon when completed, in which they will meet to discuss and have general laws put in effect for the whole nation.

start production of the spire of the amazon.
send explorers north in search of other civilizations.
We have finaly found that the coastline starts too move northeast. This must be the Yucatan Pininsula! We have finally accuried what we set out to do. Now we must colonize this pinsula.

Keep work on El Colegio de Montezuma
expand on the new found Yucatan Pininsula.
Keep studing the Stars
NATION: Espaniola (Spain)
RULER NAME: King Ferdinand
ECONOMY: Depression
ARMY: 100
UU: Iberian Scouts (faster expanders and settlers)
AGE: Copper
WONDERS IN PROGRESS: The Spanish Voyage +2 Education +2 Navy (0/5)

"Arrgh! We cant find it! We just cant!" I yelled.
As we explore this coast and land and desert as well as fertile plains we find nothing to settle in, we have been exploring and searching for ages as our ancestors have told us, our people loose hope and grow tired...

The group went to sleep for that night though I couldn't. I just sleep when I think about the fate of our family, the people. Then I look in the distance, in the distance I stare for hours untill I find something in the sky, a huge star, a start pointing to the same direction as we are traveling, an oman. I took this, as our whole religion does, oman seriously.

The next day after sleeping for a couple hours I wake to the sunlight and roosters. I call the people to listen about my oman and that we must follow it, meaning that there may be somethin good or bad to the north, we always think positive.

Our people travel for more years and make small encampments everywhere untill we find a place, a perfect place! There was a small platau on the tipp of a cliff with mountains around us, I look a little closer and I see fertil coastal areas around us. We have found the perfect place! This is where we will call this region as Madrid!

Couple of years have passed with no chief or leader and I thought there was a need for change, that our people will not survive without a person to lead them in the right direction. I gather men by men to the large plateau in Madrid to listen to my announcement...

"Welcome people of New Madrid, as most of you may know me from the beggining of this village and I found out that we are going no where, that we need a future for this village and our people, and take advantage of this beautiful place that I loved for two years ever sinse we moved here from our restless traveling. I will appoint me the mew chief of this soon to be nation of... Espaniola, YES! Espaniola!"

"Espaniola! Espaniola! Viva Espaniola!" The people cheered as I leave the plateau.

"I have set the standard of the future of this Nation, Espaniola!"

-Start research on a new language of Spanish.
-Start wonder The Spanish Voyage +2 Education +2 Navy (0/5)
-Make the UU- Iberian Scouts (faster expanders and settlers)
-Increase economy
-Expand north
yea and after that, they can have a flying pig roast on the northern banks of Africa
wow i'm impressed everyone, all but one set of orders in one day! i'll update tonight after i get home if heine gets his in, otherwise he gets the extra day alloted to him.
Contiue invasion with whole army.
Increae army with hundred more mens.

Battle plan:
Send 20 mens up north to make an "mini" inavasion, when the enemy are sending troops up to stop this invasion, whole the army shall invade their mainland, and kill everyone they meet....
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