T194. I thought I was still in with a chance at this , but now I am not so sure.
I made Industrial for the first time ever in civ 5. I automatically updated some xbows to gatling guns, only to then realize they only have a range of 1. I had imagined a 3 range 30 strength unit with logistics. But it's not to be. I have just made Industrial, China is about to go into the modern era.
I played 3 more sessions. I took England's 2 main cities. Then I wiped out Suleiman and Liz completely. Then returned to my island and took the Romans, I have captured 5 of their cities and the plan was to go for Rome and Cumae (has Notre Dame). Rome's wonders, nearly all of the ones built in the game, should help my cause.
If China declares war on me I am down nearly 60 gpt in trades.
I think I am out of time. But I will keep playing until I lose.
Generated a GE but had to settle it. Timed Oxford to give me Industrialization.
I am really quite upset at the gatling guns, I should have remembered from previous civ iterations that they didnt move much. I guess range and logistics still makes them useful, but my xbows with range and logistics were invincible. I should have looked before i leaped hehe. Though they will make good defensive units. I even wonder if it was a mistake bee-lining for GGs, now knowing their limitations. Having said that, they have cover 2, so they defend 50 against ranged attack. That's a tough cookie, just needs a different approach.
I have a strong army, the problem is I may be out tech-ed quite soon at this rate.
Carthage declared war on me, but a token gesture. The Dutch declared war and sent a large force, most of which was destroyed at sea. I am mopping up the remnants now. I delayed some Roman city captures to allow Oxford to be built. These roman cities are insane, stacked full of buildings and troops.
I have frigates, but am iron limited. I will certainly remove the romans from my island, and I hope to take Rome itself. Carthage will be a walk in. Indonesia are having a strong game. I think the dutch will be easy enough.
Rome, then the dutch / carthage , then indonesia, and finally China. Though china may be strong at that point, I can hope for an ambush of her capital as the last moves.
Realistically, I am too far behind in tech and everything else, I believe.
I have been at war nearly the whole game. Its too much time for me in real life, I think I will stick to smaller maps or easier levels in future.
I gave up turn 212 when submarines appeared next to my frigates. I was a whole era behind the others. On water maps it was the wrong strategy to go for land domination units, they are too quickly obsolete and the research path to them is not ideal. I have a few well promoted units, 5 xbows with range and logistics is a 10 strong army, but only while they are a viable fighting unit.
Much better to go for the navy, developing science at the same time.
I might play a third game, but wont post unless I actually win it, which I don`t think is going to happen. Out of my league here at the moment.
Also going the ship route has to results in much fewer mice clicks. One unit per tile is a pain to micromanage.