it should turn the plot to desert the water plot provides fresh water
good work
good work
i think this was the tzar-bomb. it was only a soviet demonstration of power. regular nukes have *only* between 150...200kTs to 800kTs (french bomb), but in comparision to the hiroshima- (~15kT) and nagasaki-bomb (~25kT) they're not less dangerous.Agent 009 said:The nukes we have today are more near the equivelant of 50 000 000 tons of TNT.
TheLopez said:Not yet jimbob. I am busy working one other projects right now, the Localized Starting Technologies mod, Immigration Mod and core version of the Great Options mod.
NFIH, you can always change how the mod works through the configuration file...NFIH said:If I set the option to NOT completely destroy the city, does it use the vanilla values or some other values?
Same question for the units destroyed. Is it either all units destroyed, the vanilla numbers or some new set of numbers?
(I, too, have some worries that the mod is a bit too extreme, while the vanilla version is too weak.)